The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

ফেঞ্চ/ফরাসি থেকে ‍ইংরেজি প্রকৌশল (সাধারণ) Translation Glossary

ফেঞ্চ/ফরাসি term ‍ইংরেজি translation
balancier pendulum
balayer flush (out)
barillet valve
barre de couche levelling/level adjustment/coating bar
barrettes autoroutieres motorway audible-warning (rumble) strips
bas fourneau (low) blast furnace
base de l'etude study basis / study background
bassin de securite safety tank/emergency tank/back-up tank
bassin versant du champ captant watershed for the groundwater supply zone
bâtiment de transit intermediary depot
Bâtiments démontables sur socles demountable buildings on footings
bête à cornes bull chart/diagram/map
bec de corbeau [plumbing, pipe installation/fixing] clevis fastener [in some situations]; more generally: hanger
Entered by: Tony M
bel aspect de parement au décoffrage fairface
bennes fixes à fond mouvant skips with moving floors
besoins de synthèse synthesis needs
bibliothèque nationale des courriers national corporate correspondence library/archive
bilame bimetal
bilan des corrections correction assessment/report
bilans de puissances énergétiques power requirements
Billes de manutention fortes charges à platine heavy-duty flange-mounted ball transfers
BIP voiture car remote
biplaque dual plate
blessure gouge
blind blind
Bloc contact \"F\" C contact block
bloc/corps mécanique mechanical assembly
Entered by: Carlos Segura
blocage restraint
Bo2O3 (Chemical Formula) boron trioxide
boîte d’écrémage skimmer box
bobine reel / drum
bobine mère mother reel
bobineau support of reel
bombonne à souder welding torch
bomes en saillie projecting terminals
bon de feu hot-work permit
bon de régie work order
bon pour execution ready for implementation/ for execution
BOP Balance of Plant
Entered by: Paula Price
bordereau de suivi tracking sheet
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