বিষয়ের পেজ: < [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11] > | 试译,你的路还能走多远 থ্রেড পোস্টার: Linda Yang
| nigerose চীন Local time: 18:02 চাইনিজ/চিনা থেকে ইংরেজি + ...
Linda Yang wrote:
nigerose wrote:
在我的proz 简介上,有两段话贴了一段时间了。暂时还没收到朋友们的指教。也许是影响力不够,还没有人看到。
Rheological studies are revealed by mathematical and/or experimental ways, quantitatively or qualitatively, and are the expression of the relationships between stress, deformation of the matter and the time, on application of external forces, in correlation with composition, texture and properties of the materials. However, conscious application of the rheology in monolithic refractories is rather recent and far from being enough, as the history of monolithic refractories as a branch of refractories family is much younger than that of rheology itself.
楼主真心贴出来,我就抛砖引玉,先指出quantitatively和qualitatively应该是“定量”和“定性”。其他问题留给大伙吧。 | | | Linda Yang Local time: 18:02 ইংরেজি থেকে চাইনিজ/চিনা + ... TOPIC STARTER
nigerose wrote:
先谢! | | | Linda Yang Local time: 18:02 ইংরেজি থেকে চাইনিজ/চিনা + ... TOPIC STARTER
nigerose wrote:
[Edited at 2010-06-22 09:40 GMT] | | | ysun যুক্তরাষ্ট্র Local time: 05:02 ইংরেজি থেকে চাইনিজ/চিনা + ...
首先,我觉得原文有些问题。无论是 “Rheological studies are revealed by mathematical and/or experimental ways, quantitatively or qualitatively” 还是 “Rheological studies are the expression …” 似乎都不 make sense。“Rheological properties are revealed by mathematical and/or experimental ways, quantitatively or qualitatively” 也许更 make sense。此外,“Rheological studies are revealed …, and are the expression of the relationship... See more 首先,我觉得原文有些问题。无论是 “Rheological studies are revealed by mathematical and/or experimental ways, quantitatively or qualitatively” 还是 “Rheological studies are the expression …” 似乎都不 make sense。“Rheological properties are revealed by mathematical and/or experimental ways, quantitatively or qualitatively” 也许更 make sense。此外,“Rheological studies are revealed …, and are the expression of the relationships …” 这种写法叫做 unparallel writing。“Rheological properties are revealed …, and are expressed by the relationships …” 才是 parallel。
另外,虽然网上也有人把 monolithic refractories 译为“不定形耐火材料”,但我认为,若译为“整体成型耐火材料”则更为确切。“不定形”会使人误解为 amorphous。请看此链接关于 Monolithic refractory 的解释:
Monolithic refractory is the name generally given to all unshaped refractory products, the word monolithic coming from the word monolith meaning 'big stone'. These are materials which are installed as some form of suspension that ultimately harden to form a solid mass. ▲ Collapse | |
nigerose চীন Local time: 18:02 চাইনিজ/চিনা থেকে ইংরেজি + ...
Rheological studies are revealed by mathematical and/or experimental ways, quantitatively or qualitatively, and are the expression of the relationships between stress, deformation of the matter and the time, on application of external forces, in correlation with composition, texture and properties of the materials. However, conscious application of the rheology in monolithic refractories is rather recent and far from being enough, as the history of monolithic refractories as a br... See more 原文:
Rheological studies are revealed by mathematical and/or experimental ways, quantitatively or qualitatively, and are the expression of the relationships between stress, deformation of the matter and the time, on application of external forces, in correlation with composition, texture and properties of the materials. However, conscious application of the rheology in monolithic refractories is rather recent and far from being enough, as the history of monolithic refractories as a branch of refractories family is much younger than that of rheology itself.
[修改时间: 2010-06-23 01:02 GMT] ▲ Collapse | | | Linda Yang Local time: 18:02 ইংরেজি থেকে চাইনিজ/চিনা + ... TOPIC STARTER
ysun wrote:
首先,我觉得原文有些问题。无论是 “Rheological studies are revealed by mathematical and/or experimental ways, quantitatively or qualitatively” 还是 “Rheological studies are the expression …” 似乎都不 make sense。“Rheological properties are revealed by mathematical and/or experimental ways, quantitatively or qualitatively” 也许更 make sense。此外,“Rheological studies are revealed …, and are the expression of the relationships …” 这种写法叫做 unparallel writing。“Rheological properties are revealed …, and are expressed by the relationships …” 才是 parallel。
另外,虽然网上也有人把 monolithic refractories 译为“不定形耐火材料”,但我认为,若译为“整体成型耐火材料”则更为确切。“不定形”会使人误解为 amorphous。请看此链接关于 Monolithic refractory 的解释:
Monolithic refractory is the name generally given to all unshaped refractory products, the word monolithic coming from the word monolith meaning 'big stone'. These are materials which are installed as some form of suspension that ultimately harden to form a solid mass.
