SDL Trados Studio 2014 English & Spanish virtual event Jun 26, 2014 Search registrants See also: Translation company directory | Freelance translator directoryResults (2,491) (Members shown first) |
 Checked in | Fgarcia89  Native in স্প্যানিশ (Variant: Latin American)  Freelancer | 20 years of experience |
|  Checked in | | Saint-Petersburg State University, MA-Saint Petersburg State University, UTR, 29 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Celia Moral  EN,RU,PL>ES translation services স্পেন Native in স্প্যানিশ Freelancer | Spain: UGr, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, BA-Licenciada en Traducción e Interpretación, Universidad de Granada. Licenciada en Filología Eslava, UCM, 15 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Olga Núñez Miret (X)  Writer, psychiatrist, PhD, MSc. স্পেন Native in কাটালান (Variant: Central)  , স্প্যানিশ (Variant: Standard-Spain)  Freelancer | Bio: I'm a writer, psychiatrist (although now have left to explore other things), have a PhD in American Literature and a Masters in Criminology. I translate my own books and write in English and Spanish. I also speak Catalan. I have a blog in Spanish and English and I'm loo...king forward to learning more about technology to facilitate translations.More Less Message: Hi all. I'm looking forward to meeting people and exploring ways of applying technology to the art of translation. |
|  Checked in | | OTHER-Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Venezuela, AVINC-Asociación Venezolan de Intérpretes de Conferencia, CIP-Colegio Intérpretes Públicos de Venezuela, 45 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Raluca Siman  20 years Certified Translator রোমানিয়া Native in রোমানিয়ান (Variant: Romania)  Freelancer | Ministry of Justice, University of Bucharest, BA-University of Bucharest, 25 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Toadcat  স্পেন Native in ইংরেজি  Freelancer | Queen's University Belfast, BA-Queen's University Belfast, 39 years of experience |
|  Checked in | sbaiz  যুক্তরাষ্ট্র Native in ইংরেজি (Variant: US)  Freelancer | MA-Boston University, 15 years of experience |
|  Checked in | randrea  TopQuality English, Spanish & Portuguese ব্রাজিল Native in পর্তুগিজ (Variant: Brazilian)  Freelancer | Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations), 14 years of experience |
|  Checked in | | Bio: English>Spanish Freelance Certified Translator, 20 years experience |
|  Checked in | | |
|  Checked in | | St.Cyril and Methodius University of V.Tarnovo, MA-Veliko Tarnovo University, Bulgaria, 43 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Mary Cordero  Mary I Cordero de Troconis যুক্তরাষ্ট্র Native in স্প্যানিশ Freelancer | Bridging the gap medical interpreter training, LAM, MA-Master Science in Medicinal Chemistry, Universidad Central de Venezuela, ATA, 35 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Denisa Sekeresova  professional and reliable translator স্লোভাকিয়া Native in স্লোভাক  Freelancer | 24 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Deborah Kolosova  Quality Russian to English translations যুক্তরাষ্ট্র Native in ইংরেজি Freelancer | American Translators Association, ATA, 17 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Jaber Mohammad  Seeking Perfection Native in আরবি (Variants: Tunisian, Egyptian)  Freelancer | Egyptian Translators Association, BA-Faculty of Languages and Translation, 14 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Wing HU  Certified Translator and Subtitler চীন Native in চাইনিজ/চিনা (Variants: Mandarin, Traditional, Simplified, Cantonese)  Freelancer | China Accreditation Test For Translators And Interpreters (CATTI), BA-Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, 13 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Igor Popov  Translator since 1984 রাশিয়ান ফেডারেশন Native in রাশিয়ান  Freelancer | Moscow State Institute of Foreign Languages, OTHER-M. Thorez Moscow State Institute of Foreign Languages , 41 years of experience |
|  Checked in | | Bio: Master of Education in Teacher Training for English Language Teaching (1992, Exeter University, England.
English Teacher and freelance translator since 1970.
Founder and Director of English Language Institute-Praia (1997-2012)
Retired professor from University of Verde since 1992More Less Message: Hello,
I'm looking forward to meeting you. I think this will be a great experience for all of us. |
|  Checked in | Mélina BAFFOU  French Translator and Tutor যুক্তরাজ্য Native in ফেঞ্চ/ফরাসি  Freelancer | Message: Hi everyone ! |
|  Checked in | | 15 years of experience |
|  Checked in | | Scuola Superiore Europea per Traduttori ed Interpr, OTHER-Scuola Superiore Europea per traduttori ed Interpreti, Perugia, Italy, 19 years of experience |
|  Checked in | | BA-Burapha University, 22 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Julia Nikitenok  High Fidelity Translations রাশিয়ান ফেডারেশন Native in রাশিয়ান Freelancer | Bio: Graduated from Tomsk University of Automatic Control Systems and Radioelectronics, Tomsk Pedagogical University, the department of foreign languages. Over 15 years in profession. Before going freelance, worked as technical translator and technical writer in software dev...elopment companies. Interested in translation technologies and computational linguistics.More Less Message: I wish peace to everybody and hope that the painful Ukraine conflict will be solved soon! |
|  Checked in | | ITNM, OTHER-ITNM (Malaysian Institute of Translation), 19 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Anna McNair  যুক্তরাষ্ট্র Native in পোলিশ (Variant: Standard-Poland) Freelancer | American Translators Association, CATI, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, BA-University of Rzeszów, ATA, CATI, 20 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Eva Nassif  Certified Translator: Official documents কানাডা Native in ফেঞ্চ/ফরাসি  , আরবি (Variants: Egyptian, Syrian, Palestinian, Lebanese, Iraqi)  Freelancer | M.A., B.A. in Translation (Eng-Fr), MA-Concordia University |
|  Checked in | Gabriela Hebin  Meet your deadlines with expertise. যুক্তরাষ্ট্র Native in ইংরেজি  , স্প্যানিশ  | Bio: Director of SpanTech Translations Message: Happy to be here!
