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ysun  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:30
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专利中常用的一句结束语 Feb 14, 2016

前几天,我译了一篇专利(中译英),其中有这样一句话:“因此,本发明将不会被限制于本文所示的这些实施例,而是要符合与本文所公开的原理和新颖特点相一致的最宽的范围。” 如果您 Google 一下,就会发现,天下文章一大抄,很多中文专利都是这样抄出来的。这前半句好理解,后半句就有些费解。于是,我就上网想看看别人是怎么翻的。结果发现,很多人都是这样翻�... See more
前几天,我译了一篇专利(中译英),其中有这样一句话:“因此,本发明将不会被限制于本文所示的这些实施例,而是要符合与本文所公开的原理和新颖特点相一致的最宽的范围。” 如果您 Google 一下,就会发现,天下文章一大抄,很多中文专利都是这样抄出来的。这前半句好理解,后半句就有些费解。于是,我就上网想看看别人是怎么翻的。结果发现,很多人都是这样翻的(或者说,都是这样抄的):
Accordingly, the present invention will not be limited to these embodiments shown herein, but rather to conform consistent with principles disclosed herein, and novel features of the widest range.

您能看懂这后半句根本就不讲语法的英文吗?我后来发现,这段译文其实是在 Google 翻译的基础上改的,而且只改了一个词 (把 meet 改为 conform)。有 Google 翻译为证:
Accordingly, the present invention will not be limited to these embodiments shown herein, but rather to meet consistent with the principles disclosed herein, and novel features of the widest range.

Thus, the system is not limited to the embodiments shown, but is to be accorded the widest scope consistent with the principles and features disclosed herein.

我个人认为,其中的 accorded 并非是“符合”的意思。一开始从英文译成中文时就译错了,所以再想译回英文就难回了。不知大家有何高见?

wherestip  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:30
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... to be accorded the widest scope consistent with ... Feb 14, 2016

ysun wrote:

Thus, the system is not limited to the embodiments shown, but is to be accorded the widest scope consistent with the principles and features disclosed herein.

我个人认为,其中的 accorded 并非是“符合”的意思。一开始从英文译成中文时就译错了,所以再想译回英文就难回了。不知大家有何高见?


Great detective work on your part! I totally agree with you that this is most likely the original English sentence since only in which configuration does the passage make any sense.

[Edited at 2016-02-14 04:51 GMT]

Jinhang Wang
Jinhang Wang  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:30
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马虎的翻译 Feb 14, 2016

ysun wrote:

前几天,我译了一篇专利(中译英),其中有这样一句话:“因此,本发明将不会被限制于本文所示的这些实施例,而是要符合与本文所公开的原理和新颖特点相一致的最宽的范围。” 如果您 Google 一下,就会发现,天下文章一大抄,很多中文专利都是这样抄出来的。这前半句好理解,后半句就有些费解。于是,我就上网想看看别人是怎么翻的。结果发现,很多人都是这样翻的(或者说,都是这样抄的):
Accordingly, the present invention will not be limited to these embodiments shown herein, but rather to conform consistent with principles disclosed herein, and novel features of the widest range.

您能看懂这后半句根本就不讲语法的英文吗?我后来发现,这段译文其实是在 Google 翻译的基础上改的,而且只改了一个词 (把 meet 改为 conform)。有 Google 翻译为证:
Accordingly, the present invention will not be limited to these embodiments shown herein, but rather to meet consistent with the principles disclosed herein, and novel features of the widest range.

Thus, the system is not limited to the embodiments shown, but is to be accorded the widest scope consistent with the principles and features disclosed herein.

我个人认为,其中的 accorded 并非是“符合”的意思。一开始从英文译成中文时就译错了,所以再想译回英文就难回了。不知大家有何高见?

这里的 accord 应该是 give 或 grant 的意思。可参考:


accord implies giving to another what is due or proper

根据中文习惯,the system is not limited to the embodiments shown, but is to be accorded the widest scope consistent with the principles and features disclosed herein 可译为



另外,accord 作“符合”讲时,是不及物动词,不能直接 to be accorded 这样用的。

wherestip  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:30
চাইনিজ/চিনা থেকে ‍ইংরেজি
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"Accord" as a transitive verb Feb 14, 2016

J.H. Wang wrote:

这里的 accord 应该是 give 或 grant 的意思。可参考:


accord implies giving to another what is due or proper

根据中文习惯,the system is not limited to the embodiments shown, but is to be accorded the widest scope consistent with the principles and features disclosed herein 可译为



另外,accord 作“符合”讲时,是不及物动词,不能直接 to be accorded 这样用的。

That's a very good point, J.H..

