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Off topic: Proof-reader's mistakes
থ্রেড পোস্টার: Fan Gao
ysun  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:40
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一半玩笑、一半认真 Oct 13, 2006

xinlu ma wrote:

Yueyin Sun wrote:


也许比较合理的说法是:The first dental visit of your children should occur when they are between age 1 and 2.


[Edited at 2006-10-13 04:20]


欢迎你这位新朋友。我在上面把“Please bring your child to see a dentist between age 1 and 2”这句话,故意译成“请带你的小孩去看一位1至2岁的牙医”,显然是在开玩笑。但我说“这句话原文就有问题”,并非是开玩笑。若单纯从语法上讲,修饰“child”的“between age 1 and 2”应紧跟在“child”之后,而不是放在“dentist”之后。请与以下这句比较:

The insurance plan also pays the full cost of prescriptions for children under 18 and single students between age 18 and 26.


peiling  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:40
চাইনিজ/চিনা থেকে ‍ইংরেজি
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译法 Oct 13, 2006


Yueyin Sun wrote:


欢迎你这位新朋友。我在上面把“Please bring your child to see a dentist between age 1 and 2”这句话,故意译成“请带你的小孩去看一位1至2岁的牙医”,显然是在开玩笑。但我说“这句话原文就有问题”,并非是开玩笑。若单纯从语法上讲,修饰“child”的“between age 1 and 2”应紧跟在“child”之后,而不是放在“dentist”之后。请与以下这句比较:

The insurance plan also pays the full cost of prescriptions for children under 18 and single students between age 18 and 26.


[Edited at 2006-10-13 15:40]

ysun  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:40
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我认为你的做法是对的 Oct 15, 2006

Pei Ling Haussecker wrote:


Pei Ling,


至于上面那句话,比较简单。如果谁真的把它译成“请带你的小孩去看一位1至2岁的牙医”,客户就会说他连common sense都没有,那就别指望客户以后会再让他干活了,尽管他可以争辩说这样译是有语法根据的。;)

peiling  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:40
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:) Oct 15, 2006

那当然.客户后来也承认是原文出错.不过你的顾虑我当然也明白,我不可能轻易改原文的. 说到底就是需要跟客户澄清是吧.

Yueyin Sun wrote:

Pei Ling,


至于上面那句话,比较简单。如果谁真的把它译成“请带你的小孩去看一位1至2岁的牙医”,客户就会说他连common sense都没有,那就别指望客户以后会再让他干活了,尽管他可以争辩说这样译是有语法根据的。;)

Wenjer Leuschel (X)
Wenjer Leuschel (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:40
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插個嘴 Oct 15, 2006

Yueyin Sun wrote:

Pei Ling,


至于上面那句话,比较简单。如果谁真的把它译成“请带你的小孩去看一位1至2岁的牙医”,客户就会说他连common sense都没有,那就别指望客户以后会再让他干活了,尽管他可以争辩说这样译是有语法根据的。;)




此外,對別人的語病如果採取 "garbage in, garbage out" 譯法 ,那是非常不討好的做法,等於是在笑話原文撰稿人或終端客戶或仲介客戶。一般遇到那類的錯誤,翻譯者在譯文裡一聲不響把錯誤糾正即可。



Professional translators 和其它行業的 professionals 完全一樣,只是「拿人錢財,替人消災」。律師拿人錢財,根據法律的規範替人辯護;醫生拿人錢財,根據醫學的規範替人診斷、救治;水電工拿人錢財,根據電工原理、管線布置查找問題、解決問題。翻譯者的工作,說來也不過如此,根據語言的邏輯從一個語言的理解搬到另一個語言的表達而已,no more or less。但,可辨認的邏輯錯誤,翻譯者有權和各層級的客戶商榷糾正。其它專業人士的工作,其實也是如此。


[Edited at 2006-10-15 06:46]

ysun  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:40
‍ইংরেজি থেকে চাইনিজ/চিনা
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谢谢你的意见 Oct 15, 2006



