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সর্বশেষ পোস্ট
Med. Editors and Translators. Conference 2007. Madrid 25/26 Oct to 27 Oct 0 (2,735)
European Day of Languages, 26 September 3 (4,517)
Montreal Conference: Saturday and Sunday, $100 for both days ($150 w/dinner) 0 (2,661)
Schedule for 12 and 13 October - Asetrad 0 (3,067)
Nov. 10, SFT "setting up in France" training in Montpellier 0 (2,531)
Association of Translation Companies (ATC) annual Conference 0 (3,327)
Machine Translation Summit XI 3 (4,186)
Conference on Business, Languages and Intercultural Skills, Brussels, 21 September 2007 2 (3,579) conference France - last day of summer offer 0 (3,112) conference Germany - last day of early bird offer 0 (3,092)
ATA Seminar in Court Interpreting in Puerto Rico 0 (3,040)
Translation courses at City University London 7 (7,723)
Powwow in Nottingham, UK, for Translator's Day? 7 (6,046)
LRC XII the 12th Annual LRC I18N & L10N Conference 0 (2,920)
An Open Letter to the Chinese-related Translators 1 (4,379)
XI National Congress of Translation and Interpretation (Mexico) 0 (3,291)
24 August- workshop for Native Speakers of EN (Switzerland) 0 (3,420)
Financial Terminology Seminar, London, October 2007 0 (3,526)
Congrès de à Montréal – Inscrivez-vous/ conference Montreal - register now 0 (2,737) Deutschland - Registrierung möglich/ conference Germany - register now 0 (2,922)
LRC Academic Awards 2007 0 (2,883)
special Budapest powwow - "Sziget" music festival - 8-14 August 0 (3,692)
London / Thames Valley - talk on Computer Tools 2 (4,090)
11th Annual International Medical Interpreters Association Conference 0 (3,225) - “Information and Knowledge Management for Conference Interpreters” 0 (2,917)
MET Conference Madrid 25-28 October 2007 0 (3,288)
Congrès de à Montréal/ conference Montreal - Lexi-tech International 2 (4,395)
TRADULÍNGUAS :: Translation Conference :: 19 and 20 OCTOBER 2007 :: Lisbon, Portugal 2 (4,316) Congrès France – inscriptions ouvertes/ conference France - registration now open 0 (2,751)
Saturday, 23 June 2007 @ York: Credit Control, AGM & Film Quiz 0 (2,995)
Off-topic: Today, June 5, is World Environment Day 7 (6,485)
International vs. regional conferences 3 (4,828) conference France - Venue and dates / Congrès en France - Lieux et dates 0 (3,538)
Japanese English Translation Conference, June 2007 0 (3,719) Conferences 2007 / congrès régionaux 2007 / 2007 0 (3,273)
Conference: English-Speaking Countries´ Cultural Studies 0 (4,309)
ATA Medical Division Mid-Year Conference - Cleveland, Ohio 4 (5,361)
Translate and win! (EU contest for 17-year-olds interested in becoming translators) 5 (5,864)
Corpus-driven translation and editing of specialist texts: workshop Barcelona 12 May 3 (3,984)
IATEFL 2007 Aberdeen: extending the reach of the conference 0 (3,312)
Programme/registration for the International Terminology Summer School 2007 now online 0 (3,417)
Off-topic: Conference - Turks Behind the Moon in Nice, France 2 (4,040)
Déjà Vu DVX training course 0 (3,617)
Off-topic: Conferences and what are all about 8 (5,898)
Budapest conference - last day of registration at the regular price 0 (3,305)
NETA Annual Conference, May 5 in Marlborough, Massachusetts 0 (3,414)
SDL Trados free training webinar on Translation Memory tool 0 (4,524)
Programme/registration for ASTTI Financial Transl. Summer School now online 0 (3,752)
2-day legal translation seminars at City University, London 0 (3,354)
SDL Trados: Free Educational Webinars 0 (3,670)
নতুন বিষয় পোস্ট করুন বিষয়-বহির্ভূত: প্রদর্শিত হয়েছে ফন্ট সাইজ: - /+ = আপনার শেষবার আসার পর নতুন পোস্ট ( = আপনার শেষবার আসার পর কোন নতুন পোস্ট আসেনি ( = 15 পোস্টের বেশী) = বিষয় বন্ধ হয়ে গেছে (এতে কোন নতুন পোস্ট হবে না)
আলোচনা ফোরাম অনুবাদ, দোভাষীর কাজ এবং স্থানীয়করণ সম্পর্কিত বিষয়ের উপর আলোচনা খোলা আছে
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