"Accord" in this usage is a transitive rather than an intransitive verb:

Full Definition of accord
transitive verb
1: to bring into agreement : reconcile
2: to grant or give especially as appropriate, due, or earned

intransitive verb
1 archaic : to arrive at an agreement
2 obsolete : to give consent
3: to be consistent or in harmony : agree —usually used with with

So the translation that Yueyin correctly pointed out as erroneous indeed missed the meaning by a mile.

[Edited at 2016-02-14 15:30 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:30
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“to be accorded” Feb 14, 2016

J.H. Wang wrote:

这里的 accord 应该是 give 或 grant 的意思。可参考:


accord implies giving to another what is due or proper


我完全同意你对 “to be accorded” 的理解。但我建议,可将此句译为“此系统不限于所示的实施例,而应享有与本文所公开的原理及特征相符的最广的(权利)范围。此处的“范围”是指 scope of claims,也就是指 scope of protection。这里的“相符”不是指 “to be accorded”,而是指“consistent with”。

ysun  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:30
‍ইংরেজি থেকে চাইনিজ/চিনা
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马虎的翻译 Feb 14, 2016

J.H. Wang wrote:


我觉得,最先把此句从英文译为中文的那位翻译倒不一定是马虎,而是误解了 "to be accorded" 的意思。但那位用 Google 把此句从中文译为英文的翻译却是马虎到了家。估计许多日译万字的人,就是以这种马虎的态度与方式做翻译的,却还以“日译万字”为自豪!

Jinhang Wang
Jinhang Wang  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:30
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一词多义造成的理解困难 Feb 15, 2016

wherestip wrote:

J.H. Wang wrote:

这里的 accord 应该是 give 或 grant 的意思。可参考:


accord implies giving to another what is due or proper

根据中文习惯,the system is not limited to the embodiments shown, but is to be accorded the widest scope consistent with the principles and features disclosed herein 可译为



另外,accord 作“符合”讲时,是不及物动词,不能直接 to be accorded 这样用的。

That's a very good point, J.H..

"Accord" in this usage is a transitive rather than an intransitive verb:

Full Definition of accord
transitive verb
1: to bring into agreement : reconcile
2: to grant or give especially as appropriate, due, or earned

intransitive verb
1 archaic : to arrive at an agreement
2 obsolete : to give consent
3: to be consistent or in harmony : agree —usually used with with

So the translation that Yueyin correctly pointed out as erroneous indeed missed the meaning by a mile.

[Edited at 2016-02-14 15:30 GMT]

Steve, as you understand, the polysemy of a word or phrase often presents a major challenge for us translators. The solution to it, based on my own experience, is mainly from a semantic point of view on one hand (the key point here is that the target word or phrase you choose to translate the source word or phrase should make good sense when it is put into the target sentence or context), and sometimes from a grammatical perspective, on the other.

Jinhang Wang
Jinhang Wang  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:30
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这个可以再探讨一下 Feb 15, 2016

ysun wrote:

J.H. Wang wrote:

这里的 accord 应该是 give 或 grant 的意思。可参考:


accord implies giving to another what is due or proper


我完全同意你对 “to be accorded” 的理解。但我建议,可将此句译为“此系统不限于所示的实施例,而应享有与本文所公开的原理及特征相符的最广的(权利)范围。此处的“范围”是指 scope of claims,也就是指 scope of protection。这里的“相符”不是指 “to be accorded”,而是指“consistent with”。



应该说,这里的 system 可以说是一个 general的系统,embodiments 是其不同的具体实现形式。embodiments 在次要的方面可以有差异,但是其原理和基本特征是相同的,也就是与 the principles and features disclosed herein 一致。

从语法的角度来说,the system 是主语,后面的 is not limited to the embodiments shown 和 is to be accorded the widest scope consistent with the principles and features disclosed herein 可以认为是它的两个并列谓语。is not limited to the embodiments shown 其实是说,the system 的实施例包括但不限于 the embodiments shown,其实后面的 is to be accorded the widest scope consistent with the principles and features disclosed herein 理解为 the system 还包括 the widest scope /range of embodiments consistent with the principles and features disclosed herein 似乎才更准确些。

也就是说,这整句话是说 the system 的涵盖 embodiments 范围不限于本文所举的例子,凡是与其原理和特征一致的 embodiments 都属于其 the system。

否则的话,作为 the system 的谓语,一个是讲 embodiments 的,一个是讲 claims 的, 会出现一致性问题。


[Edited at 2016-02-15 12:36 GMT]

