The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

ফেঞ্চ/ফরাসি থেকে ‍ইংরেজি রন্ধন / রান্না সম্পর্কিত Translation Glossary

ফেঞ্চ/ফরাসি term ‍ইংরেজি translation
farcis niçoise-stuffed vegetables
Ferrer To be overcooked/over-seared
fesse de jambon leg of ham
Entered by: Silvia Brandon-Pérez
feuille paddle OR flat beater [for electric mixer] ALSO: meat-cleaver [butchery]
Entered by: Tony M
Feuille à Feuille de Saumon layered salmon
feuille guitare dipping paper
feuille silicone ajouré perforated silicone (baking) sheet
feuilles de brick sheets of brick pastry
Entered by: Carol Gullidge
feuilletage puff pastry
Feuilleté puff-pastry case
Feuilleté Jurassien Jurassien pastry puff
Entered by: Sheila Wilson
figer le cliché Don't let's (etc.) reinforce the cliché of the chocolate-maker just making...
filet [in some metalworking contexts, etc.; see question for fuller discussion] fillet
Entered by: Tony M
Filet américain tout frais haché préparé en salle/à préparer par vos soins Fresh steak tartare prepared tableside to your taste
filet de bar à l'indienne fillet of bass, Indian style
Entered by: Steffen Walter
filet de cuisson baking mesh [a special type of 'bakery tray' or 'rack' used for industrial baking of baguettes etc.]
Entered by: Tony M
filet de porcelet fillet [filet] of suckling pig
Entered by: Steffen Walter
filet en T pointé tender T-bone
filmer hermétiquement cover tightly (with plastic wrap)
Finesse texture
finger boudoir biscuit / sponge finger
fins copeaux asparagus shavings
Entered by: Andrew Nimmo
FLAN Also called flan: carrot and broccoli flan
flan de ratatouille Ratatouille Flan
fleurs de macis mace
flognarde [French regional dessert dish] flognarde [similar to British 'batter pudding' with fruit (pears, apples) in it]
Entered by: Tony M
Foie de veau grillé à l'anglaise, pommes gaufrettes Grilled calfs' liver with lardons and parsley butter, waffle potatoes
foie gras au cœur de pommes apples stuffed with foie gras
Entered by: Yasutomo Kanazawa
foie gras de canard et pruneaux CONFITS duck foie gras with prunes preserved in balsamic vinegar
foie gras mi-cuit lightly cooked foie gras
foisonner froth/aerate
Entered by: Carol Gullidge
fonçant droit dans le décor going about something like a bull in a china shop
fonction veille standby mode
Fondant melts
Fondant au chocolat lava cake
fondant de poireaux et lardons gently sautéed leeks with lardons
Entered by: Steffen Walter
fondante à cœur cooked/grilled until just tender
Fondue de Saint-Jacques Scallop Fondue
format sans extraction ventless format
forme de demi-gouttières Half-Pipe Moulds
Entered by: Dareth Pray
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