定型耐火制品 有一定形状的成型耐火制品,其中在350℃时的热导率小于0.70W/(m•K)者特称为隔热耐火制品。定型耐火制品按成型工艺分成烧成砖、不烧砖和电熔铸砖等。按化学特性及矿物组成分为:(1)酸性砖。指SiO2含量在93%以上的硅砖和轻质硅砖以及SiO2含量在50%以上(其余为Al2O3等矿物)的粘土质耐火砖。最后一种也称为半酸性砖。(2)中性砖。一般指高铝砖(微酸性)和铬砖(微碱性);(3)碱性砖。以MgO、CaO为主要成分的镁砖、镁铝砖、镁铬砖和白云石砖等。(4)特种砖。具有高熔点的、化学稳定性和抗热震性好的、高温强度大的等特殊性能的材料。通常包括纯氧化物、非氧化物和金属陶瓷等制品,如锆英石砖、碳化硅砖、棕刚玉–碳化硅砖等。高温耐火纤维也属于这一类。
不定形耐火材料 由耐火骨料、结合剂、添加剂混合而成的耐火材料。有的以交货状态直接施工,有的与某些液体调配后施工。不定形耐火材料有致密的和隔热的两种,按硬化过程和结合剂的性质分为陶瓷结合(在煅烧过程中由于烧结而硬化),水硬性结合(在常温下凝结并通过水化反应而硬化),化学结合(在常温下或低于陶瓷结合的温度下通过化学反应而不是水化反应而硬化),有机结合(在常温下或稍高一些温度下粘结或硬化)四类。
整体构筑材料和修补用材料包括:(1)耐火捣打料。可以直接施工或与某些液体调配后使用,以捣打方式施工,大多在高于常温的加热作用下硬化。(2)耐火可塑料。以具有可塑性的软坯或不规则形状的料团交货,可直接使用,以捣打、震动、压制或挤压方式施工,在煅烧过程中硬化。(3)耐火浇注料。以干料交货,加水或与其它液体调配后使用,以浇注、震动、捣固方式施工,必要时用夯实的方式施工,无需加热即可凝结并硬化。(4)耐火喷涂料。专门制备的一种混合料,供风动机具或机械喷射方式施工,硬化特性可分属前三种中的一种。 | | | Linda Yang Local time: 18:02 ইংরেজি থেকে চাইনিজ/চিনা + ... TOPIC STARTER
nigerose wrote:
Rheological studies are revealed by mathematical and/or experimental ways, quantitatively or qualitatively, and are the expression of the relationships between stress, deformation of the matter and the time, on application of external forces, in correlation with composition, texture and properties of the materials. However, conscious application of the rheology in monolithic refractories is rather recent and far from being enough, as the history of monolithic refractories as a branch of refractories family is much younger than that of rheology itself.
[修改时间: 2010-06-23 01:02 GMT]
Nigerose 就不要再客气啦。在人家的地盘你就可以把完整的译文写上,到我这里就“犹抱琵琶半遮面”,我可要嫉妒喽 | | | ysun যুক্তরাষ্ট্র Local time: 05:02 ইংরেজি থেকে চাইনিজ/চিনা + ... Re: monolithic refractories | Jun 23, 2010 |
关于 monolithic refractories 的翻译,可以参考以下文章,尤其是文中最后一段:
不定形耐火材料对应的英文为Unshaped refractory(ies)或Monolithic refractory(ies)。笔者的印象,前者在日本、中国流行,而后者在欧美国家流行。Monolithic(整体的,单一的)一词由Monolith(单块巨石)而来。用Monolithic refractory(ies),表达和强调的是施工后无接缝而具有整体性的特征。近年来国际上甚至将Monolithic(s)名词化,直接表示不定形耐火材料,正如Castable(s)表示浇注料一样。将Unshaped译为“不定形”,不言而喻。而将Monolithic也译为“不定形”,则是转译。随着越来越多的耐火浇注料被制成预制件使用而出现不定形耐火材料定形化的趋势,我们认为将Monolithic refractory(ies)译为“整体耐火材料”更可取。
我同意作者的上述意见。 | |
nigerose চীন Local time: 18:02 চাইনিজ/চিনা থেকে ইংরেজি + ...