[Edited at 2016-02-15 12:39 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:30
‍ইংরেজি থেকে চাইনিজ/চিনা
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如何表达 to be accorded Feb 15, 2016


你的观点有助于深化我们的讨论和理解,很好。你说你专利翻译做的并不多。这并不影响我们的讨论。你说我俩的译法试图表达的意思是一致的,我也同意这一点。我们的分歧只在于对 to be accorded 的表达以及对 scope 的理解。虽然你我在各自译文中“范围”之前的括弧里分别加上了“实施例”和“权利”,但那只是为了说明各自的观点。在实际翻译过程中,是
... See more

你的观点有助于深化我们的讨论和理解,很好。你说你专利翻译做的并不多。这并不影响我们的讨论。你说我俩的译法试图表达的意思是一致的,我也同意这一点。我们的分歧只在于对 to be accorded 的表达以及对 scope 的理解。虽然你我在各自译文中“范围”之前的括弧里分别加上了“实施例”和“权利”,但那只是为了说明各自的观点。在实际翻译过程中,是不需要加、也不允许加的。所以,关键就在于如何表达 to be accorded。

如你所说,这里的 accord 应该是 give 或 grant 的意思(Merriam Webster: to grant or give especially as appropriate, due, or earned)。如果按此理解直译,就可将 to be accorded 译为“被授予/给予”(to be granted/given) 。比较合乎逻辑的是,“被授予/给予”的是某种权利范围、保护范围。申请专利者在申请书中都要提出 claims,也就是权利要求。专利局经审查后,决定是否授予这种权利。未经批准的专利申请之 status,叫做 pending。被批准的专利申请之 status,就被称为granted。这与 accorded 的意思是一致的。因此我认为,把 “is to be accorded” 译为“应享有”也许较为确切。当然,我的理解也不一定对,欢迎继续讨论。

顺便提一下,我上面引用的那段英文,是所谓的 "standard" ending of the description。在许多专利申请书中,都采用更为广义的说法, “the invention is not limited to the embodiments shown”。因为发明可以是一种 system,也可以是一种 process、design 或 chemical substance,等等。

[Edited at 2016-02-15 16:52 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:30
চাইনিজ/চিনা থেকে ‍ইংরেজি
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变被动为主动 Feb 15, 2016

对的,“to be accorded” 是 “被授予(专利权利)范围”的意思。 中文行文中一般尽量避免被动的修饰,因此我觉得 Yueyin 将 “授予” 转变为 “享有” 其实是很巧妙的,不愧为高手。

That said, I agree with both of you that both of your versions are successful in correctly conveying the essential meaning of the original.

ysun  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:30
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異曲同工 Feb 15, 2016


过奖!我认为,J.H. Wang 的译法也很好。我们两种译法的目的都表达了发明人希望尽量扩大权利范围的愿望。可谓異曲同工。

ysun  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:30
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关于 claim Feb 15, 2016

说起 claim,有些人把专利申请书中的 Claim 翻译为“条款”。这是明显的错误。


此 Kudoz 中问及的那个 claim 应该是出自这一专利:
17. The method defined in claim 1 wherein steps (c) through (g) are carried continuously in line.

中国大陆把 claims 译为权利要求,台湾则译为“申請專利範圍”。此外,以前我也在此提过,专利中的每一项 claim 不是一个完整句子,而是一个带修饰语(甚至各种从句)的 phrase。可是,似乎有不少人不能接受这一观点。上面的 Claim 17,显然不是一个完整句子。完整的句子是 We claim (or What is claimed is): the method defined in claim 1 wherein steps (c) through (g) are carried continuously in line.

Jinhang Wang
Jinhang Wang  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:30
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我们的理解在细微处还有点差异 Feb 16, 2016

ysun wrote:


你的观点有助于深化我们的讨论和理解,很好。你说你专利翻译做的并不多。这并不影响我们的讨论。你说我俩的译法试图表达的意思是一致的,我也同意这一点。我们的分歧只在于对 to be accorded 的表达以及对 scope 的理解。虽然你我在各自译文中“范围”之前的括弧里分别加上了“实施例”和“权利”,但那只是为了说明各自的观点。在实际翻译过程中,是不需要加、也不允许加的。所以,关键就在于如何表达 to be accorded。