我向翻译社、最终用户提问时一般只问非问不可的问题,尽量减少提问。如果事无巨细一律都去问,翻译社和最终用户也会烦。另外,我提问时较注意方式,即使肯定原文错了,也是说:I am wondering if …,给原文作者留下面子,给自己也留个余地。我也曾遇到过极个别不喜欢我提问的人,答复说:Just translate as is. 大概他也懒得去找原作者核实。遇到这种情况,那就只好照样翻,但给他加一个translator's note。一方面出于负责,另一方面,也等于说让他以后出问题时别来烦我。

Kevin Yang
Kevin Yang  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:40
2003 থেকে সদস্য
‍ইংরেজি থেকে চাইনিজ/চিনা
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Being defensive and argumentative will not score points. Oct 15, 2006

Hello, My fellow translators

This is a very good topic and I have been reading your posts with great interest. In recent years, I have been doing more proofreading jobs. Most time it was smooth, but occasionally, it gets unpleasant. I think there is a necessity to understand the roles and responsibilities of translators and editors. For the editor, he or she should only revise what it is clearly wrong or missing. If the editor cannot top the current version, there should be no edits
... See more
Hello, My fellow translators

This is a very good topic and I have been reading your posts with great interest. In recent years, I have been doing more proofreading jobs. Most time it was smooth, but occasionally, it gets unpleasant. I think there is a necessity to understand the roles and responsibilities of translators and editors. For the editor, he or she should only revise what it is clearly wrong or missing. If the editor cannot top the current version, there should be no edits made. For the translator, he or she should understand that there is no flawless translation humanly possible to produce. There is always room for improvement. It works better if the translator can have an open mind and take the suggested translation as an opportunity to observe how the other person would translate the same source text.

When the translator gets very defensive and argumentative, it puts the PM at a very difficult position; especially when he or she cannot read Chinese and understand the difference between the two versions of the same translation. When a translator responded emotionally to any edits, regardless good or bad, it does not really score any points, but left an impression of hard to work with. Here is an example I experienced last week, and hope you can understand my point here.

English Source Text:

Canada, A Country of Immigrants
For the eighth consecutive year, China was the leading source country of immigrants in Canada in 2005, according to Citizenship & Immigration Canada. China also accounted for 16% of total new immigrants to Canada in 2005 and represented 33% of Canada’s immigration from Asia, up 58% over 2004. It is no wonder how the Chinese community has become the largest group of immigrants in Canada, surpassing the one million mark, making it the second largest visible minority in Canada.

Translator's Translation:


My edits to this translation:


The PM sent the translation with my edits to this translator. He flipped and changed things back, and responded with the following lengthy notes and rejections: [Similar notes are found throughout the 5-page long translation. Here is only one straight quote for the first paragraph.]
根据加拿大公民及移民部统计,2005年(rejected: the edited text, when back-translated, is “up until 2005”, which is a little off from the original – “in 2005”),中国已经连续第(rejected: the original says “eighth year”, if this characted is deleted, it becomes “eight years”. This character 第 should remain in here to keep linguistic logic from the previous phrase.)八年成为加拿大的第一大移民来源国。中国移民还占2005年加拿大新移民总数的16%,并且代表了加拿大亚洲移民的33%,比2004年上升了58%。无怪乎华人社区已经成为加拿大最大的移民群体,突破了百万大关,成为加拿大第二大(rejected: “令人瞩目”, when back-translated, means “prominent”, or “attention drawing”, which is off the original meaning. “Visible minority” is a fix phrase, referring to coloured Canadians. I don’t think people would refer immigrants from Eastern Europe as “Visible Minority”. I intensionally did not put “coloured” to avoid mis-interpretation. The translation “少数族裔” already indicates “ethnic minorities”, which means Canadians of non-white origin. Or if we have to put something, I’d suggest “显著” before “少数族裔”. I personally think it suffices to go without.)少数族裔。

After read his notes above, both the PM at the translation company and I became speechless. I simply added in the omitted translation for "visible", but got lectured with the information I had never heard of. It is creative and refreshing to me that the word "visible" has that many associations. I hope our translators here do not act that way.


