The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

ফেঞ্চ/ফরাসি থেকে ‍ইংরেজি সার্টিফিকেট, ডিপ্লোমা, লাইসেন্স, জীবনবৃত্তান্ত Translation Glossary

ফেঞ্চ/ফরাসি term ‍ইংরেজি translation
je rapporte plus loin l\'acte de naissance I present, further on, the birth certificate
Je suis convaincu(e) que I attest
jour ITT incapacity for work
JS jugement supplétif (court declaration)
juge titulaire a.i. Acting Judge, as opposed to Resident Judge/Temporary Resident Judge
jugement déclarant nul le mariage Annulment of marriage
jugement en tenant lieu judgment in lieu thereof
Jugement No. 92 du 10/01/95 T. le 28/02/95 Decision No.92 of 10/01/95, transcribed on 28/02/95
jugements de corps decree of judicial separation
Juriste - Droit des affaires Corporate lawyer in business law
Entered by: Alain Mouchel
l'applcation des lois sociales for social laws to be applied
l'arrière-plan économique the economic background/context
la communauté de vie subsiste entre eux they have been living together / cohabiting
Entered by: Tony M
la comparante the applicant
La mention de légitimation Act of legitimisation
La mention de reconnaissance Recognition of paternity (French law)
La mort est constante et réelle signs of death observed and confirmed (refer to explanation)
la somme des écarts a 4.0 des notes insuffisantes [Less] the total combined shortfall of marks below 4.
Entered by: Lara Barnett
label accreditation
LAUREAT DE L\'UNIVERSITE distinguished scholar
légalisation stamp duty fee paid / stamp duty has been paid
Entered by: Erzsébet Czopyk
Légataire à titre privé depends: legatees, devisee, beneficiary
le 3ème Sergent (3rd) Sergeant
Le changement de réglementation peut entraîner la modification ou la suppression Changes to regulations may give rise to amendments to or to the ending of
Le chef du service de la scolarité Head of the registrar
Le concours de l’internat Used to be a competitive exam for training in medical specialty now ECN Examen Classant National
Le directeur général de l'université the director general of the university
Le directeur l'etat civil Registrar of the Civil Status
Le régime de la communauté universelle des biens universal (general )community of property
le responsable du service de scolarité registrar
lecture faite having had it read out to him
Entered by: Tony M
lecture faite et invitée à lire l\'acte to whom [this certificate] was read & who was invited to read the same
Les époux ont déclaré ne pas avoir signé un contrat de mariage. The spouses hereby declare that they have not entered into a pre-nuptial agreement
libre de tout engagement released from all obligations
licence en sciences économiques (mention: gestion de l'entreprise. BS in Economics (concentration: Business Management)
licence incomplète unfinished degree
lien (de filiation naturelle) illegitimate paternity
Lieutenant d\'administration Administration/administrative officer
Entered by: AllegroTrans
Lot 413 bis - Domaine do not translate
LS (abbreviation) locus sigilli > place of the seal
Entered by: Elizabeth Niklewska
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