Contest: Finals phase is on. Vote now!
থ্রেড পোস্টার: Ana Moirano
Ana Moirano
Ana Moirano
Local time: 08:20
সাইট স্টাফ
Feb 19, 2024

Movie Night 5

Dear all,

Finals voting is open for a new wave of language pairs in the current translation contest, Movie night. Please help to determine the winning translations by voting for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in your language pair(s).
A total of 55 language pairs are currently in finals.

In the Spanish to Portuguese BR language pair, unfortunately, too few people rated entries to define finalists, so it is currently "stuck" in the qualification phase. If you work in this pair, please help determine which entries go to finals by rating them for Qualtiy and Accuracy. You can rate as many or as few entries as you like - every rating counts!

In other pairs, not enough entries were received in order to open competition, and they have been placed in feedback mode so that the translations can be viewed and discussed.

You can see the contest here: Movie night .

The Finals phase closes on March 11th.
Happy voting!Thanks!

Best regards,

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Jairo marques

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Contest: Finals phase is on. Vote now!

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