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ফেঞ্চ/ফরাসি থেকে ‍ইংরেজি আইন (সাধারণ) Translation Glossary

ফেঞ্চ/ফরাসি term ‍ইংরেজি translation
Article L.212-2 du code du patrimoine Article L.212-2 of the Code du patrimoine (French Heritage Code)
article unique Sole Article
article XX ss article XX et seq
artificielle lack/want of legal basis
Entered by: EirTranslations
ascendant /collatéral privilegié / ordinaire [FR inheritance law] next-of kin on the statutory trusts v. remoter relatives [ancestors or forebears] (approx. Eng law equiv.) [ALSO SEE QUESTION]
Entered by: Tony M
ascendants à charge dependant parents or grandparents
Assemblée Générale Extraordinaire tenue sous seing privé an EGM held, with /notarially clerked/ minutes signed under hand
assesseur conseiller (E) / (S) assessor (employer)/(employee)
Assesseur le plus ancien most senior assessor
assignataire assign(s)
Entered by: Dr. Théodore Dassé
assignation summons
assignation au compris summoned the party herein named
assignation au fond (writ of) summons to appear in a hearing for the recovery of monies ordered due - debt contested
Assignation aux fins de mise en cause (defendant joins in a TP) third(-)party summons; (claimant/plaintiff) notice to add a co-defendant
Assignation civile en compassation writ of civil damages
assignation commerciale summons to a commercial hearing
Assignation en appel en déclaration d'ordonnance commune Service of third-party notice [on appeal] i.e. to make any order binding on a third party
assignation en divorce divorce petition
assignation en intervention forcée third-party notice
assignation en intervention forcee compulsory joinder of third party/parties
Entered by: AllegroTrans
assignation en nullité de vente immobilière An action for the annulment or rescission of a sale of real property
Entered by: Younes TAZI
assignation en ordonnance commune third-party notice
assignation en paiement Summons for payment
assignation en référé à heure indiquée summons to appear in court for urgent proceedings at a specific time
Entered by: Nathalie Stewart
assignation en référé d'heure à heure Summons to (appear before the Court) to make a statement in a summary trial
assignation en référé de provision writ of summons for summary procedure for provision (of costs)
assignation en référé-expertise Notice of Motion/interlocutory application/ for an Expert Report
ASSIGNATION EN RÉFÉRÉ PROBATOIRE Interlocutory/interim summons (GB) / motion (US) to obtain or preserve evidence
Entered by: AllegroTrans
assignation principale principal summons/principal suit
Assignation tenant lieu de premières conclusions Writ of summons acting as initial pleadings
assigné en intervention forcée served with (AmE) compulsory joinder or impleader notice
assigné son époux en divorce dont elle a demandé le prononcé selon les termes de l'article brought a divorce action against her husband and requested that the decision be in accordance with
assignee en intervention third party
assigner to bring proceedings against
assigner en garantie to bring third-party proceedings against
assigner en référé provision Y motioned for a summary judgment in the case against X
assigner l'assureur bring legal action/ issue proceedings against the insurer
assigner la société YYYY en solidarité de dommages to join (or add) YYYY as an additional defendant to the action for damages
assigner les requis to issue a writ for libel against all involved parties in the renovations
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