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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Schiphol behind the scenes and dinner

June 11, 2015, 5:45 pm
নেদারল্যান্ডHoofddorpIn person‍ইংরেজি
On Thursday, June 11th, we'll meet for a pre-pre-international conference powwow tour behind the scenes at Schiphol airport (one hour): 


For the tour, we'll meet at 4:00 pm near the entrance, right at this meeting point:

After the tour, we'll go together for dinner in Hoofddorp at the Vork en Mes restaurant where the food is grown locally and specifically for the restaurant:


The five-course menu is interesting, delicious and affordable. The restaurant is used to providing vegetarian dishes and always asks if the guests are on a diet.

To signup to this powwow, just click on Signup to this powwow below on this page. To confirm your attendance, just click on the following link:

IMPORTANT: confirming your attendance means you will pay the fee for the tour at Schiphol and your dinner and drinks at the restaurant. Should you want to attend the tour or the dinner only, please send me a message and indicate this clearly when you signup.

The tour people need a list of the attendees consisting of their complete name as indicated on their ID and their date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY. Please send this information to me via Facebook PM or message preferably by Friday the 5th of June EOB but no later than Monday 8th of June! I have to provide the list at least two days in advance. I promise not to disclose any embarrassing details....

See you soon!

Ellen Singer


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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (31) / Confirmed: 19 / Tentative: 3
Name NoteWill Attend
Ellen Singer  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" I will be at the meeting point at Schiphol as of 3 thirty. Should your plane arrive at 3 o' clock or later, do tell me in advance (flight number)! As a large group we have to take their 5-course menu. The chefs take diets and preferences into account.  y
Nigel Saych   Hope I can make it, I have a few things booked for the next couple of days...  m
Kalinka Hristova   Yes!  y
Nigel Wheatley   ...  m
Paula Dana Szabados   ...  y
Marijke Singer   ...  
Fernanda Rocha  \"Photographer\" ...  n
Samuel Murray   ...  n
Basak Balkan   ...  
Els Hendriks   ...  m
Federica Duello   ...  n
Christine Gardner   ...  y
P.L.F. Persio   Sorry. Have fun and post pics for us, please!  n
Maria Trepp   very sorry it looks like great fun!  n
Maleen Hof   Sounds very interesting  y
Jørgen A. Andersen   No Fear of Flying. See you  y
Bianca Tubbing-Tempelaars   ...  
srpen   I'm in for it all!  y
Lori Larsen-Hoff   I will be attending both the tour and the dinner, I will bring a guest.   y
Irene Elmerot   Veggie food, please, or do we order ourselves?  y
Daniel Šebesta   ...  y
Tanya Quintieri   ...  y
Zbynek Taborsky   ...  y
Thomas Brennecke   Looking forward to seeing you guys.  y
mutarjem   I look forward to meeting you all. Sameh Ragab. Flight 757 Egypt Air  y
John Di Rico   ...  n
Mandy van Zantwijk   ...  y
César Yamandú Sánchez Franco   Ready to enjoy the meeting!  y
Dominique Broady   Looking forward to it!  y
Lucy Hofland   Just attending the dinner, not the Schiphol tour.  y
alex suhoy   ...  y

Postings about this event

Powwow: Hoofddorp - Netherlands
Ellen Singer
Ellen Singer  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:28
‍ইংরেজি থেকে স্প্যানিশ
+ ...
Schiphol tour and powwow a few days prior to the Rotterdam international conference Mar 17, 2015

Tour behind the scenes at Schiphol airport (one hour) and subsequent dinner in Hoofddorp at a restaurant where the food is grown locally specifically for the restaurant. The 5-course menu is interesting, delicious and affordable. The restaurant is used to providing vegetarian dishes and always asks ... See more
Tour behind the scenes at Schiphol airport (one hour) and subsequent dinner in Hoofddorp at a restaurant where the food is grown locally specifically for the restaurant. The 5-course menu is interesting, delicious and affordable. The restaurant is used to providing vegetarian dishes and always asks if the guests are on a diet.

Jørgen A. Andersen
Jørgen A. Andersen  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:28
2010 থেকে সদস্য
‍ইংরেজি থেকে ড্যানিশ
+ ...
Looking forward to seing you May 19, 2015

Hi Ellen,
The meeting point is at the Shipol airport somewhere, I guess. I come from Copenhagen landing at 14:00 hours. I guess it will be no problem finding the group (?)
All the best


Ellen Singer
Ellen Singer  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:28
‍ইংরেজি থেকে স্প্যানিশ
+ ...
Meeting point May 26, 2015

Dear Jørgen,
Looking forward to seeing you again. The meeting point is easy to find. There are signposts to lead you to it and you can ask any employee or local. It is near the exit to the buses.

Arriving at 2 gives you time to either take your suitcase to a locker area before the tour (or your hotel should it be within 20 minutes travel time).


[Edited at 2015-05-26 05:55 GMT]

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