Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Investor's Forget-Me-Nots Dictionary
Igor Sharshakov |
This concise and easy-to-use dictionary covers over 4000 internationally recognized investment terms and is perfect for everyone who aims to comprehend English and French financial newspapers and magazines and take into account the latest forms of investing at the level of decision taking.
Glossaire progressif d'entomologie
Office pour les insectes et leur environnement |
Dans Insectes : Les mots de l’entomologie : Le chemin des insectes par les mots Glossaire entomologique par Jacques d'Aguilar et Alain Fraval ; préface de Gilbert Jolivet, président de l'OPIE, 2004. – 224 p. - Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris View more
Multilingual and monolingual Science Glossaries
The Center for Scientific Information and Documentation (Centro de Informaci�n y Documantaci�n Cient�fica-CINDOC) belongs to the Spanish Higher Council for Scientific Research (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient�ficas-CSIC). |
This link contains multilingual and monolingual glossaries in a variety of scientific areas. A real treasure trove!
First compiled when I became frustrated while reading magazine articles, help wanted ads and equipment for sale brochures....all pertaining to computers....where the following Abbreviations and Acronyms were used and their meanings were either not known to me or were not immediately available. I have actually seen (or have been told about) th... View more
habe gerade etwas gefunden: Vocabulary in the News English-to-German Version A collection of words and phrases found in German magazines or newspapers — in the fields of crime, disasters, politics, sports, weather and other news.
Jazz Glossary
This glossary is taken from Barry Ulanov's A Handbook of Jazz; New York: Viking, 1959 |
short list helpful if you come across articles in magazines, CD liner notes etc
extensive and detailed. If you need to know more about what you read in the CD liner notes or articles in (jazz) magazines, go there