Translation teams
Cooperative groups of translators

<font color=6600FF>TCNetWork</Font>

Competenza tecnica

Unser Schwerpunkt ist die Technik:

Kataloge -
Bedienungsanleitungen -

Unser Motto: Spezialisierung.

Il nostro team � a disposizione per lavori altamente specializzati, per i quali l'esperienza pratica e le conoscenze tecniche specifiche sono fondamentali quanto la preparazione linguistica.
Team language pairs 3
  • English to Italian
  • German to Italian
Team leader
Giuliana Buscaglione
Giuliana Buscaglione
Finance & Technology since 1988
United States
Diplom-Dolmetscherin mit 20-j�hriger Erfahrung. Lektorin und Sprachkoordinatorin. Schwerpunkte: Messtechnik, Hand-, CNC- und Maschinenwerkzeuge, Bedienungsanleitungen (CNC-gesteuerte Maschinen, Kommunal- und Landwirtschaftsger�te, Landwirtschaftsfahrzeuge) und Marketing
Team members 3
Ilde Grimaldi
Ilde Grimaldi
ATA accredited, technical and IT
Fond of and addicted to three factors of my profession: technicalities, terminology, computer. Probably the main reason why my translations are always deemed quality and appropriate.
Gilda Manara
Gilda Manara
Translations into Italian
Many years of experience as in-house translator for German/Italian Companies have taught me the importance of using the right terminology; as a freelance, I am glad to use my experience for the satisfaction of the customers.

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