Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Performanţa energetică a clădirilor / Energy Performance of Buildings
European Commission - Energy - Intelligent Energy Europe |
Glosar de termeni În limba engleză şi în limba română Bazat pe: Directiva 2002/91/CE privind performanţa energetică a clădirilor Directiva 2006/32/CE privind eficienţa energetică la utilizatorii finali şi serviciile energetice Legislaţie Naţională Legea nr. 372/2005 privind performanţa energetică a clădirilor
I found the dictionary very helpful. Searching for a particular word results brings all the related words too. It offers state-of-the-art English speech synthesis, this fully-integrated bidirectional language tool is one of the most versatile communication devices currently available for the Farsi language.
glossaire relatif au système éducatif en France
La DEPP - la Direction de l'évaluation, de la prospective et de la performance |
regards sur le système éducatif en France (incluant l´explication des sigles)
Glossario di Economia e Finanza
performance trading / A. Lernetti |
Mega Glossario : oltre 2000 termini inglesi ed italiani di economia e finanza. Viene contemplata la terminologia specifica dell' analisi tecnica e dell' analisi fondamentale di A. Lernetti.
Dictionnaire des arts médiatiques
Groupe de recherche en arts médiatiques - Université du Québec à Montréal |
Ce dictionnaire électronique des arts médiatiques comporte plus de 2 000 entrées et 500 illustrations graphiques couvrant six domaines : copigraphie, holographie, infographie, multimédia (art cinétique, hypermédias, installations interactives, installations multimédias, performances, réalité virtuelle, robosculpture et télématisme), musique électro... View more
Auto Glossary |
With over 10,000 acronyms, abbreviations, definitions, and classic and contemporary terms and jargon from all areas of the automobile from basic do-it-yourself (DIY) car and engine repair to steering, suspension, brakes, transmissions and differentials, including air-conditioning, engine performance diagnosis, tune up, drive-ability, and emissions.... View more
A draft Glossary of the Lifetime Engineering
Asko Saria/Instytut Techniki Budowlanej |
Słownik terminów używanych w planowaniu okresu użytkowania
Economics Glossary EN<>IT |
very useful glossary EN<>IT about economics and finance
Often we are asked questions about the meaning of the terms and concepts ERS uses in describing farm income, the farm sector balance sheet, and production costs and returns. This glossary is intended to provide the user with a working definition of the key terms and a better understanding of how these concepts are applied in estimating the perform... View more
Glossario di economia e finanza
Performance Trading |
Mega Glossario : oltre 2000 termini inglesi ed italiani di economia e finanza. Viene contemplata la terminologia specifica dell' analisi tecnica e dell' analisi fondamentale di A. Lernetti.
English only but big. Also acronyms. "With over 10,000 acronyms, abbreviations, definitions, and classic and contemporary terms and jargon from all areas of the automobile from engine repair to steering, suspension, breaks[I guess they mean brakes..], transmissions and differential's, including air-conditioning, engine performance diagnosis, tun... View more
Online Dictionary of Ballet Terminology
The American Ballet Theatre |
Among others, includes 170 terms (taken from the Technical Manual and Dictionary of Classical Ballet by Dover Publications) demonstrated by ABT Company dancers (in Quicktime format).
GLOSSARIO economia borsa finanza |
(In english) Saucony, Inc. is a leading global supplier of performance athletic footwear, casual footwear, apparel, and accessories with its widely recognized brands Saucony, Saucony Originals, Hind, and Spot-bilt. All Saucony, Inc. sports brands develop and manufacture technically advanced products that improve the performance of active sports pa... View more
Farsi Dictionary |
Perhaps it can be helpful Please note: In order to increase the performance of the website, we have set the default Farsi font to "Windows Arabic". This font loads from Windows machines instead of from the website and it is really fast. Unix and Mac users need to change Farsi Font to Black or Plain in the area above in order to see correct words.
Oltre 2000 termini inglesi e italiani di economia e finanza. Per consultare il glossario cliccare sui tasti; da qualsiasi pagina sarà possibile passare dall'italiano all'inglese e viceversa.
Annex 31: environmental performance of buildings
Universit�t Karlsruhe (TH) | http://annex31.wiwi.uni-karlsruhe.d...
Annex 31 is a project under the auspices of the International Energy Agency's (IEA) Agreement on Energy Conservation in Buildings and Community Systems. Focused on how tools and assessment methods might improve the energy-related impact of buildings on interior, local and global environments.
Glossario di economia e finanza
Performance Trading |
Vey well done, with definition of the terms.