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থ্রেড পোস্টার: Jinhang Wang
ysun  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:53
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双关含义 Dec 5, 2012

J.H. Wang wrote:

看了前面几个新贴,现在我倒是更觉得关于 encyclopedia 那句是在用双关手法。

关于encyclopedia 一词,可参考:


其中,pedia 的意思是:儿童培养、教育的意思。而前面的 encyclo 与 cyclo或 Velocipede 等都有相似之处。因此,这里Yogi 可能想说,他不打算给孩子买辆单车,让孩子骑车去上学。结果,“一不小心”就成了 encyclopedia。

我同意 encyclopedia 有双关的意思。不过,Yogi Berra 到底是什么意思,别人只能根据自己的理解去判断和猜测。谁也无法肯定自己绝对正确,也无法肯定别人绝对错误。有朋友发来如下链接,虽未加任何解释,却也留下不少想象空间:
That brings us to Chris and the Encyclopedia Britannica
salesman. It was every mother and father's dream to be able
to afford a set of encyclopedias for their children. This
was long before you could use your computer as a reference
book. No computers in the fifties. So the EB salesman would
turn up about once a year and hope your circumstances had
improved since his last visit.

The books were very expensive and it was a real distinction
to have a set in your home. He would open the books to an
interesting page and spread the volumes all over your living
room floor. Then he would have you ask him questions and he
would look it up as quickly as he could and proudly give you
the correct answer.

后来她又加了一句:Perhaps we could replace encyclopedia with iPod today ...

把 encyclopedia 和 walk to school 解读为不同教育方式的对比,也不是绝对不可以。上平民学校的穷孩子也有可能中状元,上贵族学校的官二代、富二代也有可能成为花花公子。难道现实不正是这样吗?

[Edited at 2012-12-05 18:17 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:53
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'50s culture and the heyday of the U.S. economy Dec 5, 2012

Very good point, Yueyin.

IMO, one basically has to look at the backdrop of the culture at the time to truly understand what Yogi was talking about.

That brings us to Chris and the Encyclopedia Britannica salesman. It was every mother and father's dream to be able to afford a set of encyclopedias for their children. This was long before you could use your computer as a reference book. No computers in the fifties. So the EB salesman would turn up about once a year and hope your circumstances had improved since his last visit.

So was Yogi really referring to this social phenomenon in the '50s and '60s? Or was he using a pretty bad pun and talking about his reluctance to buy a measly couple of bicycles for his kids?

As far as I know, automobiles were really prevalent in the U.S. in the '50s, not to mention bicycles.

But bicycles were in no way, shape, or form considered a means of transportation in those days in the U.S.. Absolutely not! They were basically toys for children to ride around the neighborhood on - also one of the very popular Christmas gifts for parents to get their children. (Another one was train sets, BTW) ... And boy, did one wallow in a lot of presents as a kid in those days under the Christmas tree!


p.s. When we left the U.S. for China at the end of 1957, my parents bought each member of the family an imported English touring bike to ship with the rest of our belongings. Reason? - The American-made bikes were not suitable for riding around town in a city like Beijing as transportation. Shipping the family car was of course out of the question, 'cause at that time, as a private citizen, where do you even get gasoline from in Beijing? In the 1950s and AFAIK up 'til early 1970s, there were no gas stations open to the public anywhere in Beijing.

Typical American-made boy's bike from the '50s (notice the huge rim size of the tires)

Typical English touring bikes from the '50s

[Edited at 2012-12-06 14:23 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:53
চাইনিজ/চিনা থেকে ‍ইংরেজি
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Popular Vintage Toys from the Fifties Dec 6, 2012

This is a link I just got from Lesley. Thanks, Lesley!



J.C. Higgins Bicycle
Manufacturer: J.C. Higgins
Price: $62.95
Description Boys' model has beautiful black and red enamel finish with chrome-plated and gold-color trim. Girls' model is royal blue and pale blue with chrome-plated and white trim. Hop on, sit down on the seat and feel the spring-action comfort to ease out over the bumps. Swing out into the street, feel the easy control you have on the handlebars, pedals and brake. Has many deluxe features that other bicycles do not have, like a strong steel luggage carrier with a cat's eye reflector.


Allstate Mechanical Freight Set
Manufacturer: Allstate
Price: $5.77
Description The Allstate Mechanical Freight set comes with 28 scale-detailed, molded, durable, plastic accessories and 5 vinyl plastic people. Realistic steam-spring motor, built in on/off switch, and speed governor are all included also. Bell rings and harmless sparks shoot from the stack as it whizzes around its oval track. The train includes locomotive, lithographed-metal tender, gondola and caboose.

wherestip  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:53
চাইনিজ/চিনা থেকে ‍ইংরেজি
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bikes in the '50s Dec 6, 2012

Here's a clip I found of some kids riding around their neighborhood on little red wagons, tricycles, and bicycles. In the '50s, riding a tricycle or bicycle was one of your typical American kid's outdoor play activities.


Jinhang Wang
Jinhang Wang  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:53
‍ইংরেজি থেকে চাইনিজ/চিনা
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Thank you wherestip for the photos! Dec 6, 2012

谢谢 wherestip 提供这么多有趣的图片!

ysun  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:53
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本届翻译竞赛引起的联想 Dec 10, 2012

曾经有位 native English speaker 以遥遥领先的得分赢得了本网站中译英比赛的桂冠。于是有位曾经自称是 native English speaker 的参赛者表示不服,贴出自己的参赛稿与获奖译文进行对比,甚至还怀疑那夺冠者不是英国人。结果人们发现,那位好事者的译文实在令人不敢恭维,而且冒牌的 native English speaker 并不是那位夺冠者。俗话讲,愿赌服输。如果不服,那就练好功夫后再来吧!公开质疑竞赛结果的做法不符合网站规定。

[Edited at 2012-12-10 16:22 GMT]

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