CLUNY-ISEIT (Instituto Superior en España de Interpretación y Traducción) CLUNY-ISEIT
Name | CLUNY-ISEIT (Instituto Superior en España de Interpretación y Traducción) |
Abbreviation | CLUNY-ISEIT |
Organization Type | School |
Website | |
Contact Name | José Luis Bazán |
Contact Title | DIRECTOR |
Contact Phone | (34) 91 715 83 40 |
Contact Fax | (34) 91 799 02 05 |
Address | Avda. Juan XXIII, 7 bis 28224 |
City | Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid) |
Country | স্পেন |
Admission Criteria |
Does not have admission criteria (or not applicable).
Training |
Does not offer training.
Credential |
Does not offer credential(s).
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