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Arabic Presentation Designer Opportunity at EZ

পোস্ট করা হয়েছেঃ Dec 24, 2024 11:58 GMT   (GMT: Dec 24, 2024 11:58)

Job type: সম্ভাব্য কাজ
Services required: Subtitling, Captioning, Subtitling, Checking/Editing/QC
Confidentiality level: MEDIUM

ভাষাসমূহঃ ‍আরবি থেকে ‍ইংরেজি, ‍ইংরেজি থেকে ‍আরবি

কাজের বিবরণঃ
We are looking at hiring Arabic Presentation Designer with the primary responsibility of designing high-quality presentations. Adherence to committed timelines with keen attention to detail will be the key deliverables. You will help our clients, business consultants and senior management from top organizations in US, Europe and Middle East, tell their stories using the most creative, innovative and engaging design in presentation form.

If this excites you, we would like to meet you to discuss further. Check out the responsibilities mentioned below: -

1. Communicate with clients to understand their requirements and scope of work
2. Edit/create PowerPoint Presentation that are creative and visually appealing, with extensive graphing, charting in Excel, and general desktop publishing.
3. Design templates in MS PowerPoint.
4. Stay on top of the latest developments in technologies that are required for execution of client’s
5. Apply creative layout solutions to presentation slides.
6. Execute complex and ambiguous edits with minimal direction.
7. Perform quality control checks at all the steps.

Basic Designing:
1.Alignment Check: Ensuring that the icons, images, and text are aligned perfectly in the slide layout.
2. Consistency Check: Ensuring uniformity and avoiding any conflict between backgrounds, colors, fonts, shapes and the overall theme.
3. Adherence to Company Check: Following the brand guidelines and maintaining the brands own PowerPoint theme or template.
4. Design Elements Revamp: Adapting and improving graphic elements like background and typography to match latest trends on all PowerPoint slides.

Advance Designing:
1. Iconography: Using unique and customized icons throughout the PowerPoint presentation to complement the content and design.
2. Dynamic Charts and Graphs: Concept creation for any simple charts and graphs to showcase demographically.
3. Content Restructuring: Changing the content structure and format to enhance and simplify the layout, navigation, and information flow of the PPT.
4. Template Creation: Updating the existing template or creating a brand-new template that can be used to design all future PowerPoint presentations.
কোম্পানির বিবরণঃ Welcome to EZ, an organization built for the future - a visionary landscape where every day presents a journey filled with growth and boundless opportunities.
As a capability centre and a dynamic hub of Business Support Services, EZ is globally recognized as an extended team for business professionals. We offer a wide range of capabilities across 15 areas within 5 service lines, and over 70 specialized offerings, driven by cutting-edge technology and AI.

Poster country: সংযুক্ত আরব আমিরাত

পরিষেবা প্রদানকারী নির্দিষ্টকরণ (কাজের বিজ্ঞাপন প্রদানকারী কর্তৃক নির্দেশিত)ঃ
info আবশ্যক মাতৃভাষাঃ ‍আরবি
Subject field: আলোকচিত্রগ্রহণ/চিত্রগ্রহণ (ও গ্রাফিক আর্টস)
info পছন্দনীয় মূল্যউদ্ধৃতকারীর অবস্থানঃ মিশর
মূল্যউদ্ধৃত করার সর্বশেষ সময়সীমাঃ Jan 31, 2025 02:11 GMT
অতিরিক্ত শর্তাবলিঃ
Job Requirements:
1. 3 + years of experience required.
2. Excellent in PowerPoint.
3. Knowledge of Adobe Illustrator, In-design, Photoshop and other Design Tools.
4. The job will be in shifts.

আউটসোর্সার সম্পর্কিতঃ
This job was posted by a Blue Board outsourcer with a "likelihood of working again" average rating of 3.3 out of 5

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Contact person title: Arabic Presentation Designer at EZ

প্রাপ্ত উদ্ধৃত মূল্যসমূহঃ 17
‍ইংরেজি থেকে ‍আরবি:9
‍আরবি থেকে ‍ইংরেজি:8