The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

‍ইটালিয়ান থেকে ‍ইংরেজি জাহাজ, সমুদ্রযাত্রা, সামুদ্রিক Translation Glossary

‍ইটালিয়ান term ‍ইংরেজি translation
stiamo andando di bolina molto larga we are sailing a very wide bowline
storia dei residui residual history
storia di carichi shipment/cargo history
stq. = s.t.q. = sul tal quale as is / as fed
t.a. Lieutenant Adjutant
Entered by: Paul O'Brien
tamponi Plugs
tanganica tanganyika walnut
Entered by: Tom in London
tangheggio pitch
Entered by: Maria Luisa Dell'Orto
tankista tankerman
tassa di stazionamento mooring fee
Entered by: Mairi-Claire Hamill
tempi vs corsa stroke
tempo compensato corrected time / time correction
tendalini awning
tendalino di poppa ponte stern (deck) sun canopy
Entered by: Gina Ferlisi
tendalino di prua ponte bow deck canopy
Entered by: Gina Ferlisi
tender della villa al mare tender for your beach house
Entered by: Cedric Randolph
tenente di vascello lieutenant
tensionale tensile
tensione d'intaglio notch tension
tesatura della cima hauling the rope tight or taught/taut
tessuto monospalmato fabric with single-sided coating
testa d'albero topmast
tienitibene checkrail
tiri di calibrazione delle unità navali calibration shots of the naval units
ton. ca. approx. ton
tracciatore navale marine draftsman
traenti (non) propelling
trainata towed
trasforma la passione per il mare in... XXX makes the passion for boating a great business success
trasto main traveller
traverso reaching
Entered by: Paul Rooms
travi intelaiate framed beams
treccia veneziana braided rope
Entered by: Federica Banzola
trincarino stringer
TSL/GT tonnellaggio stazza lorda/gross tonnage
turno di collocamento recruitment list
tutela del patrimonio nave safeguarding a ship's assets
Ufficio armamento e spedizioni Equipment and Shipping Office
Ufficio del Genio Civile OO.MM Ufficio del Genio Civile OO.MM. (Civil Engineering Department, Coastal Operations)
ultimato il conteggio dei cicli elemantare upon completion of the calculation of the elementary cycles
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