Associazione Nazionale Interpreti di Conferenza Professionisti ASSOINTERPRETI
Name | Associazione Nazionale Interpreti di Conferenza Professionisti |
Abbreviation | ASSOINTERPRETI |
Organization Type | Association |
Website | |
Contact Name | Laurence de Richemont |
Contact Title | Title Board Member |
Contact Phone | +393386035536 |
Contact Fax | +0115611637 |
Address | Via Rodi, 85 2016 |
City | Milan |
Country | ইটালি |
Description | Founded in 1974, Assointerpreti, the Italian Association of Conference Interpreters, has a membership of practising professional simultaneous and consecutive interpreters from all over Italy. A sound general education, specialist training and commitment to a code of good practice are fundamental prerequisites for membership, along with an excellent track record in a variety of sectors: medicine, economics, finance, law, cultural events, data processing, industrial production technologies etc. Assointerpreti is a member of Assiterm (Italian Terminology Association), CoLAP (Coordinamento Libere Associazioni Professionali), and Italcongressi PCO Italia , (Associazione Italiana per le Relazioni Internazionali Congressuali). |
Admission Criteria |
Has admission criteria. |
Training |
Offers training.
Entry level membership for young graduates with full member mentorship. |
Credential |
Offers credential(s).
Fees | Different fee levels for Full members, Candidates and Stagiaires |
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