European Masters in Conference Interpreting EMCI

Name European Masters in Conference Interpreting
Abbreviation EMCI
Organization Type School
Contact Name Barbara Moser-Mercer
Contact Title Project coordinator, European Masters in
Contact Phone +41 22 379 87 36
Contact Fax +41 22 379 87 50
Address 1211
City Genève 4
Country সুইজারল্যান্ড
Description The European Masters in Conference Interpreting is a Masters-type university programme which was launched as a pilot project by the European Commission's Joint Interpreting and Conference Service (JICS), DGXXII and the European Parliament in 1997. At the invitation of these organisations, and in consultation with them, a working group comprising eight university-level institutions drew up a core curriculum for interpreter training at post-graduate level which is being offered across the participating institutions which currently number fifteen. The partner institutions pursue a common policy on student recruitment and assessment and are committed to quality maintenance and regular reviews of the programme to adapt to changing needs and new developments.
Admission Criteria Does not have admission criteria (or not applicable).

Training Does not offer training.

Credential Offers credential(s).

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