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ডাচ থেকে ‍ইংরেজি ব্যবসা/বাণিজ্য (সাধারণ) Translation Glossary

ডাচ term ‍ইংরেজি translation
schorsingsberoep application for suspension of operation of an award decision
Entered by: Kitty Brussaard
verbrokkelen op last van eigen identiteit I want to remove all (car)drivers, who just ruïn the roads for the sake of their own glorification
"...overleggen richting justitie..." hand in/over to judicial authorities
"Acte van levering van certificaten van aandelen B buiten de beurs om" "Transfer deed for private transfer of depositary receipts".
"diner pensant" dinner debate
... ...
24/24 u. 24/7 or around-the-clock
Entered by: Michael Beijer
3-vaksmaaltijd 3 item (compartment) prepackaged meal
A.O. Accounting and internal control system
aan te willen merken take into account/consideration
aangrijpingspunt points of reference
aanneemovereenkomst (turnkey) construction / building contract
Aannemingscontract programming contract/subcontractor contract
aanrekenen van waarborg voor verpakking deposit for the packaging/packing (materials)
Entered by: Charles Stanford
AANWEZIG (van een ding) must be kept at/with/in...
Abbreviation o.w.v om wille van (Flemish) / in connection with, because of
Achterafconditie retrospective condition/term
achterban employees, employers and pensioners
acquirerend gesprek acquisition call
actiehouder action owner
adhocratiecultuur adhocracy culture
adviestrajecten ongoing consulting/consultancy
afdeling beheer property management department
Entered by: Kitty Brussaard
aflossingen op aandelen redemptions of shares
Entered by: Kitty Brussaard
afrastering fencing / demarcation
afritsbaar(heid) separability/detachability
afroepende instantie call-up authority/party, ordering party
afroomgrens skimming limit, cap
afschakeling interessent wordt opting out is worthwhile considering
Afschrijving Depreciation
afzakstraat bagging line
Als overweging wordt meegegeven te participeren one possible option (worth considering) is to participate in
als van exploitant as well as from the proprietor
AOW enkelvoudig Individual Old Age Pension (Status: married or cohabiting)
arbitragemogelijkheden arbitrage opportunities
Entered by: Textpertise
assurantiepenningen insurance proceeds
attenderingscollectie notification collection
ATV-dagen en vrije dagen complicated...
B.H.R. / BHR X Trade Register
baggeroorlog dredger war (2001) [or mudslinging match generally speaking]
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