The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

‍ইটালিয়ান থেকে ‍ইংরেজি জাহাজ, সমুদ্রযাত্রা, সামুদ্রিক Translation Glossary

‍ইটালিয়ান term ‍ইংরেজি translation
mare formato moderate sea
mare gonfio da NO NW swell
mari periartici periarctic waters
mariegola as it is
marinità/navigabilità seaworthiness
massima espressione del lusso e dello status sociale utmost expression of luxury and status symbol
medicature di pronto consumo ready to use medications
messo alla banda in hard over position
modalità su gomma by road /road transport(ation)
molleranno slip
molo foraneo a gomito L-shaped mole
monoboa single mooring buoy
Entered by: Emanuela Galdelli
monoleva single-lever
mosconi twin hull pleasure or recreation boats
moto oscillatorio dell'imbarcazione the heaving movement of the ship
motori in linea d'asse straight-shaft engines
murata built into the wall
muta changes
natante di diporto pleasure boats or crafts.
nauticità seaworthiness
Entered by: Yvonne Gallagher
nave da traffico merchant vessel
nave minore coastal/ inshore vessels
nave porta mezzi anfibi amphibious transport dock
Entered by: Tom in London
navette semidislocanti semidisplacing boats (yachts)
Naviga mure a dritta is sailing on starboard tack
Entered by: Janice Giffin
navigazione fuori gli stretti navigation outside straits
nodo a frizione friction knot
Nodo del Francescano Franciscan knot/Monk knot/heaving knot
OL ora legale
Entered by: texjax DDS PhD
operatore tecnico subacqueo certified commercial diver
Ordini Permanenti Standing Orders
ormeggiare di punta to moor stern-on/end-on
Ormeggio con trappa mooring with lazy line
oss. ossatura (see below)
Entered by: Piera Sarasini
outhaul tesabase
panne gallegianti floating booms
Entered by: Milena Dieva
pannello cavistop engine kill (stop) panel
panzichi bosun chair
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