বিষয়ের পেজ: < [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17] | 低价翻译 থ্রেড পোস্টার: Denyce Seow
| chance (X) ফেঞ্চ/ফরাসি থেকে চাইনিজ/চিনা + ...
前天三个客户给我电话催稿,挂电话后,我也说“Quelle imbécile",我指的是这种situation,这几天想类似表达时,就情不自禁要说:�... See more Tingting,
前天三个客户给我电话催稿,挂电话后,我也说“Quelle imbécile",我指的是这种situation,这几天想类似表达时,就情不自禁要说:“Quelle imbécile“,然后和女儿爆笑一阵,拿我们总统的失误开开心,也挺有意思
Tingting Huang wrote:
Tingting Huang wrote:
Chance, 昨天晚上,在CBS的60 minutes 里看到节目记者 Lesley Stahl 采访法国总统。Sarko is very tempestuous. He called his press secretary imbecile right in front of the camera. Lesley asked him a question about his marriage, he said it was sth that he wouldn't talk about in such an interview. When Lesley pressed on, he stood up, patted her on the shoulder, thanked her for the interview and ended it there and walked away. Lesley was left there alone, a little surprised. Apparently she didn't expect that question would turn him away.
[Edited at 2007-11-01 17:21] ▲ Collapse | | | wherestip যুক্তরাষ্ট্র Local time: 12:22 চাইনিজ/চিনা থেকে ইংরেজি + ... Quelle imbécile | Nov 1, 2007 |
chance wrote:
前天三个客户给我电话催稿,挂电话后,我也说“Quelle imbécile",我指的是这种situation,这几天想类似表达时,就情不自禁要说:“Quelle imbécile“,然后和女儿爆笑一阵,拿我们总统的失误开开心,也挺有意思
That reminds me of that line in the movie "Home Alone". One of the siblings says to Kevin when he asks for help to pack his luggage, "You're what the French call 'Les incompetent'" ... Sometimes we use that line to joke around.
Kidding aside, I don't think Sarkozy called Lesley Stahl an imbecile, at least not to her face. Like you guys said, French men know how to treat the ladies.
[Edited at 2007-11-01 18:10] | | | chance (X) ফেঞ্চ/ফরাসি থেকে চাইনিজ/চিনা + ...
Interesting to know.
wherestip wrote:
Kidding aside, I don't think Sarkozy called Lesley Stahl an imbecile, at least not to her face.
At least, we are two | | | wherestip যুক্তরাষ্ট্র Local time: 12:22 চাইনিজ/চিনা থেকে ইংরেজি + ... Fox anchors elated | Nov 1, 2007 |
Tingting Huang wrote:
Biased report of world events is not uncommon even in the west. Media groups are often owned by powerful business people. Some don't interfere with the reporting, some do meddle in the daily reporting of events. As a result, a lot of media groups do have a bias either towards the left or the right. They might only focus on one side of the story, and be regarded as very biased to some viewers. But I wouldn't call their report fabricated. In order to know what is going on, I usually try several news sources. In the US, CNN is regarded as very liberal, and Fox News is very conservative. They both have a bias.
Remember what Tingting said about the political bias different media outlets typically have?
Watch how Fox News gossip columnists gloat over the incident of Sarkozy walking off the set of the 60-minutes interview.
Actually, the publicity of this incident wouldn't have been so widespread had CBS themselves decided not to air it in the first place. I believe there's nothing for Lesley Stahl to be ashamed of. She acted totally professionally in my opinion. Her objectivity in her reporting of this story also speaks for itself.
I actually never heard of John Gibson. But take a look at this guy's record. It borders on what they call a "right-wing nut job"
[Edited at 2007-11-02 01:06] | |
isahuang Local time: 13:22 ইংরেজি থেকে চাইনিজ/চিনা + ... Not surprising | Nov 2, 2007 |
wherestip wrote:
Remember what Tingting said about the political bias different media outlets typically have?
Watch how Fox News gossip columnists gloat over the incident of Sarkozy walking off the set of the 60-minutes interview.
Actually, the publicity of this incident wouldn't have been so widespread had CBS themselves decided not to air it in the first place. I believe there's nothing for Lesley Stahl to be ashamed of. She acted totally professionally in my opinion. Her objectivity in her reporting of this story also speaks for itself.
I actually never heard of John Gibson. But take a look at this guy's record. It borders on what they call a "right-wing nut job"
They really hate Lesley. This type of TV shows is not supposed to be taken seriously . I would look at it as entertainment if I ever really watch it. Fair and balanced, right, they omit something, it should be fair and balanced between the right and far right.
[Edited at 2007-11-02 16:13]
[Edited at 2007-11-02 16:14] | | | isahuang Local time: 13:22 ইংরেজি থেকে চাইনিজ/চিনা + ...
chance wrote:
你是开玩笑吧,我没觉得他是在说Lesley啊。 | | | chance (X) ফেঞ্চ/ফরাসি থেকে চাইনিজ/চিনা + ... Now we are THREE :D | Nov 2, 2007 |
Tingting Huang wrote:
chance wrote:
你是开玩笑吧,我没觉得他是在说Lesley啊。 | | | isahuang Local time: 13:22 ইংরেজি থেকে চাইনিজ/চিনা + ...
chance wrote:
Tingting Huang wrote:
chance wrote:
Chance, 我离开法国太久了,已经忘了法国人的一些习惯了。法国人是不是挺爱说“imbécile",就像北京人爱说傻帽一样? | |
chance (X) ফেঞ্চ/ফরাসি থেকে চাইনিজ/চিনা + ...
