Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Tongue-Twisters in English, Italian, Spanish, Latin, German, Polish, Ukrainian
Maritime EN>ES-ES Glossary
Escuela de Marina Civil, Universidad de Oviedo |
Glossary of maritime terms. There's an Spanish to English version on the same site, too.
Urdu English Dictionary
Managing Director & CEO: Mr. Syed Vaqas Tanveer Chief Technology Officer: Mr. Mohammad Irfan Senior Linguist: Mr. Salamat Bariah Zindani Linguist & DEOs (Pakistan Office) : Mr. Amjad Ali (Incharge) Mr. Muhammad Umar | https://www.urduenglishdictionary.o...
An Online English to Urdu and Urdu to English dictionary with sentence examples and feedback/ suggestions support. Word Search supports search by start word, ending word, containing word besides English Urdu Idioms and Names Search. It also supports Urdu Keyboard and Font.
The World Bank. English-Spanish and Spanish-English Glossary
The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, The World Bank |
This edition of the World Bank Glossary has been revised and expanded by the Terminology Unit of the Bank's Translation, Interpretation and Conference Services Division, in close collaboration with the English and Spanish Translation Sections. The Glossary is intended to assist the Bank's translators and interpreters, other Bank staff using Spanis... View more
Glossary of Terms. Oil & Gas CDM/JI Projects
Oil & Gas CDM/JI Methodology Workgroup |
This technical glossary of terms was commissioned by the Oil & Gas Methodology Workgroup Why the need for a glossary of terms? (WG) to compile and explain how specific oil and gas terms found and/or required in relevant CDM/JI Methodologies, are understood and applied by industry, and how the concepts should be interpreted in the context of projec... View more
Dictionary of banking terms in English, Russian, and Kirghiz languages.
English-Russian glossary of terms related to the Glossary of Terms related to the Promotion of International Cooperation to Combat Illicit Financial Flows in Order to Foster Sustainable Development.
Terms related to the Regional Approach to Stockpile Reduction (RASR) of the European Union.
Англо-русский глоссарий по управленческому учету к экзамену CIMA.
Глоссарий государственного управления финансами
Public Expenditure Management Peer Assisted Learning network (PEMPAL) |
Настоящий Глоссарий призван предоставить практикующим специалистам в области управления государственными финансами (PFM) в регионе PEMPAL глоссарий и объяснение ключевых терминов и концепций. Целью является создание условий для согласованного подхода при использовании терминологии, а также, чтобы обеспечить достоверный перевод терминологии. Глосса... View more
Basic railway glossary of Spanish, German, English, French, Italian and Russian terms.
English-Russian Glossary in the domain of Financial Management.
A Glossary of Banking Terms |
This is a Glossary of Banking terms.
I found this glossary useful for some medical terms
Useful glossary in Dutch with all (new!) words related to coronavirus.
English-Spanish glossary of sports terms
Babel Linguistics |
English-Spanish glossary of sports terms.
Definitions appear in Spanish.
English-Italian glossary of marketing terms
Babel Linguistics |
Contains terms related to marketing, branding, advertising, and publicity.
Provides a thorough understanding of today’s tools and resources used by translators and interpreters, as well as technical details of their work.
English-Spanish glossary of linguistics terms & definitions.
English-Spanish glossary of legal terms
Babel Linguistics |
English-Spanish legal terminology glossary.
English-Spanish glossary of legal terms & definitions.
Multilingual glossary of medical terms, procedures and illnesses. 4 languages: French, Spanish, Haitian Creole, and English.
English-Spanish glossary of medical terms
Babel Linguistics |
English-Spanish glossary of medical terms. General terminology.
French-English glossary of dentistry terms for implant surgery.
German-Spanish glossary of ailments
Babel Linguistics |
German-Spanish glossary of ailments.
English-Spanish glossary of gastronomy terms & definitions for cooking methods, international foods and menues, fruits, vegetables, seafood, fish, types of berries, herbs, seasoning and condiments.
Italian-English glossary of financial terms
Babel Linguistics |
Italian-English glossary of financial terms for tax returns, accounting, and banking.
English-Spanish glossary of financial terms & definitions for retirement, taxes, accounting, and banking.
Spanish-English glossary of economics & trade terms.
Spanish-English glossary of automotive parts and terms.
English-Spanish glossary of art terms.
English-Spanish glossary of art with definitions.
Lexique du football.
Glossar von Fußballbegriffen.
Football Language Glossary |
The football language glossary is a page with a huge selection of football words, phrases and vocabulary that are organised in alphabetical order – it is like a football dictionary. You can find all kinds of football cliches, expressions and technical terms, as well as a variety of categories about many football-related subjects: transfers, footbal... View more
This glossary serves as a point of reference for terms which are commonly used within association football, and which have a sport-specific meaning. It seeks to avoid defining common English words and phrases that have no special meaning within football. Exceptions include cases where a word or phrase's use in the context of football might cause co... View more
Glossary of Football Vocabulary (Soccer) |
This extensive glossary of football vocabulary (soccer) is designed to help you learn the language associated with the beautiful game. It's the ultimate guide to the lingo of the football World Cup and of the Champions League, and you will hear many of these terms and phrases used during discussion of the game and in match commentaries. It compris... View more
Banco de Vocabularios Jurídicos de Argentina
SAIJ, Sistema Argentino de Información Jurídica |
El Banco de Vocabularios Jurídicos del SAIJ comprende diversas herramientas de gestión de la información como son las taxonomías, vocabularios controlados, conjuntos de conceptos, listas de términos jurídicos, tipologías del derecho, definiciones y denominaciones; que facilitan al usuario el conocimiento del derecho y difunden el pensamiento jurídi... View more
Basic Glossary of the Latin American Integration Association (ALADI) (PT, ES)