Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Cooperative Online Dictionary of Trauma
S�ren Buus Jensen |
A source with definitons and abbreviations on trauma and traumatic stress disorder. From the home page:
A web-accessible dictionary of language used within an area of special interest that is built up and continues to develop as a collective, not-for-profit activity.
The web design is simple and graphics free to make for qui... View more
Global Investor Glossary (UK) |
The Global Investor glossary is the leading online reference for financial and investment terms. Browse the whole terms database using the letters above; or search on a keyword across 2,000 terms and their definitions. Most terms have links to related terms, and many to related videos, books and events where you see icons.
Trilingual Cycling Glossary
Translation Bureau of Canada |
PDF file, 92 pages, 2003. Terminology Bulletin 253. "The Trilingual Cycling Glossary was prepared in anticipation of the upcoming Hamilton Road World Cycling Championships scheduled for October 6-12, 2003. It contains over 200 entries, including terminological information on cycling in general." • Lexique trilingue sur le cyclisme / Léxico trilingü... View more