两道GRE题目 থ্রেড পোস্টার: Zhoudan
Zhoudan Local time: 17:41 ইংরেজি থেকে চাইনিজ/চিনা + ...
Of the positive integers that are multiples of 30 and are less than or equal to 360, what fraction are multiples of 12?
High software prices are frequently said to ________ widespread illegal copying, although ... See more 有人问我两道GRE题目,我的答案跟标准答案不同,但也想不出自己哪里错了,麻烦各位给看看:
Of the positive integers that are multiples of 30 and are less than or equal to 360, what fraction are multiples of 12?
High software prices are frequently said to ________ widespread illegal copying, although the opposite - that high prices are the cause of the copying - is equally plausible.
contribute to
result from
correlate with
问我问题的孩子选contribute to,我觉得她没错。标准答案是result from。 ▲ Collapse | | |
Donglai Lou (X) চীন Local time: 17:41 ইংরেজি থেকে চাইনিজ/চিনা + ...
Zhoudan wrote:
Of the positive integers that are multiples of 30 and are less than or equal to 360, what fraction are multiples of 12?
High software prices are frequently said to ________ widespread illegal copying, although the opposite - that high prices are the cause of the copying - is equally plausible.
contribute to
result from
correlate with
问我问题的孩子选contribute to,我觉得她没错。标准答案是result from。
[Edited at 2010-05-21 16:20 GMT] | | |
Zhoudan Local time: 17:41 ইংরেজি থেকে চাইনিজ/চিনা + ... TOPIC STARTER
[Edited at 2010-05-22 00:00 GMT]
[Edited at 2010-05-22 00:07 GMT] | | |
clearwater চীন Local time: 17:41 ইংরেজি থেকে চাইনিজ/চিনা
如果没有后面的although the opposite - that high prices are the cause of the copying - is equally plausible,我想十有八九会选择contribute to,因为按常理来说,高昂的软件价格似乎会导致盗版猖獗。
但既然后面有 the opposite ,即high prices are the cause of the copying ,那么前者肯定是说coping is the cause of high prices。
所以答案result from是正确的。 | |
Zhoudan Local time: 17:41 ইংরেজি থেকে চাইনিজ/চিনা + ... TOPIC STARTER
一开始我是选了result from,然后给她解释为什么用result from,原因结果的说着说着就说混了。:-D
clearwater wrote:
如果没有后面的although the opposite - that high prices are the cause of the copying - is equally plausible,我想十有八九会选择contribute to,因为按常理来说,高昂的软件价格似乎会导致盗版猖獗。
但既然后面有 the opposite ,即high prices are the cause of the copying ,那么前者肯定是说coping is the cause of high prices。
所以答案result from是正确的。 | | |
Zhoudan wrote:
一开始我是选了result from,然后给她解释为什么用result from,原因结果的说着说着就说混了。:-D
clearwater wrote:
如果没有后面的although the opposite - that high prices are the cause of the copying - is equally plausible,我想十有八九会选择contribute to,因为按常理来说,高昂的软件价格似乎会导致盗版猖獗。
但既然后面有 the opposite ,即high prices are the cause of the copying ,那么前者肯定是说coping is the cause of high prices。
所以答案result from是正确的。
也支持第二题的result from。判断依据:前面的为消极/负面结果,result from经常引导这样的句式。Contribute to 有较强的正面起作用的含义。
不久前,一位翻译专业的研究生打电话问我一个初中生的问题。结果,我答错了!她说也她也错得我和一样!呵~我只能说,记住答案吧!因为,这是考试需要的结果。 | | |
wherestip যুক্তরাষ্ট্র Local time: 04:41 চাইনিজ/চিনা থেকে ইংরেজি + ...
Zhoudan wrote:
High software prices are frequently said to ________ widespread illegal copying, although the opposite - that high prices are the cause of the copying - is equally plausible.
contribute to
result from
correlate with
问我问题的孩子选contribute to,我觉得她没错。标准答案是result from。
这种题纯粹考的是句子语法上的前后逻辑推导, 并不考虑实际生活的真实性. 说实在, 软件产品价格高昂怎么能是由盗版现象泛滥成灾引起的呢? 前半句子填入正确答案, 真正道理上其实是讲不通的. | | |
wherestip যুক্তরাষ্ট্র Local time: 04:41 চাইনিজ/চিনা থেকে ইংরেজি + ...
wherestip wrote:
这种题纯粹考的是句子语法上的前后逻辑推导, 并不考虑实际生活的真实性. 说实在, 软件产品价格高昂怎么能是由盗版现象泛滥成灾引起的呢? 前半句子填入正确答案, 真正道理上其实是讲不通的.