Elle dit qu'on ne pense pas qu'il traite Lesley, mais il a quand même dit pour elle. Ma fille ne veut pas que j'utilise le mot " sur " à la place " pour ".
Tingting Huang wrote:
chance wrote:
Tingting Huang wrote:
chance wrote:
Chance, 我离开法国太久了,已经忘了法国人的一些习惯了。法国人是不是挺爱说“imbécile",就像北京人爱说傻帽一样? | | | KayleeTranslate হংকং Local time: 01:22 Cantonese (Yue Chinese) থেকে চাইনিজ/চিনা + ...
無意中看到你的貼文, 可能對於現在國際上還是不明白, 這是第三世界, 看到好多討論再說為什麼說 "under the leadership of Government" 因為對於別人來說這是很多很多錢, 你以為很少錢但是請你去看一下別人的生活, 對於活在貧窮裏的人是怎樣堆出這些錢出來給你, 到了現在2024年, 很多當地翻譯員只有 30-60 rmb 1000字
Denyce Seow wrote:
Dear Sir or Madam,
As we are under the leadership of Government, something is easy for us to do. We may help you with the following aspect to expand your business:
1. to find the qualified translator and interpreter at the low price, i.e. translation from English to Chinese, at the rate of US$ 16 per thousand English words or US$ 11 per thousand Chinese characters;
2. to start the language training activity here. More foreign companies here, more opportunities, please browse the website to get a rough overview of the foreign companies at http.xxx.gov.cn;
3. to start other services for translation customers when they are in China;
4. consultation for investment in China. If you have the information on investment in China, please email us. Once succeeded, commission will be paid.
Promotion Executive
ABC New District Investment Promotion Bureau
[Edited at 2007-10-09 10:32]
[Edited at 2007-10-09 10:42] | | | KayleeTranslate হংকং Local time: 01:22 Cantonese (Yue Chinese) থেকে চাইনিজ/চিনা + ...
在以前是怎樣的貧窮,在以前是多少年被變成奴隸、被賣豬仔,一次又一次被別人接手統治自己,先是滿州人,後來是很多很多外國,甚至整個文明也... See more 也想再補充一句,看到這裏很多是海外華人,其實之所以這麼多人變成海外,但是大概我們的文化很習慣去適應別人,很容易去入鄉隨俗,所以已經不再在乎為什麼
Denyce Seow wrote:
Dear Sir or Madam,
As we are under the leadership of Government, something is easy for us to do. We may help you with the following aspect to expand your business:
1. to find the qualified translator and interpreter at the low price, i.e. translation from English to Chinese, at the rate of US$ 16 per thousand English words or US$ 11 per thousand Chinese characters;
2. to start the language training activity here. More foreign companies here, more opportunities, please browse the website to get a rough overview of the foreign companies at http.xxx.gov.cn;
3. to start other services for translation customers when they are in China;
4. consultation for investment in China. If you have the information on investment in China, please email us. Once succeeded, commission will be paid.
Promotion Executive
ABC New District Investment Promotion Bureau
[Edited at 2007-10-09 10:32]
[Edited at 2007-10-09 10:42]
[修改时间: 2024-09-19 09:25 GMT] ▲ Collapse | | | ysun যুক্তরাষ্ট্র Local time: 12:22 ইংরেজি থেকে চাইনিজ/চিনা + ... 我认为无人在此取笑贫穷和穷人 | Sep 19, 2024 |
KayleeTranslate wrote:
Denyce Seow wrote:
Dear Sir or Madam,
As we are under the leadership of Government, something is easy for us to do. We may help you with the following aspect to expand your business:
Promotion Executive
ABC New District Investment Promotion Bureau
[Edited at 2007-10-09 10:32]
[Edited at 2007-10-09 10:42] [修改时间: 2024-09-19 09:25 GMT]
抱歉,我想插个嘴。我觉得你可能是误会了。无论是 Denyce,还是在此发言的任何一位海外华人,都丝毫没有取笑贫穷和穷人的意思。
我认为,Denyce 只是在批评那个政府机构,认为他们给出的翻译价钱太低。确实,“the rate of US$ 16 per thousand English words or US$ 11 per thousand Chinese characters”,无疑是太低了!作为一个信奉马克思列宁主义的社会主义国家政府机构,就更应该懂得劳动的价值,就更应该尊重劳动者,就更不应该如此明目张胆地剥削翻译人员!我认为,翻译价格在 “US$16 per hundred English words”以上才算是合理的。
连中国大陆的翻译人员都觉得中国大陆的翻译价格太低!显然,他们绝非是在取笑自己,而是在埋怨或谴责那些贪婪的翻译公司或其他雇主。据他们讲,当时中国大陆流行的翻译价格约为$0.06USD/English word,但许多翻译公司愿意出的价格却只有 $0.01USD/English word。即使是$0.06USD/English word,那也还很低。所以,他们之中的许多人都在努力开发国际市场。
至于该政府机构所说的“As we are under the leadership of Government, something is easy for us to do”,正如小周所说,那就是挂羊头卖狗肉!我倒是想问问该机构,中国大陆的14亿人中,能有几个人不是“under the leadership of Government”?至于“something is easy for us to do”,这是不是意味着由于他们是政府机构,就能自然而然地享有别人所没有的各种特权?
[修改时间: 2024-09-20 17:16 GMT] | | | বিষয়ের পেজ: < [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17] | To report site rules violations or get help, contact a site moderator: You can also contact site staff by submitting a support request » 低价翻译 LinguaCore | AI Translation at Your Fingertips
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