Translation Glossaries from the Web
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1-25 of 41 results
Краткий пали-русский словарь
Ивахненко Д.А. |
Краткий пали-русский словарь. Составил Д.А. Ивахненко. Дополнения А. Гунского. Версия от 20 марта 2006 г.
English-Spanish glossary of library terms
Nancy Cunningham & Fabiana Padilla |
English-Spanish glossary of library terms.
Die Deutschen Russlands: Siedlungen und Siedlungsgebiete, Lexikon. Verfasser: V. Diesendorf. Moskau, 2006. Немцы России: населенные пункты и места поселения: энциклопедический словарь / Сост.: В. Ф. Дизендорф. – М., “ЭРН“, 2006. – 472 с. 5 700 статей.
Dictionary of Insurance Terms
Jordanian Insurance Federation |
“يقدم الاتحاد الاردني لشركات التأمين خدمة جديدة مميزه لزائري الموقع الاعزاء تمكنهم من التعرف على مصطلحات التأمين باللغة الانجليزية و ما يقابلها من ترجمة باللغة العربية، مع الشرح و الأمثلة والمنشورة وفقاً لنصوصها بالاستناد الى (معجم مصطلحات التأمين (انجليزي-عربي)) الطبعة الثانية لمؤلفه تيسير التريكي الصادر في عام 2006، بعد موافقة المؤلف لنشر هذه الم... View more
Grafisk Fagordbog - dansk > engelsk / engelsk > dansk
© Svend Vesterli 2006 |
Denne elektroniske udgave af "Grafisk Fagordbog" henvender sig først og fremmest til de folk i den grafiske industri, som har brug for at kunne forstå faglige artikler, betjeningsinstruktioner, informationsmateriale, tilbud o.lign. på engelsk og eventuelt oversætte dem til dansk.
Dizionario Universale della Lingua di Sardegna (Campidanese)
Editrice Democratica Sarda |
Dizionario Universale della Lingua di Sardegna par Antoninu Rubattu Italiano-Sardo (Logudorese, Nuorese, Campidanese, Sassarese, Gallurese) - Italiano 2e Edizione 2006. Edes. Editrice Democratica Sarda. Campidanese – 54 485 termini, Gallurese – 40 732 termini, Logudorese – 72 067 termini, Nuorese – 56 146 termini, Sassarese – 34 030 termini.
This dictionary was made by Stan Sraka, from Ottawa, Canada. List status: © Stan Sraka Slovenian > English: 4,330 words English > Slovenian: 5,113 words Last update: December 3, 2006 First upload: July 20, 2004
Performanţa energetică a clădirilor / Energy Performance of Buildings
European Commission - Energy - Intelligent Energy Europe |
Glosar de termeni În limba engleză şi în limba română Bazat pe: Directiva 2002/91/CE privind performanţa energetică a clădirilor Directiva 2006/32/CE privind eficienţa energetică la utilizatorii finali şi serviciile energetice Legislaţie Naţională Legea nr. 372/2005 privind performanţa energetică a clădirilor
Multilingual Demographic Dictionary
DESA Population Division |
Demopaedia is an open encyclopedia on Demography and Population Research It is a long term project. The project starts with the obtention of the authorization from the various authors of the Multilingual Demographic Dictionary to publish the entire contents of the dictionary (the so-called Green Editions) on the Demopaedia Web site. In March 2... View more
Mechanical Engineering Dictionary
2006 Mechanical Engineering Dictionary | http://dictionary.mechanicalenginee...
Dictionary of engineering to find out new terms and phrases. You may also read interesting articles.
Shoes Glossary & Footwear Dictionary |
Everything you ever wanted to know about shoes written in plain English. Congratulations! You have found the most complete dictionary of shoe terminology available anywhere.
736 terms as of 2006
Lapte si produse lactate - Lait et produits laitiers - Milk and milk products
INSTITUTUL EUROPEAN DIN ROMÂNIA - Directia coordonare traduceri - oct 2006 - Laura Vrabie |
98 pages in Romanian, English and French on milk and milk products in the EU.
Wörterbuch: Chinesisch-Deutsch/Deutsch-Chinesisch
Chinesisch-Deutsche Gesellschaft e.V. Hamburg |
Das Chinesisch-Deutsche Wörterbuch HanDeDict ist ein freies Chinesisch-Deutsches Wörterbuch. Auf einer übersetzten CEDICT-Version basierend, konnte es seit Mai 2006 um ein Vielfaches vergrößert werden.
Das Wörterbuch enthält derzeit 115018 chinesische Einträge und 149256 deutsche Übersetzungen.
football terms
Avrupa İnsan Hakları Sözleşmesi'nde geçen terimler üzerine HRCAD tarafından hazırlanmış lügatçe. İnsan hakları hukukundaki belli başlı bütün terimlere yer veriyor.
İndirilebilir PDF dosyası halinde.