Heck, if one of my software products were being heavily illegally copied, I'd consider lowering the price so people wouldn't find it necessary to engage in that kind of criminal activity of piracy.
[Edited at 2010-06-06 15:58 GMT] | |
ysun যুক্তরাষ্ট্র Local time: 04:41 ইংরেজি থেকে চাইনিজ/চিনা + ...
wherestip wrote:
这种题纯粹考的是句子语法上的前后逻辑推导, 并不考虑实际生活的真实性. 说实在, 软件产品价格高昂怎么能是由盗版现象泛滥成灾引起的呢? 前半句子填入正确答案, 真正道理上其实是讲不通的.
应付这类考试与实际应用之间还有很大距离。所以,英语水平高的人考 TOEFL、GRE、GMAT 未必就能考高分。反之亦然。如果要参加 TOEFL、GRE、GMAT 等考试,一定要好好看看美国版的考试辅导书,才能炼成考试机器。 | | |
lbone চীন Local time: 17:41 ইংরেজি থেকে চাইনিজ/চিনা + ... 我对软件这行的行情比较了解 | Jun 6, 2010 |
wherestip wrote:
wherestip wrote:
这种题纯粹考的是句子语法上的前后逻辑推导, 并不考虑实际生活的真实性. 说实在, 软件产品价格高昂怎么能是由盗版现象泛滥成灾引起的呢? 前半句子填入正确答案, 真正道理上其实是讲不通的.
Heck, if one of my software products were being heavily illegally copied, I'd consider lowering the price so people wouldn't find it necessary to engage in that kind of criminal activity of piracy.
[Edited at 2010-06-06 15:58 GMT]
很多比较贵的软件,即使价格降到原来的1/3,不愿意用正版的人仍然会用盗版,这样的结果,可能是销售数量增加了10%,但销售总收入降低了一半,同时起诉盗版者获利的总金额也降低了很多。 | | |
wherestip যুক্তরাষ্ট্র Local time: 04:41 চাইনিজ/চিনা থেকে ইংরেজি + ...
lbone wrote:
中国国情大概和欧美又不同些. 这里无论是电影碟片还是计算机软件, 盗版现象都很少见(as a matter of fact, the average person wouldn't know how or where to obtain illegal copies of movies or software). 生产企业、营销商店、以及消费者在这方面普遍都是自觉地照规章办事的.
再者, 美国人消费上很多都是大手大脚, 生活不富裕的更是如此. 说实在, 谁有那个心机和工夫为赚那个小便宜去做犯法的事? It's really not worth the risk of paying a hefty fine or going to jail.
顺便一提: 金融危机以来, 社会风气逐渐在改变, 信用借贷卡得较紧, 人们消费也就比以前节省得多了.
[Edited at 2010-06-07 17:09 GMT] | | |
wherestip যুক্তরাষ্ট্র Local time: 04:41 চাইনিজ/চিনা থেকে ইংরেজি + ... Patents and copyright | Jun 9, 2010 |
Rise of quality in free alternative software also helps to lower the use of copied software worldwide. Illegally copying software is seen by some software producers as a "lesser evil" than actually buying or illegally copying a competitor's software. Jeff Raikes, a Microsoft executive, stated that "If they're going to pirate somebody, we want it to be us rather than somebody else." He also added that "We understand that in the long run the fundamental asset is the installed base of people who are using our products. What you hope to do over time is convert them to licensing the software."
Traian Băsescu, the president of Romania, stated that "piracy helped the young generation discover computers. It set off the development of the IT industry in Romania."
Microsoft admits that piracy of its Windows operating system has helped give it huge market share in China that will boost its revenues when these users "go legit." Bill Gates said, "It's easier for our software to compete with Linux when there's piracy than when there's not." He has also said in reference to China:
As long as they are going to steal it, we want them to steal ours. They'll get sort of addicted, and then we'll somehow figure out how to collect sometime in the next decade.
—Bill Gates
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redred চীন Local time: 17:41 ইংরেজি থেকে চাইনিজ/চিনা + ... result from 是对的。 | Jun 15, 2010 |
contribute to: 归因于。
正版软件单独存在,没参照物,具唯一性,一点都不贵。就因为盗版的存在,人们有更便宜的选择,才认为正版软件贵。 | | |