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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Challenges to translators in Indian Lang

October 14, 2006, 12:00 am
ভারতNew DelhiIn person‍ইংরেজি
Event Organizer:

Niraja Nanjundan (X)

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (12) / Confirmed: 8 / Tentative: 1
Name NoteWill Attend
Ravi Kumar  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" Challenges in Indian Language Translation  y
XNiraja Nanjundan (X)  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" Unfortunately I will not be able to attend, but I'm sure it will be very interesting  n
Xnishikant  \"Photographer\" Hi I shall be highly interested in meeting people. I am a new member to  y
Jaspreet Kaur  \"Reporter\" It is good that initiative is being taken for Indian Languages  y
PRAKASH SHARMA   Hope to be in Delhi on that day. If yes, then I'll attend the meeting.  m
C.M. Rawal   Yes, I would participate. I would also like to share my experience of using various CAT tools with the participants.  y
Sanjay Ray   I look forward to meet collegues at the proposed Pwwow  
selvan_tamil   Hi, hope we can discuss about the availability of softwares for translating into Indian Languages  y
Deependra Pandey  \"Host\" Certainly. Ready to take my responsbilities to make it another success.  
Suyash Suprabh   It is great to know that such a nice initiative is being taken. I would like to contribute to its success.   y
Olav Balslev   I do not translate Indian languages (although I did interpret Bengali-Danish when living in Denmark). Would still be interesting for me to attend and meet some other translators in Delhi.  y
आनंद   I am also interested to participate. Kindly accept my request of participation. Thanks.  y

Postings about this event

Powwow: New Delhi - India
Ravi Kumar
Ravi Kumar  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:23
2005 থেকে সদস্য
হিন্দি থেকে ‍ইংরেজি
+ ...
INVITATION Sep 19, 2006

Language related opportunities are abound in India which is one of the largest markets in the world.

Microsoft study shows that the Local Language IT market is in a development stage and the market is expected to grow at a healthy rate of 80 percent (CAGR) from $ 11 Million in 2002 to $ 64 Million in 2005 and $ 115 Million in 2006

Accordingly as per our estimates the Translation market is estimated to grow from $ 115 millions in 2006 to 1150 millions by 2010. (This estim
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Language related opportunities are abound in India which is one of the largest markets in the world.

Microsoft study shows that the Local Language IT market is in a development stage and the market is expected to grow at a healthy rate of 80 percent (CAGR) from $ 11 Million in 2002 to $ 64 Million in 2005 and $ 115 Million in 2006

Accordingly as per our estimates the Translation market is estimated to grow from $ 115 millions in 2006 to 1150 millions by 2010. (This estimate is based on comparative analysis of data issued by a leading consultancy Common Sense advisory: that Asia shares 12% of the Translation market, and that we assume India shares 50% of the Asian market since it is the Global destination for BPO and IT outsourcing).

Under given situation what is the role that the Indian Translators play ? , how come they shall be able to cope up with ever changing technological advancements and meet International demands? Every now and then a new CAT tool is developed leaving Indian translators perplexed …………

Let’s discuss these issues……..

For blogs :

Ravi Kumar
Allied Modlingua Services Pvt. Ltd.
K-5/B, Lower Ground Floor,
Kalkaji, New Delhi –110019
Tel: 0091-11-26291676 Fax: 0091-11-41675530

Timings : 1100 Hrs - 1500 HRS
Entry : Free - Paricipants are encouraged to bring snacks and softdrinks for informal gathering

Ravi Kumar
Ravi Kumar  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:23
2005 থেকে সদস্য
হিন্দি থেকে ‍ইংরেজি
+ ...
Last appeal for confirmation Oct 11, 2006

Dear Friends

Please help us by sending your confirmation for the proposed powwow to : [email protected] - This will help us in making arrangements.


Ravi Kumar
Allied Modlingua Services Pvt. Ltd.
K-5/B, Lower Ground Floor,
Kalkaji, New Delhi –110019
Tel: 0091-11-26291676 Fax: 0091-11-41675530

Timings : 1100 Hrs - 1500 HRS
Entry : Free - Paricipan
... See more
Dear Friends

Please help us by sending your confirmation for the proposed powwow to : [email protected] - This will help us in making arrangements.


Ravi Kumar
Allied Modlingua Services Pvt. Ltd.
K-5/B, Lower Ground Floor,
Kalkaji, New Delhi –110019
Tel: 0091-11-26291676 Fax: 0091-11-41675530

Timings : 1100 Hrs - 1500 HRS
Entry : Free - Paricipants are encouraged to bring snacks and softdrinks for informal gathering

Ravi Kumar
Ravi Kumar  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:23
2005 থেকে সদস্য
হিন্দি থেকে ‍ইংরেজি
+ ...
Successful event Oct 16, 2006

The powwow scheduled on October 14, 2006 at premises of Modlingua, New Delhi was held successfully.

Although it was a low profile event, however many high profile translators and language wizards participated and enriched each other’s knowledge on CAT tools. The event witnessed participation of Indian language translators like Mr. C.M Rawal, Mr. Malhotra, Mr. Nishikant, Mr. Viyay, Mr. Uma Shankar, Mr. Balslev at the same time foreign language translators like Mr. Tamil Selven, Ms.
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The powwow scheduled on October 14, 2006 at premises of Modlingua, New Delhi was held successfully.

Although it was a low profile event, however many high profile translators and language wizards participated and enriched each other’s knowledge on CAT tools. The event witnessed participation of Indian language translators like Mr. C.M Rawal, Mr. Malhotra, Mr. Nishikant, Mr. Viyay, Mr. Uma Shankar, Mr. Balslev at the same time foreign language translators like Mr. Tamil Selven, Ms. Jaspreet Kaur and Ms. Gita Mathur contributed towards fruitful discussions on use of CAT tools and challenges that India faces in front of developed market.

Undersigned (Ravi Kumar) presented features of Heartsome – a very economical CAT tool, and he was followed by Mr. Rawal who explained the usage of Wordfast and Trados.

After the interactive session was over on CAT tools, participants enjoyed informal interaction followed by sharing of snacks, cold drinks and tea.

Overall the event was very useful, and I thank all the participants for making this event a success.

Ravi Kumar
Powwow – October 14, 2006, New Delhi

Suyash Suprabh
Suyash Suprabh  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:23
‍ইংরেজি থেকে হিন্দি
+ ...
There should be more and more such events. Oct 16, 2006

Updated knowledge about software is something which no translator can dare to ignore. The meeting provided its participants with detailed, latest information on software products in the field of translation. This was much needed as Indian translators find it difficult to get expertise in the technological aspect of translation due to several factors.

I was glad to see that the organizer did not limit himself to professional domain, but also explored the possibilities of social work th
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Updated knowledge about software is something which no translator can dare to ignore. The meeting provided its participants with detailed, latest information on software products in the field of translation. This was much needed as Indian translators find it difficult to get expertise in the technological aspect of translation due to several factors.

I was glad to see that the organizer did not limit himself to professional domain, but also explored the possibilities of social work through the field of translation.

Next time I hope more and more translators come to attend such meetings and get benefited from the experiences of veterans in this field.


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