Translating Wordsworth
থ্রেড পোস্টার: fedric
fedric  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:41
‍ইংরেজি থেকে ‍ইটালিয়ান
+ ...
Jun 23, 2005

Qualcuno sa se esiste una versione italiana dell'"Ode all'Immortalità" di W. Wordsworth?
Grazie a tutti coloro che potranno fornirmi informazioni

Sarah Steiner
Sarah Steiner  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:41
স্প্যানিশ থেকে জার্মান
+ ...
see: index translationum Jun 23, 2005


As far as the Unesco´ "index translationum" is concerned, you can find there:

Wordsworth, William; Coleridge, Samuel Taylor: Ballate liriche [It] / Franco Marucci / Milano: Mondadori, 1979. 298 p. ENG: Lyrical ballads
Wordsworth, William; Coleridge, Samuel Taylor: Ballate liriche [It, Eng] / Franco Marucci / Milano: Mondadori, 1988. 298 p. ENG: Lyrical ballads
Wordsworth, William; Coleridge, Samuel Taylor: Ballate liriche [It]
... See more

As far as the Unesco´ "index translationum" is concerned, you can find there:

Wordsworth, William; Coleridge, Samuel Taylor: Ballate liriche [It] / Franco Marucci / Milano: Mondadori, 1979. 298 p. ENG: Lyrical ballads
Wordsworth, William; Coleridge, Samuel Taylor: Ballate liriche [It, Eng] / Franco Marucci / Milano: Mondadori, 1988. 298 p. ENG: Lyrical ballads
Wordsworth, William; Coleridge, Samuel Taylor: Ballate liriche [It] / Franco Marucci / Milano: A. Mondadori, 1999. 298 p. ENG: Lyrical ballads
Wordsworth, William: Poesie scelte [It] (Bilingual ed.) / Flavio Giacomantonio / Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino, 1999. 341 p. ENG: Selected poems

No idea if the poem you search is in there. Hope this helps anyway.



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