:) |
|  Checked in | smerritt22  Spanish to English translator যুক্তরাষ্ট্র Native in ইংরেজি (Variant: US) Freelancer | New York University - School of Continuing and Professional Studies, OTHER-New York University, 11 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Harija Riza Khamal  Capitalizing on 20 years of experience কানাডা Native in তাগালোগ Freelancer and outsourcer | Diploma in Bachelor of Arts , 25 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Iwona Rutkowska  Sworn Spanish/English/Polish translator পোল্যান্ড Native in পোলিশ (Variant: Standard-Poland) Freelancer | Ministry of Justice as a Sworn Translator of Spani, Polskie Towarzystwo Tłumaczy Przysięgłych i Specjalistycznych, MA-University of Warsaw, TEPIS, 37 years of experience |
|  Checked in | saszka  পোল্যান্ড Native in পোলিশ  Freelancer | 15 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Miguel Martins  egineering IT ICT security privacy cyber Native in পর্তুগিজ (Variants: Brazilian, Mozambican, Angolan, South African, European/Portugal, Cape Verdean)  Freelancer | 16 years of experience |
|  Checked in | | 26 years of experience |
|  Checked in | | 21 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Sonia Torrente  EN-FR-PT>ES Translator & Proofreader স্পেন Native in স্প্যানিশ  Freelancer | University of Granada, BA-Traducción e Interpretación por la Universidad de Granada, Sociedad de Lenguas Modernas |
|  Checked in | | Official Translator, Spanish <> English, Ministry , OTHER-Université de Nantes, 39 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Lucía Iguácel Molina  Junior Sworn Translator-Law·IT·Marketing জার্মানি Native in স্প্যানিশ (Variant: Standard-Spain)  Freelancer | Universidad Complutense de Madrid, BA-Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 11 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Astarta-M  Communication without language barriers! বুলগেরিয়া Native in বুলগেরিয়ান  | 17 years of experience |
|  Checked in | kmarcel4  Accurate jobs done in an efficient time যুক্তরাষ্ট্র Native in পর্তুগিজ  Freelancer | Bio: I am a Brazilian Portuguese translator! Message: Hello all ! |
|  Checked in | | 20 years of experience |
|  Checked in | | 29 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Traduci2  Good quality work at unbeatable rates! Native in স্প্যানিশ  Freelancer | |
|  Checked in | Marité Weisser  Traduttrice - Insegnante di spagnolo ইটালি Native in স্প্যানিশ Freelancer | Bio: TRANSLATOR & SPANISH TEACHER |
|  Checked in | Carla Mendoza  Freelance Translator since 1998 Native in স্প্যানিশ (Variant: Latin American)  Freelancer | Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile - Chile, Colegio de Traductores e Intérpretes de Chile , City University London, GD-City University, London, COTICH, 27 years of experience |
|  Checked in | elkeuribe  PhD Biochemistry Spanish Translations কানাডা Native in স্প্যানিশ (Variant: Mexican)  Freelancer | New York University - School of Continuing and Professional Studies,, ATA, 10 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Gabriela Cao  স্পেন Native in স্প্যানিশ (Variants: Argentine, Standard-Spain)  Freelancer | |
|  Checked in | Vanessa Ortiz  ব্রাজিল Native in পর্তুগিজ (Variant: Brazilian)  Freelancer | BA-Universidade Nove de Julho, 17 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Gustave AWA  Law, Finance & IR, you got it all in me! ক্যামেরুন Native in ফেঞ্চ/ফরাসি (Variants: Standard-France, Swiss, Moroccan, Belgian, Cameroon, Canadian, African) | UBUEA, University of Yaounde I, MA-Advanced School of Translators and Interpreters of the University of Buea, Cameroon, 14 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Elizabeth Brooks যুক্তরাষ্ট্র Native in ইংরেজি (Variant: US)  , স্প্যানিশ (Variant: Mexican)  Freelancer | North Carolina State University - B.A., BA-North Carolina State University, 12 years of experience |
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