ASTM国家标准目录检索-美国ASTM标准-中国标准信息网 - [ Translate this page ]C55-03, Standard Specification for Concrete Brick, 标准混凝土砌砖 ..... of Unfired Monolithic Refractories, 未经焙烧的整块耐火材料导热性试验方法 ...
www.chinaios.com/BZ-jiansuo/C.htm - Cached
“整块耐火材料”似乎比“整体耐火材料”更好。 | | | ysun যুক্তরাষ্ট্র Local time: 05:02 ইংরেজি থেকে চাইনিজ/চিনা + ...
nigerose wrote:
有时成型后的耐火材料是一个整体的坩埚形(例如高温容器的衬里),那就不宜叫做“整块”了吧? | | | calpain চীন Local time: 18:02 ইংরেজি থেকে চাইনিজ/চিনা + ...
Linda Yang wrote:
nigerose wrote:
在我的proz 简介上,有两段话贴了一段时间了。暂时还没收到朋友们的指教。也许是影响力不够,还没有人看到。
Rheological studies are revealed by mathematical and/or experimental ways, quantitatively or qualitatively, and are the expression of the relationships between stress, deformation of the matter and the time, on application of external forces, in correlation with composition, texture and properties of the materials. However, conscious application of the rheology in monolithic refractories is rather recent and far from being enough, as the history of monolithic refractories as a branch of refractories family is much younger than that of rheology itself.
原文的第一句话很费解。"studies are revealed"这样的搭配很少见到。in correlation with 这个短语也有些奇怪,有重复前面的relationship之嫌。
第二句中的“application is far from being enough"这样的搭配似乎也有些问题。 | | | Shang চীন Local time: 18:02 ইংরেজি থেকে চাইনিজ/চিনা
Rheological studies are revealed by mathematical and/or experimental ways, quantitatively or qualitatively, and are the expression of the relationships between stress, deformation of the matter and the time, on application of external forces, in correlation with composition, texture and properties of the materials. However, conscious application of the rheology in monolithic refractories is rather recent and far from being enough, as the history of monolithic refractories as a branch of refractories family is much younger than that of rheology itself.
第一句说的是研究方法:试验和理论分析(数学表达)。流变学采用......方法进行定量或定性研究,用......表达/表示/表征......和......之间的关系。are the expression of在这里等于are characterized by。
[Edited at 2010-06-23 11:29 GMT] | |
ysun যুক্তরাষ্ট্র Local time: 05:02 ইংরেজি থেকে চাইনিজ/চিনা + ...
nigerose wrote:
然而,流变学在整体耐火材料方面有意识的应用还是相当近的事情且远远不够,因为作为耐火材料家族一分支的整体耐火材料,其历史比流变学本身的历史要短得多。 | | | Linda Yang Local time: 18:02 ইংরেজি থেকে চাইনিজ/চিনা + ... TOPIC STARTER
在Google 里搜索“整体耐火材料”,搜索显示结果聊聊无几。 | | | ysun যুক্তরাষ্ট্র Local time: 05:02 ইংরেজি থেকে চাইনিজ/চিনা + ... 不定形耐火材料 = Unshaped refractory | Jun 23, 2010 |
Linda Yang wrote:
在Google 里搜索“整体耐火材料”,搜索显示结果聊聊无几。
确实,“不定形耐火材料”的 Google 搜索结果较多,但它对应的是 unshaped refractory,“整体耐火材料”对应的才是 monolithic refractory,尽管它们所指的是同一类耐火材料。Unshaped 的意思应该是“未成形的”、“未定型的”,但“未成形的”、“未定型的”不等于“不定形的”。Unshaped refractory 是指成形前的状态,monolithic refractory 是指成形后的状态。所以,我认为在翻译时还是应该有所区别。 | | | বিষয়ের পেজ: < [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11] > | To report site rules violations or get help, contact a site moderator: You can also contact site staff by submitting a support request » 试译,你的路还能走多远 LinguaCore | AI Translation at Your Fingertips
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