The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

স্প্যানিশ থেকে ‍ইংরেজি Safety Translation Glossary

স্প্যানিশ term ‍ইংরেজি translation
"escaleras clasificadas contra incendios de una hora" 1-hour fire-resistance rated fire escape stairs
Entered by: patinba
Acceso visitantes Visitors' Entrance
acomodación (in this context) placement / seating
Ala brim
Comité de Indicadores committee on uniform crime reporting (known index crimes)
Concierto para Autónomos Agreement for Self-employed Workers / Individuals
Denuncia de Cobro de Piso Accusation of Protection Racketeering
doblador (bull) guider
domi dummy
el recorrido their rounds /patrols
estiba pallet/palleted
estructura: tipo mono casco (carro bombero) structure: unibody type (fire truck)
extremo del puño cuff
La Infrascrita Encargada de la Sucursal de Antecedentes Penales The undersigned Head of the Criminal Records Branch
La observación personal personal observation
lanza nozzle
llave union fire(man's) wrench
panel interno internal (control) panel
paso seguro y firme walk (forward) with a firm and sure step
percusión directa stored pressure
reductor reducer
Robo a Comercio Robbery of small businesses
rondas internas internal patrols
Rueda de la calidad Quality Cycle
Entered by: Patricia Bower
suela corrida wedge sole
tarjeta de mantenimiento inspection tag
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