Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Published by the International Center for the Study of Preservation and restoration of Cultural Property, this is specialised Ara>English dictionary in PDF format, with an introduction about methodology used.
Southern Appalachian Forest Glossary
Southern Appalachian Forest Coalition |
Glossary of terms used in National Forest Plan Revisions A glossary of terms commonly used by the Southern Appalachian Forest Coalition, a collaboration of national, regional, state, and local environmental organizations formed in response to the threats facing the public lands and heritage of the Southern Appalachian mountains.
Dictionary of Architectural Terms
Utah Heritage Foundation (Ann Whitehead) |
Architectural terms explained in detail. Enriched with drawings and illustrations.
conservation and museum glossary
Heritage Collections Council, Australia |
This glossary contains some of the most common terms used in the conservation and museum professions and some organisational information. Wherever possible, simple language rather than highly technical terms has been used.
Occupation Translation Guide
Ellen Sadove Renck and other contributors |
This translation guide is based on occupations listed in Polish and French in the Nowogrodskie woj. (Nowogrodek province) portion of the 1929 Polish business directory Ksiega Adresowa Polski (Wraz z w.m. Gdanskiem) dla Handlu, Przemyslu, Rzemiosl i Rolnictwa [Directory of Poland (including Gdansk) for Trade, Industry, Handicraft and Agriculture].
Quadri-lingual version (English, French, Portuguese and Spanish) of the SIRCHAL glossary, which falls within the framework of UNESCO’s strategic orientations for cultural heritage. Fruit of the work of researchers and debates of communities of experts throughout the world, it defines and clarifies the collection of measures confronted by daily acto... View more
Acronyms for Degradable Plastics
Australian Government Department of the Environment & Heritage |
Sport Canada Sport Lexicon
Canadian Heritage |
The Sport Canada Sport Lexicon is intended to provide an easy source of sport-related terminology in both official langages of Canada. The Lexicon provides sport specific terminology for 34 summer sports. Under each specific sport it is sorted in alphabetical order.