The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

‍ইটালিয়ান থেকে ‍ইংরেজি যন্ত্রসংক্রান্ত / যন্ত্রপ্রকৌশল Translation Glossary

‍ইটালিয়ান term ‍ইংরেজি translation
corsa cilindro cylinder stroke
corsa positiva positive travel
corse per giro strokes per revolution
costa di sicurezza safety edge/contact strip
costampato/co-stampato co-pressed
coste sensibili mechanical obstruction sensors / safety edges
costipatrice Mini garbage compactor with tipper tank
costola safety edge
costruttivi See comment
costruzione dello stampo mould assembling
Costruzioni particolari a disegno deep drawn components manufactures
costruzioni sceniche sceneries
CPI CPI (Closed Position Indicator)
croce di innesto drive cross piece
croce di Sant'Andrea diagonal cross-bracing
Entered by: Tom in London
cromatante chromizing
cuffia protettiva safety contact tip
Entered by: Cedric Randolph
cuffie di chiusura delle valvole ed iniettori valve and injector closing caps
Entered by: Paul O'Brien
cumulabilità cumulability
curriculum della macchina machine log (book/register)
Entered by: Guido Villa
curva a nastro motorizzata curved conveyor belt
curva reometrica rheometric curve
cuscinetti autolubrificanti senza ingrassatori self-lubricating bearings (without lubricators)
cuscinetto di testata head bearing, headstock bearing
cuspide cusp
custodie (anti-)deflagranti vuote empty explosion-proof containers
da catene rinviate mediante ingranaggi chains retracted by gears
da conservare a cura dell'utilizzatore To be stored/kept by the user
Entered by: Emanuela Galdelli
da filo pavimento from the floor surface/level
da lavorare (piece/material) to be processed
Entered by: James (Jim) Davis
da verificare need checking
Entered by: Maria Emanuela Congia
dado a montaggio rovesciato (autocentrante) left-hand thread nut
Dado arresto galleggiante float stop nut
dado autobloccante self locking nut
dado cieco blind nut
dado lamiera sheet metal nut
dado rondellato washer nut
Entered by: Jean Martin
deceleratori di estremità deceleration end devices
deceleratori pneumatici pneumatic decelerators
Entered by: Maria Emanuela Congia
decodificatore a terra (manually) decoded
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