Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Nov 27 '09 pol>eng wpaść w ręce it found me pro closed ok
4 Nov 8 '09 pol>eng o to aby pracownicy pracowali to ensure that employees work pro closed no
4 Nov 7 '09 pol>eng nikt sie z nami nie nudzi a good time / good fun guaranteed for all pro closed no
4 Nov 6 '09 pol>eng spadkobierca tradycji pływackich which has inherited / is continuing the swimming traditions of pro closed no
- Sep 17 '08 pol>eng "myśl o nas ciepło" think of us kindly pro closed no
4 Aug 28 '08 pol>eng Poczynając od pierwszego dnia po upływie jednego roku starting from the first day after the lapse of one year pro closed no
- Aug 28 '08 pol>eng powołać się na odpowiednie wyłączenie cite an appropriate exemption / the exemption in question pro closed no
4 Aug 11 '08 pol>eng własność budynku stanowiącego odrębną nieruchomość the ownership title to a building constituting a separate real property pro closed ok
4 Aug 11 '08 pol>eng samoocena szans życiowych młodzieży the hopes and aspirations of young people in the rural commune of pro closed no
3 Jul 23 '08 pol>eng jednoczesnie zaswiadcza sie this certificate also confirms that pro closed ok
- Jul 17 '08 pol>eng działalność gospodarcza zobowiązuje the responsibilities associated with running a business pro closed ok
- Mar 17 '08 pol>eng pojemne inclusive pro closed no
- Mar 13 '08 pol>eng biznesowe spojrzenie na model the business conception of the model pro closed ok
4 Mar 8 '08 pol>eng przyblizyć sylwetkę poety give a broad outline of the poet's life and work pro closed ok
- Jan 22 '08 pol>eng bedziemy mieli do czynienia z latami straconymi dla Polski we will have to deal with Poland's lost years pro closed no
- Dec 28 '07 pol>eng zbliżać się wielkimi krokami is just around the corner pro closed ok
- Dec 4 '07 pol>eng opracowanie composition pro closed ok
- Jul 14 '07 pol>eng dwuosobowa uzbrojona załoga interwencyjna two-person security team pro closed no
4 Jun 23 '07 pol>eng nagłośnienie ogólnopolskich kampanii as a result of nationwide awareness-raising campaigns pro closed ok
- Jun 21 '07 pol>eng umiejętność redagowania wszelkiego rodzaju pism learned how to draft and edit all kinds of documents and letters pro closed no
4 Jun 8 '07 pol>eng korzystają z domniemania prawdziwości are presumed to be true pro closed no
4 Jun 8 '07 pol>eng na tytuł, z którego wynika zobowiązanie a basis for the obligation / liability pro closed ok
- Jun 6 '07 pol>eng znać formy grzecznościowe knows the polite forms of the language pro closed ok
- Jun 7 '07 pol>eng nabycie vs objęcie acquire or take up pro closed ok
4 May 14 '07 pol>eng strategia zwiększania potencjału technicznego a strategy of increasing the technical capacity pro closed no
4 May 11 '07 pol>eng umozliwiac komuś wzglednie normalna egzystencje thus allowing them to lead a relatively normal life pro closed no
- Apr 24 '07 pol>eng zdanie odrębne dissenting votes pro closed ok
- Apr 23 '07 pol>eng dolegliwość kary (degree of) onerousness of the penalty / sentence pro closed ok
- Mar 27 '07 pol>eng ekspozycja targowa w kategorii wyposażenie baru an original presentation in the bar fittings section pro closed ok
- Mar 27 '07 pol>eng zespół twórców komediowych hitów by a team of successful comedy writers with a number of hits to their name pro closed ok
- Mar 26 '07 pol>eng utylizacja uszkodzonych produktów recycling of damaged products pro closed ok
- Mar 26 '07 pol>eng gmina o statusie miasta municipality with city status pro closed no
4 Mar 19 '07 pol>eng ustrój organów ochrony prawnej the system of legal protection bodies pro closed no
- Mar 19 '07 pol>eng teczka dossier pro closed ok
4 Mar 15 '07 pol>eng zawierać efekty wykraczające poza may include measures with cross-border implications pro closed ok
- Mar 15 '07 pol>eng podjąć silną agiatację to mount a concerted campaign of agitation pro closed no
4 Mar 15 '07 pol>eng dwuwładza dual power system pro closed no
4 Mar 15 '07 pol>eng potencjalny efekt synergii potential synergy effect pro closed ok
- Mar 13 '07 pol>eng % udział w całości wydatków z percentage of total state budget expenditure pro closed ok
4 Mar 13 '07 pol>eng rozliczenie inwestycji wieloletnich jednostek to cover long-term investments of local government bodies pro closed ok
- Mar 13 '07 pol>eng Dofinansowanie środkami z budżetu państwa zadań provision of funding from the state budget for tasks to be carried out pro closed ok
- Mar 13 '07 pol>eng materiałami eksploatacyjnymi do wytwarzania materials for making stamps pro closed ok
4 Mar 13 '07 pol>eng za zaslugi dla Polski i polskosci poza granicami kraju poniżej pro closed no
4 Mar 11 '07 pol>eng rozmieszczenie bazy technicznej ochrony zdrowia the distribution of technical facilities for healthcare pro closed ok
- Mar 10 '07 pol>eng oczyszczenie pola a clearing out process pro closed ok
- Mar 11 '07 pol>eng modelowy obiekt polowań obecnej ekipy a typical example of the kind of people who are being targeted by the current regime pro closed ok
- Mar 10 '07 pol>eng opusci mnie trema the day I stop getting nervous / as soon as I stop getting nervous pro closed no
- Mar 10 '07 pol>eng zabierać się z rewolucyjnym zapałem do rozliczania afer niżej pro closed ok
- Mar 9 '07 pol>eng charakter rozwojowy the case is ongoing and more facts are emerging pro closed ok
- Mar 8 '07 pol>eng rozbudowa infrastruktury kanalizacyjnej extension of the sewage system pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered