Today I woke up at dawn to the meows of a cat near my bed which was rubbing itself against me. It persisted in a way I found unusual, so I became concerned. I thought “It might be hungry,” so I brought it food, but it abstained and left the food. I then thought “It might be thirsty,” so I offered it water but the cat did not care for any. The cat started looking at me with an expression conveying its sorrows and pains, which affected me deeply so much so I wished I were Solomon and be able to converse with animals, so I can know what it wants and relieve its affliction. The door to the room was closed, and I noticed that the cat looked at the door for long and would linger close to me whenever it saw me approach the door. Only then I realised its aim, and knew it wanted me to open the door. Only then I hurried toward the door and opened it. Once the cat saw the outdoors and the sky, its sorrows and pains turned into felicity and happiness, and it ran away. I returned to my bed and rested my head on my hand, and started contemplating this cat and its conduct. I thought “Does a cat understand what is freedom?” It was in sorrow for losing it, and happy to find it. Yes, indeed! It fully understands freedom, and its sorrow and tears as well as abstaining from food and water were because of loss of freedom, and its imploring, requesting, rubbing, and insistence were for the sake of freedom.