Translation glossary: Automotive/Transportation

Showing entries 1-17 of 17
angle mortblind spot 
French to English
bifurcationfork (in the road) 
French to English
coefficient de dangerdanger coefficient 
French to English
corps creuxhollow body 
French to English
coupé cabriolettwo-door convertible 
French to English
dessous de caisseunderbody 
French to English
Feux diurnesDaytime driving lamps 
French to English
injection de carburantfuel injection 
French to English
lever de piedfoot off 
French to English
module haut de colonnetop column module 
French to English
rond pointrotary intersection, traffic circle, roundabout 
French to English
toit escamotableconvertible roof 
French to English
toit ouvrantsunroof; sliding roof 
French to English
voie aérienneairway 
French to English
Voie d’eauWaterway 
French to English
Voie piétonneWalkway 
French to English
voie souterrainesubway 
French to English
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