Certification of police checks (Belgium and France to USA)
থ্রেড পোস্টার: Emiliana Sarra
Emiliana Sarra
Emiliana Sarra
Local time: 11:33
ফেঞ্চ/ফরাসি থেকে ‍ইংরেজি
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Nov 15, 2022

Hi everyone! After researching and studying the area at university, I am wanting to begin providing certified translations. I have been approached for my first job, and had some questions.

I am based in France. My client wishes to send Belgian and French criminal police checks to the US for their green card. The US authorities have asked for a translation of those documents, stating:

"Please note that all documents not written in English, or in the official language of
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Hi everyone! After researching and studying the area at university, I am wanting to begin providing certified translations. I have been approached for my first job, and had some questions.

I am based in France. My client wishes to send Belgian and French criminal police checks to the US for their green card. The US authorities have asked for a translation of those documents, stating:

"Please note that all documents not written in English, or in the official language of the country from which you are applying, must be accompanied by certified translations. The translation must include a statement signed by the translator stating that:
-The translation is accurate, and
-The translator is competent to translate."

My first question is: I therefore do not need to be a sworn translator, as we follow what is required by the target country authorities and instructions, correct? If I were to follow France's instructions, I assume I would need to be a sworn translator, I assume. However, they are not asking for this here.

My second question: Do I need a notarised signature, or is it sufficient to provide my own certification of accuracy (stating that I, with such and such experience, believe to have translated the following documents from X to Y accurately... )
The following link I found seemed to imply a notarised signature is a compulsory part of the certificate:

It is something I have found difficult to get my head around before officially making the move into providing certified translations, and therefore would like to know if anyone can confirm I have understood correctly?

Many thanks in advance for your help!

Jessica Noyes
Jessica Noyes  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:33
স্প্যানিশ থেকে ‍ইংরেজি
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Certification Nov 16, 2022

The U.S. has no "sworn translator" category. For immigration documents I sign a statement that I am bilingual and that the translation is accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief. (I also list my university degrees.)

I have done dozens of these, always getting my signature notarized. In the state I live in, notarizing is a free service, so I'd just charge my client for the time it took to go to the town clerk and get it done.

Recently, someone who works profess
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The U.S. has no "sworn translator" category. For immigration documents I sign a statement that I am bilingual and that the translation is accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief. (I also list my university degrees.)

I have done dozens of these, always getting my signature notarized. In the state I live in, notarizing is a free service, so I'd just charge my client for the time it took to go to the town clerk and get it done.

Recently, someone who works professionally helping refugees fill out their U.S. asylum-seeker forms told me there was no need to even notarize them! So most recently I simply attached the signed paper document to the translation with no notarization. This saved the client some money, and me some time.

It seems a little strange, right?

Liviu-Lee Roth
Michael Newton
Michael Newton  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:33
জাপানি থেকে ‍ইংরেজি
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Certification Nov 16, 2022

I regularly go to my local bank (Bank of America) for notarizations which are free. I have a separate certification document which I have drawn up which I provide to my clients. So far everyone is happy. I don't charge for the notarizations as these are for law firms which are giving me considerable volumes of business.

Liviu-Lee Roth
Emiliana Sarra
Emiliana Sarra
Local time: 11:33
ফেঞ্চ/ফরাসি থেকে ‍ইংরেজি
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Thank you + reply from client Nov 17, 2022

Hi both,

Thank you very much for your replies! That is really useful to get your experiences and also know what you write in your certification.

The client came back to me saying that from what she understands, there is no need for a notarised signature either. So we'll proceed that way - thanks again!

Liviu-Lee Roth
Liviu-Lee Roth
Local time: 06:33
রোমানিয়ান থেকে ‍ইংরেজি
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Hi Emiliana, Nov 19, 2022

Emiliana Sarra wrote:

Hi both,

Thank you very much for your replies! That is really useful to get your experiences and also know what you write in your certification.

The client came back to me saying that from what she understands, there is no need for a notarised signature either. So we'll proceed that way - thanks again!

Make sure that they don't need the criminal report with an Apostille (Apostille - Convention de La Haye, 5 Octobre 1961) (1961 Hague Convention).

Some courts might require it, although most of the Immigration Courts (EOIR) don't.



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Certification of police checks (Belgium and France to USA)

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