如你所说,这里的 accord 应该是 give 或 grant 的意思(Merriam Webster: to grant or give especially as appropriate, due, or earned)。如果按此理解直译,就可将 to be accorded 译为“被授予/给予”(to be granted/given) 。比较合乎逻辑的是,“被授予/给予”的是某种权利范围、保护范围。申请专利者在申请书中都要提出 claims,也就是权利要求。专利局经审查后,决定是否授予这种权利。未经批准的专利申请之 status,叫做 pending。被批准的专利申请之 status,就被称为granted。这与 accorded 的意思是一致的。因此我认为,把 “is to be accorded” 译为“应享有”也许较为确切。当然,我的理解也不一定对,欢迎继续讨论。

顺便提一下,我上面引用的那段英文,是所谓的 "standard" ending of the description。在许多专利申请书中,都采用更为广义的说法, “the invention is not limited to the embodiments shown”。因为发明可以是一种 system,也可以是一种 process、design 或 chemical substance,等等。

[Edited at 2016-02-15 16:52 GMT]

其实,在对 scope 的理解上,我们有一点微小但仍值得注意的差异,而正是这种理解的差异造成了对 to be accorded 翻译的不同意见。

按照我的理解,the system (invention) is not limited to the embodiments shown, but is to be accorded the widest scope consistent with the principles and features disclosed herein 其本身并不涉及权利问题,但是其言外之意,或者说可以从中推论出权利要求。

这句话本身其实就是声明 the system (invention) 所包含的 embodiments 的范围。如果把 scope 理解为 scope of claims 的话,在我看来语言上也是不太通的。因为,根据我手里的《新牛津英汉双解大词典》,claims 这里应解释为:

■(亦作 statement of claim)a statement of the novel features in a patent.

那么,这样一来,the embodiments 与 the widest scope 就不是一类东西了,我觉得这从语法上很难说得通。因为, not limited to...,but..... 实际上可以说构成了并列而又具有递进意义的语句结构,其同时作为 the system (invention) 的谓语,必定要讲同一类的东西,也就是 the system (invention) 不同的实现形式(embodiments )。

其实,可以从集合的角度理解整句话。the system (invention) 是一个全集, the embodiments shown 是一个小的子集,后面的 the widest scope consistent with the principles and features disclosed herein 是一个大的子集,两者合并起来构成 the system (invention)。

not limited to 和 to be accorded 其实都是在表达“属于”(belong to)或者“包含”的关系。


[Edited at 2016-02-16 13:40 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:30
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A small example Feb 16, 2016


I'm not sure if this simple sentence might help, but I'll give it a try regardless. Hope it helps.

The rules are as follows, and are to be observed by all at all times.

ysun  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:30
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继续探讨 Feb 16, 2016



应该说,这个 scope 是指 the scope of the invention,而不是 the scope of claims。但是,界定 the scope of the invention 的目的就是为了界定 the scope of claims。至于如何全面理解《新牛津英汉双解大词典》的 “statement of claim”?根据《郎文现�
... See more


应该说,这个 scope 是指 the scope of the invention,而不是 the scope of claims。但是,界定 the scope of the invention 的目的就是为了界定 the scope of claims。至于如何全面理解《新牛津英汉双解大词典》的 “statement of claim”?根据《郎文现代英汉双解词典》,claim 的意思就是:to ask for or demand (a title, property, money, etc) as the rightful owner or as one’s right。因此,“statement of claim” 就相当于中文专利中的“权利要求书”。Claim 就是“权利要求”。其他词典对 claim 的解释也大同小异:
to say that (something) belongs to you or that you deserve (something)
1a : to ask for especially as a right (claimed the inheritance)

其次,the embodiments 与 the widest scope 确实不是一类东西。或者说,它们不属于一个范畴。比如说,“我家住在海淀区而不是西城区;海淀区的面积比西城区大得多”。显然,“海淀区”与“面积”就不属于一个范畴。你说,“the embodiments shown 是一个小的子集,后面的 the widest scope consistent with the principles and features disclosed herein 是一个大的子集,两者合并起来构成 the system (invention)”。我认为,the widest scope 不是一个大的子集。而应该说,the widest scope 覆盖了全集,也覆盖了 the embodiments shown。根据以上所述,我觉得你的译文”该系统不限于所示的实施例,而且包括……最广的(实施例)范围”,在逻辑上是有缺陷的。再说,to be accorded 并没有“包括”的意思。当然,我的译文“此系统不限于所示的实施例,而应享有……最广的(权利)范围”。在逻辑上也是有缺陷的。享有权利的应该是发明人或发明受让人(assignee),而不是此系统。因此,这句话也许应该译为 “本发明不限于所示的实施例,而应被赋予与本文所公开的原理及特征相符(或相一致)的最广泛范围。当然,应该还有更确切、更完善的译法。我只是抛砖引玉而已。欢迎继续探讨。

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