[修改时间: 2006-10-15 23:24]

Wenjer Leuschel (X)
Wenjer Leuschel (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:40
‍ইংরেজি থেকে চাইনিজ/চিনা
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我對這事的看法 Oct 15, 2006

TongliUSA wrote:
Being defensive and argumentative will not score points.



其實,大大方方說「編輯在譯文基礎上修潤得很好,使得中文表達更加暢順明白,感謝審校編輯人的指教。」,這可保證下次那位 PM 還會給予項目。反之,使用半生不熟的外文向不懂中文的外國 PM 辯護自己的翻譯,堅持不接受編輯修改,PM 煩了就乾脆找別的翻譯者做。

PM 大體上不會隨便找審校編輯人,既然找了,相當可能是在業界早有名氣的翻譯人,那麼激烈的反應,絕對會讓 PM 不舒服。當然也有遇上新手 PM 的可能,找到第一次嘗試審校編輯的人,但這種情形在國外正規的翻譯公司很少發生,因為在確定審校編輯人員之前,他們早就不知讓那位審校編輯人做過多少稿件,而且 PM 與他的溝通必定早已正常穩定了。


- Wenjer

peiling  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:40
চাইনিজ/চিনা থেকে ‍ইংরেজি
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做back translations 时怎么办呢? Oct 15, 2006

一聲不響地把錯誤糾正的话, PM还会认为翻译本身没问题呢.
Kevin的post挺有意思的.这位翻译者还连back translations 都兼顾了呢.
我倒处处要求PM把edited versions 寄给我,好参考,以及避免下次再犯同样的错误,可惜不是每个PM都会这么做.

Wenjer Leuschel wrote:

此外,對別人的語病如果採取 "garbage in, garbage out" 譯法 ,那是非常不討好的做法,等於是在笑話原文撰稿人或終端客戶或仲介客戶。一般遇到那類的錯誤,翻譯者在譯文裡一聲不響把錯誤糾正即可。

[Edited at 2006-10-15 06:46]

Wenjer Leuschel (X)
Wenjer Leuschel (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:40
‍ইংরেজি থেকে চাইনিজ/চিনা
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不要把事情看得太嚴重 Oct 15, 2006

Pei Ling Haussecker wrote:

一聲不響地把錯誤糾正的话, PM还会认为翻译本身没问题呢.
Kevin的post挺有意思的.这位翻译者还连back translations 都兼顾了呢.
我倒处处要求PM把edited versions 寄给我,好参考,以及避免下次再犯同样的错误,可惜不是每个PM都会这么做.


一般 PM 沒有那麼多時間樣樣都向翻譯者交代,審稿人處理過的文稿沒有問題,客戶接受了,PM 大多不會多和翻譯者或審稿人討論些什麼。以前我也以為把編輯過的稿件給譯者參考會有幫助,但後來經驗多了,知道那是於事無補的。錯誤就是錯誤,由審稿人改正了就是,已經沒有必要向翻譯者交代。如果仍然有錯,PM 可很有得向客戶交代!

PM 會不斷選用某個審稿人,不會是沒有原因的。翻譯有沒有問題,PM 往往不需要知道,因為他的重點在於解決問題,只要審稿人解決了他交給最終客戶的稿被接受,他就滿意了。

交稿,被接受了,不要回頭看,而是往前看,前頭還要進來的項目才是重要的。要是你的水平真不夠,前頭不可能有項目,那時你才需要自己檢查稿件。別人給你指點?Per Döhler 說:"... don't expect anyone to tip you off—you have to look around for yourself." 雖然他說這話的 context 不同,但適用於這種情況。

peiling  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:40
চাইনিজ/চিনা থেকে ‍ইংরেজি
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也是有道理 Oct 15, 2006


Wenjer Leuschel wrote:


一般 PM 沒有那麼多時間樣樣都向翻譯者交代,審稿人處理過的文稿沒有問題,客戶接受了,PM 大多不會多和翻譯者或審稿人討論些什麼。以前我也以為把編輯過的稿件給譯者參考會有幫助,但後來經驗多了,知道那是於事無補的。錯誤就是錯誤,由審稿人改正了就是,已經沒有必要向翻譯者交代。如果仍然有錯,PM 可很有得向客戶交代!

