The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

‍ইটালিয়ান থেকে ‍ইংরেজি হিসাববিদ্যা Translation Glossary

‍ইটালিয়ান term ‍ইংরেজি translation
Firmare le copie e due di loro firmate rispedirle al ns indirizzo Please sign copies and retrun two signed copies to our address
Fiscalità differita e fiscalità latente deferred tax and contingent tax
Entered by: Norman Buhagiar
Entered by: Tina Delia
flussi del piano cash flows of the business plan
fondi accantonamento plusvalenze capital gains reserve...
fondi acquirenti acquiring funds
fondi del passivo provisions
Fondi di delle plus. di cui all’art. 2 legge n. 168/12 Provisions of capital gains provided by Article 2 Law no. 168/12
fondi per rischi e oneri provisions for liabilities and charges
Entered by: James (Jim) Davis
fondi per trattamento di quiescenza provisions for pension liabilities
Entered by: Riccardo Schiaffino
fondo amm. ceduti/dismessi reversal/write off of accumulated depreciation for assets sold or retired
Entered by: EirTranslations
Fondo Ammortamento Immobilizzazioni Immateriali accumulated amortisation for intangible assets
fondo fiscale tax provision
Entered by: James (Jim) Davis
fondo forfetario lump-sum allowance
Fondo iniziale opening provision
Entered by: EirTranslations
fondo investimento liquidità monetary investment fund
Entered by: James (Jim) Davis
fondo oscillazione rischi exchange rate fluctuation reserve
Fondo per Indennità Suppletiva Clientela Provisions for Supplementary Customer Allowances
Entered by: James (Jim) Davis
Fondo plusv. rinviate art.54 T.U. provision for deferred gains under article 54 of the single text
Fondo rettifiche analitiche itemised adjustment fund
Fondo rettifiche forfettarie lump-sum adjustment fund
fondo riserva tassata per rischi futuri taxable future risk provision
Fondo Svalutazione "Repossessed Stock" Provision for write-down of repossessed stock (vehicles)
Fondo svalutazione crediti civilistico Statutory bad debts provision
Entered by: EirTranslations
fondo svalutazione interessi di mora provision for write-down of default interest
fondo T.F.R. Employee severance indemnity provision
Entered by: Rosanna Palermo
Forn. Immobilizz. suppliers of non current assets
Entered by: EirTranslations
forn. n.c./FORNITORE NOTA DI CREDITO suppliers credit note
franco nostro magazzino ex-warehouse
Entered by: Tom in London
Frazione monetaria monetary fraction
Entered by: Ivana UK
fumus di fondatezza prima facie case
fundo di diritto italiano/estero foreign/Italian registered fund
Entered by: James (Jim) Davis
funzione di conto di memoria acts as a memorandum account
Fuori contabilità off the books / off balance sheet
Entered by: Gary Key
Garanzie offerte da persone giuridiche Guarantees (surety) pledges by legal persons/bodies corporate/corporations with assured
generico attivo generic asset
gestione accessoriale ancillary operations; subsidiary operations
gestione arrivi stock arrival management
Gestione dei riordini Reorder Level management / Stock reorder management
gestione della contabilità di commessa job order accounting management
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