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ফেঞ্চ/ফরাসি থেকে ‍ইংরেজি আইন (সাধারণ) Translation Glossary

ফেঞ্চ/ফরাসি term ‍ইংরেজি translation
statuant par décision contradictoire ruling after all parties have been given the opportunity to be heard
Entered by: AllegroTrans
statuant par ordonnance publique contradictoire en premier ressort issuing an adversial public order with possibility of appeal
statuant par ordonnance réputée contradictoire, après débats en chambre... Ruling in chambers on a hearing deemed to be on notice to all parties
Statuant publiquement, par decision reputee contradictoire Ruling in a public hearing, in a decision deemed to have been made after due hearing of the parties
Statuer aux frais ce qu’en droit il appartiendra to adjudicate on the costs in accordance with the requirements of the law
Entered by: Alain Mouchel
statuer ce que de droit to make a ruling as provided by law
statuer contradictoirement the parties having been given the opportunity to be heard
statuer en référé-cabinet giving a summary ruling in chambers
statuer sur la requête rule on the petition
statuts coordonnés coordinated text (of the articles of association) / coordination of the text (of the articles of association)
Entered by: Yolanda Broad
statuts coordonnes...ont ete deposes the set/pair of bylaws ... were filed
stipulation de contrat/prestation pour autrui stipulation of contract/supply (of goods or services) for the benefit of a third party
stocks stratégiques strategic stock
structures sanitaires publiques public health facilities/institutions
SU/URJ Urban safety/ Division of Criminal Investigation (sécurité urbaine/unité de recherche judiciaire)
subira la réduction shall be subject to the reduction
Entered by: EirTranslations
substituer la presente procuration delegate [the powers under] this power of attorney TO
substitut commissaire Deputy Commissioner
Substitution Assignment / Novation
Entered by: EirTranslations
successeurs en droit successors in title
SUCCESSIBLES EN LIGNE DIRECTE heirs presumptive/prospective heirs in direct line of succession
Succession de feu the estate of the deceased, Mrs. XXX...
succumbant sur le contredit dispute note
sud-américain de Civil Law Latin American from a civil-law country
suites dommageables adverse sequelae
Entered by: Neil Crockford
suivant acte du notaire pursuant to a notarial deed
suivant actes de Greffe according to entries on the (court) register; - Registrar\'s entries
Entered by: Timothy Rake
suivant à intervenir following intervention
suivant qu\'il appartiendra as appropriate, as proper
suivi sur le chemin de... We should refrain from following the propensity of X Esq\'s party to indulge in corruption
superprovisionnelles ex-parte interim
supplément d'enquête further enquiry
supplétif supplement
supporte une accréditation support an accreditation
supports d’exploitation (ind. cinématographique) distribution media
suppose it is assumed
Sur (l'action, l'inapplicabilité, l'absence de fondement...) On/regarding (the action, non-applicability, lack of merit)
Sur ce on this matter
sur ce requis as herein required OR as required herein
sur ce: en la forme WHEREUPON: procedurally/ as a matter of procedure
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