In one hour learn how to add value to your translation services and become a
Translator who offers unique benefits and values to the customers.
As Freelance Translators we are used to look at translation services as process or simply as a text to be translated and proofread.
After focusing on cooperation with direct clients for the last two years and building a translation company of my own, I got to realize that direct
clients look at translation services from an absolutely different perspective.
So, recently I
conducted a small research and
asked my current clients which values and solutions they see in translation. The results surprised me, because in every field people see translation differently. In this webinar I will share with your my hands-on experience and
precious conclusions which I made after this communication. This helped me to become more
client-oriented and
significantly improve my business. If you want to achieve new goals and become a really appreciated professional when working with direct clients, join us at the webinar!
Some feedback from others on this course's trainer:
"Good English, attentive to audience, knows what she is talking about from experience."
Darya Gunay
"Great instructor and very effective methods. All of her advices worked like a charm into my work. My favourite trainer by far!"

Anastasia Giagopoulou
"Spot on. Packed with relevant information."

Sebastian Witte