Are both these websites in Pashto?
থ্রেড পোস্টার: Thomas Johansson
Thomas Johansson
Thomas Johansson  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:47
‍ইংরেজি থেকে সুইডিশ
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Jan 22, 2024

Voice of America has this website for news in Pashto:

However, they also have another website - - whose language I am not able to figure out. Google Translate says it is also Pashto, but that doesn't sound reasonable.

I wonder if someone can
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Voice of America has this website for news in Pashto:

However, they also have another website - - whose language I am not able to figure out. Google Translate says it is also Pashto, but that doesn't sound reasonable.

I wonder if someone can please confirm if this second site is also in Pashto or, if not, what language it is?

Thank you

Zea_Mays  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:47
2009 থেকে সদস্য
‍ইংরেজি থেকে জার্মান
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according to Bard (Google) Jan 22, 2024

the two websites are using different variants of Pashto. Voadeewa News uses the Southern Pashto dialect, which is spoken in southern Afghanistan and southwestern Pakistan. Pashtovoa uses the Northern Pashto dialect, which is spoken in northern Afghanistan and northeastern Pakistan.

Here is a table that summarizes the differences between the two dialects:

Feature-----------------------Southern Pashto------------------Northern Pashto

Vowel system----------------More conservative----------------More innovative
Consonant system-----------More conservative----------------More innovative
Vocabulary-------------------More Arabic loanwords-----------More Persian loanwords
Morphology------------------More conservative----------------More innovative

The differences between the two dialects are relatively minor, but they can be noticeable to native speakers. For example, the Southern Pashto dialect has a more conservative vowel system, which means that it preserves some sounds that have been lost in the Northern Pashto dialect. Additionally, the Southern Pashto dialect has more Arabic loanwords, which is a reflection of its closer historical ties to the Arab world.

Despite their differences, the two dialects of Pashto are mutually intelligible. This means that speakers of one dialect can understand speakers of the other dialect with little difficulty."

Thomas Johansson
Thomas Johansson  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:47
‍ইংরেজি থেকে সুইডিশ
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Thank you! Jan 22, 2024

Great with all the details.

Zea_Mays  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:47
2009 থেকে সদস্য
‍ইংরেজি থেকে জার্মান
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double checking required Jan 22, 2024

Thomas Johansson wrote:

Great with all the details.

Hi Thomas, I don't know if the details are correct as I don't speak Pashto.
Google's AI bot has access to the web so it can be queried on such questions, but to be sure the opinion of native speakers is required.

Arabic & More
Arabic & More  Identity Verified
‍আরবি থেকে ‍ইংরেজি
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Descriptions Jan 22, 2024

Here are descriptions of the two sites from VOA itself:

Thomas Johansson
Thomas Johansson  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:47
‍ইংরেজি থেকে সুইডিশ
+ ...
Thanks Jan 24, 2024

Thank you for completing the picture, Arabic & More.

I got a little bit confused by Bard's statement that VOA Deewa uses the Southern Pashto dialect, when the page from Arabic & More states that VOA Deewa addresses an audience in and around Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, where people speak Northern Pashto.

I sent an email to VOA to ask about his, and surprisingly I received a very quick reply from a representantive of their VOA Deewa channel.

In short, according to
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Thank you for completing the picture, Arabic & More.

I got a little bit confused by Bard's statement that VOA Deewa uses the Southern Pashto dialect, when the page from Arabic & More states that VOA Deewa addresses an audience in and around Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, where people speak Northern Pashto.

I sent an email to VOA to ask about his, and surprisingly I received a very quick reply from a representantive of their VOA Deewa channel.

In short, according to the representative, VOA Deewa is targeting the Pashtun audience in Pakistan, incl. in Pakistan's northwestern province Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and its dialect is, therefore, mainly northern. However, some of their reporters come from regions where the southern dialect is spoken and these reporters may use that dialect when reporting.

Arabic & More
Arabic & More  Identity Verified
‍আরবি থেকে ‍ইংরেজি
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Very interesting! Jan 24, 2024

It's great that you got in touch with the site to dig a little deeper, and your experience also highlights the dangers of relying on AI technology alone for research of this type. The disturbing thing about the AI response is how authoritative (and convincing) it sounds.

Becca Resnik
Thomas Johansson
Thomas Johansson
Thomas Johansson  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:47
‍ইংরেজি থেকে সুইডিশ
+ ...
1-0 Jan 24, 2024

Yes, 1-0 for humanity against AI...!

Also, I'm getting more clarifications about Pashto from the friendly people at VOA: "there are also different accents in Pashto and those accents have some local words that are only used in the respective region where those accents are dominant. Both Pashtos have the same roots and there are a lot of similarities. Both Pashtos have the same grammatical structure and rules."

I guess that means the two Pashtos are mutually very intelli
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Yes, 1-0 for humanity against AI...!

Also, I'm getting more clarifications about Pashto from the friendly people at VOA: "there are also different accents in Pashto and those accents have some local words that are only used in the respective region where those accents are dominant. Both Pashtos have the same roots and there are a lot of similarities. Both Pashtos have the same grammatical structure and rules."

I guess that means the two Pashtos are mutually very intelligible.
I guess perhaps they relate to each other somewhat like British and US English or Brazilian and Portuguese Portuguese or so.


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Are both these websites in Pashto?

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