PM 會不斷選用某個審稿人,不會是沒有原因的。翻譯有沒有問題,PM 往往不需要知道,因為他的重點在於解決問題,只要審稿人解決了他交給最終客戶的稿被接受,他就滿意了。

交稿,被接受了,不要回頭看,而是往前看,前頭還要進來的項目才是重要的。要是你的水平真不夠,前頭不可能有項目,那時你才需要自己檢查稿件。別人給你指點?Per Döhler 說:"... don't expect anyone to tip you off—you have to look around for yourself." 雖然他說這話的 context 不同,但適用於這種情況。

ysun  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:40
‍ইংরেজি থেকে চাইনিজ/চিনা
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译者有点overreacted Oct 15, 2006


wherestip  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:40
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Agree Oct 15, 2006

Yueyin Sun wrote:


I agree with you, Yueyin. The changes Kevin made were all justified, and made the Chinese translation more grammatically correct.

In addition, "visible minority" has nothing to do with darker skin colors. The translator was entirely off base.

[Edited at 2006-10-15 22:39]

Kevin Yang
Kevin Yang  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:40
2003 থেকে সদস্য
‍ইংরেজি থেকে চাইনিজ/চিনা
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Visible minorities = persons of non-white in colour Oct 16, 2006

Hello, Yueyin, Steve, Wenjer, and all

Thank you for the link ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visible_minorities )! I did go there and read it. It actually offers a definition for "Visible minorities".
"Visible minorities are persons who are not of the majority race in a given population. For example, in Canada, visible minorities are defined as "p
... See more
Hello, Yueyin, Steve, Wenjer, and all

Thank you for the link ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visible_minorities )! I did go there and read it. It actually offers a definition for "Visible minorities".
"Visible minorities are persons who are not of the majority race in a given population. For example, in Canada, visible minorities are defined as "persons, other than Aboriginals who are non-Caucasian in race or non-white in colour.

The term is primarily used in Canada and is a demographic category used by Statistics Canada in connection with that country's multiculturalism policies. It is also occasionally used in the United Kingdom, but not in other parts of the world."

I also did a Google search, it turns out to be a term specially used in Canada to refering to the non-white people. Many websites are using the translation "有色族裔". Interesting! I learned something here. As a Chinese, I do not feel too good about being categozied like that.

The word "visible" here is indeed requiring some brain storms just for the purpose of being racially sensitive, well, the connotation is that the white-colored people are not visible because they are in majority whereas the colored people like the Chinese will standout and get noticed because of their skin color, sort of like the yellow roses are on the white wall...


[修改时间: 2006-10-16 00:59]

wherestip  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:40
চাইনিজ/চিনা থেকে ‍ইংরেজি
+ ...
politically incorrect Oct 16, 2006

TongliUSA wrote:

Hello, Yueyin, Steve, Wenjer, and all

Thank you for the link ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visible_minorities )! I did go there and read it. It actually offers a definition for "Visible minorities".
"Visible minorities are persons who are not of the majority race in a given population. For example, in Canada, visible minorities are defined as "persons, other than Aboriginals who are non-Caucasian in race or non-white in colour.

The term is primarily used in Canada and is a demographic category used by Statistics Canada in connection with that country's multiculturalism policies. It is also occasionally used in the United Kingdom, but not in other parts of the world."

I also did a Google search, it turns out to be a term specially used in Canada to refering to the non-white people. Many websites are using the translation "有色族裔". Interesting! I learned something here. As a Chinese, I do not feel too good about being categozied like that.

The word "visible" here is indeed requiring some brain storms just for the purpose of being racially sensitive, well, the conotation is that the white-colored people will be not visible because they are in majority whereas the colored people like the Chinese will standout and get noticed because of their skin color.



That's a usage I've never heard of either. I guess we're in the same boat.

I'm surprised that people in Canada coined a term like that. It's not very politically correct if you ask me.

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