Dictionaries on offer

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Ofertă - Cărţi
De la: Alison Hill Campbell
Publicat la data:Jul 28, 2009
Descriere:I have a few dictionaries on offer that range from slightly out of date to really quite old. I am happy to give them away if anyone is interested - I only request the cost of postage (each one approx £2 in the UK, I will check for elsewhere if necessary)

French < > English Dictionnaire des affaires (Larousse) - date 1968
German < > English Technical Words and phrases (Marlborough) - preface to the first addition is dated 1931!
French < > English Dictionary of computing (langues pour tous) - 1992
French < > English Dictionary of technical terms and phrases (Kettridge) - 1951
French < > English Petit vocabulaire technique (no date but definitely looks ancient. This one I won't even charge you for postage as it is small and light)

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

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