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    • English
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          • R0 (reproductive rate)
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          • An epidemiologic metric used to describe the contagiousness or transmissibility of infectious agents, which is usually estimated with complex mathematical models developed using various sets of assumptions. It is an estimate of the average number of new cases of a disease that each case generates, at a given point in time. R0 estimates for the virus that causes COVID-19 are around 2 to 3, which is slightly higher than that for seasonal influenza (R0 ~1.2-1.3), but far lower than more contagious diseases such as measles (R0 ~12 - 18). Kaiser Family Foundation
        • Example sentence(s)
          • The R0 is not an intrinsic feature of the virus. It can be lowered through containment, mitigation and ultimately “herd immunity,” as people who have recovered become less susceptible to infections or serious illnesses. For the epidemic to begin to end, the reproduction rate has to drop below 1. - The Washington Post by
          • This chart shows two curves with two very different virus reproduction rates. In the steepest curve, the virus reproduces quickly in a short period of time. In this scenario, emergency rooms, intensive care units and other parts of the health care system are overwhelmed. In an overwhelmed system, mortality rates can be high and those infected may not get the treatment they need. - World Economic Forum by
          • When the team modeled a scenario in which contacts were notified the instant a person tested positive, it was possible to push the reproductive rate of the virus below that threshold, the team reported in a preprint this week. - Science by
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    • Portuguese
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          • Número básico de reprodução (R0)
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          • Número médio de casos secundários de infeção originados a partir de um caso primário quando este, encontrando-se no seu período infecioso, é introduzido numa população que consiste somente de indivíduos suscetíveis. Portuguese Directorate-General of Health - by pedrolmoura
        • Example sentence(s)
          • A designação correcta para R0 é número básico de reprodução (do inglês "basic reproduction number"), embora uma parte da literatura moderna (e.g. Anderson and May 1979, 1991) use a designação “taxa básica de reprodução”. O termo “taxa”, contudo, não é apropriado. Uma taxa quantifica um fluxo e tem dimensões tempo-1, enquanto R0 não tem dimensões (verificar isto na equação [3.5]), é apenas um número de contactos. - University of Lisbon by pedrolmoura
          • De acordo com a Direcção-Geral de Saúde, neste momento o R0 em Portugal situa-se um pouco acima de dois, o que significa que cada pessoa infectada contagia em média cerca de duas pessoas. - Público by pedrolmoura
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