The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

সুইডিশ থেকে ‍ইংরেজি আইন (সাধারণ) Translation Glossary

সুইডিশ term ‍ইংরেজি translation
så mycket torde kunna sägas att one might go so far as to say
sålunda förrättat duly executed
Entered by: egj_translation
såsom för sig själv shall be vicariously liable for the latter
såväl formell som reell särbehandling *I agree with your translation*
sökande applicant(s)
schaktning excavation
schemaläggning timetabling
Entered by: Pernille Kienle
separationsprincipen the separation principle
Sjukvårdsförmedlingen health care consulting service/office
skaderekvisit harm requirement
Entered by: Helen Johnson
skadeståndssanktionerad garanti sanctioned by damages (for breach of) guarantee
Entered by: Kathy Saranpa
skälighet/billighet reasonableness/fairness
skifteshandling (Can) Deed of Will Variation; (UK/NZ) DofA - Deed of Family Arrangement
Entered by: David Rumsey
skiljebundenhet commitment to be bound by the arbitration
skuldreversen the promissory note
Entered by: David Rumsey
skuldsaneringslagen Debt Rescheduling Act (approx. Deeds & Schemes of Arrangements Act)
skyddsgrundsdirektivet Asylum Qualification Directive
Entered by: Anders Dalström
skyddsintresse protective interests
skyldigheter / befogenheter obligations / authoritzations
småmål small claims case
Entered by: Helen Johnson
Social- och Arbetsmarknad Social (Welfare) and Labour Market
Entered by: Helen Johnson
socialregister (Child & Adoption) Welfare Records
som det sagda as stated above
som första instans as first-tier adjudicator
Entered by: Charles Ek
som har inlett förfarandet vid myndigheten who initiated the procedure with the authorities
sommarnotarieplats summer associate
spaningsuppslag investigation leads
spelpolletter gaming chips
Entered by: Helen Johnson
Spikning service by affixing
Entered by: Deane Goltermann
språkliga synpunkter linguistic considerations
ställer sig frågande joins issue upon
ställverk control room/switching station
stämmer med [is] consistent with
stöldbegärlig property attractive to thieves
Entered by: Neil Crockford
sticket sekretesslagen Confidentiality Act, sec. 2
Stiftelseförordnande foundation charter
Entered by: Deane Goltermann
strafföreläggande order of summary punishment
straffsanktionerad Penal Law/Penal Code
Entered by: Helen Johnson
straffvärde penal value/offense severity
Entered by: David Rumsey
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