Diccionario Náutico
Escuela superior de la marina civil, Gijón |
Curso 2006-2007
((Abstract)) Le Glossaire de l'économie de l'OCDE, fruit du travail quotidien des traducteurs et des experts de l'OCDE, est un outil de référence essentiellement pragmatique. Cette édition revue et augmentée du Glossaire de l'économie anglais-français publié en 1992, contient quelque 30 000 termes et expressions et couvre un très large variété d... View more
EuroTermBank multilingual terminology portal
EuroTermBank Consortium |
EuroTermBank is a multilingual terminology portal providing a consolidated interface to comprehensive terminology resources on the Web. As of its release in 2006, it enables searching within approximately 600,000 terminology entries containing over 1.5 million terms in various languages. The initial focus of EuroTermBank is on the “new Europe”, inc... View more
Marine Biology & Fishery Biology
Dr. Ferit Bingel / ODTÜ |
Definitions of some terms related to the fields of marine biology and fishery biology.
Priority is given to the translation of terms from English into Turkish with brief explanations. English terms are followed by Turkish equivalents so far present
A draft of this work is presented on April 2006 for an internal review in the institut... View more
Tietotekniikan termistöluettelo
Tietotekniikan termitalkoiden koordinointiryhmä ja Sanastokeskus TSK ry |
Sanastokeskus TSK:n Tietotekniikan termitalkoot -projektissa laaditaan suosituksia suomenkielisistä tietotekniikan termeistä. Suositusten takana on joukko tietotekniikan, kielen ja viestinnän ammattilaisia, jotka toimivat kahtena erikokoisena ryhmänä (vrt. toimintatapa).
Suosituksia on nyt lähes 300, viimeksi päivitettyä aineistoa on lis... View more
Agriculture Terms
Pennsylvania Farm Bureau |
Compiled by the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau and provided through the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture and the United States Department of Agriculture Last updated: Summer 2006
Unser Glossar wird laufend aktualisiert und ergänzt. Letzte Ergänzungen: April 2006.
The DOD Dictionary and the Joint Acronyms and Abbreviations master data base are managed by the Joint Doctrine Division, J-7, Joint Staff. All approved joint definitions are contained in Joint Publication 1-02, "DOD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. As amended through 08 August 2006.NATO TERMS/ABBREVIATIONS, ACRONYMS
Please visit this GlossPost link for Part 1:
Please visit this GlossPost link for Part 2:
Glossary of Plastics Terminology used in the PVC, and wire manufacturing industry
Guide to BioTerminology 2nd edition
International BioPharm |
The BioPharm Guide to BioTerminology includes the specialized terms of the industry and defines them for that context. The text brings together in one place terms and acronyms from numerous technical, scientific, and engineering fields, such as chemistry, microbiology, molecular biology, engineering, facility design, CGMPs, regulatory affairs, ... View more
Léxico de Fórmula Uno (F1)
Diario El Mundo |
Definiciones de la terminología de F1 en español
Glosario de cocina
Vocabulaire des procédures parlementaires / Glossary of Parliamentary Procedure
Procedural Services of the House of Commons |
Very useful glossary related to administrative processes.
Note to users of the electronic version: This document has been configured to toggle between equivalent terms in English and French. Where there is more than one possibility, the link points to the closest equivalent term in the other language.
Note aux utilisateurs d... View more
Olympic Winter Sports Official Lexicon
Giochi Olimpici Invernali Torino 2006 |
Dizionario Sport Invernali. Contiene: Lessico sportivo generale Discipline Biathlon Bob Curling Hockey su ghiaccio Slittino Pattinaggio di figura Pattinaggio individuale Pattinaggio a coppie Danza su ghiaccio Pattinaggio di velocità Short Track Skeleton Sci nordico Sci di fondo Salto con gli sc... View more
Froese, R. and D. Pauly. Editors. 2006 |
FishBase (29300 Species, 216800 Common names, 41300 Pictures, 37900 References)
StarDate Online - AstroGlossary
©1995-2006 The University of Texas McDonald Observatory |
(c) 2001-2006 'ΠΛΑΝΗΤΑΡΙΟ Θεσσαλονίκης' - Δημήτριος Τσάμπουρας & Σια Ο.Ε. |
Επιλεγμένα εικονογραφημένα λήμματα αστρονομίας & Αλφαβητικά λήμματα αστρονομίας από την Ηλεκτρονική Εγκυκλοπαίδεια Επιστήμη & Ζωή
Glossario minimo dei termini giuridici americani
Agli incroci dei venti - Claudio Giusti |
Listing terms of military significance and their definitions for use in NATO, together with an index of NATO Agreed Documents containing Specialist Terms and Definitions.
Downloadable PDF file.
Glossary begins from page 63. First part includes EN terms with their FR equivalents and EN definitions; second part includes FR terms together wi... View more
Official Lexicon about the Winter Olympic Games in Turin 2006 in French, English, Italian, monolingual each.
Canadian Political Glossary
Robert A. Kleemaier |
This up-to-date glossary is provided by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation due to the federal election slated for 23 January 2006. Although some of the terms are specifically for the Canadian political context, it is generally useful for all political systems birthed by the British parliamentary tradition. Cheers, R.
German-English glossary of football terminology
British Embassy in Berlin, Germany | http://www.britishembassyworldcup.c...
The British Embassy in Berlin has set up a website to explain this and more to the estimated 100,000 England fans going to next year's World Cup finals.
Downloadable PDF file.