ما يعمل عليه المترجمون

شارك المعلومات حول ما تعمل عليه للترويج عملك والسماح بتتبع المشاريع مع مرور الوقت. ناقش هذه الميزة.

ما هي مشاريع الترجمة التي تعمل عليها الآن؟

نشر Carmelo Velásquez من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

Updating my website and preparing for a new week of intense translation work.


I Do That

نشر Carmelo Velásquez من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

Translating content for medical apps (among other things).


I Do That

نشر Carmelo Velásquez من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

Translating corporate documents, and listening to great talks on marketing delivered by experts.


I Do That

نشر Carmelo Velásquez من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

Translating content for apps (EN-ES). Our job is everything but boring. #Translator'sLife


I Do That

نشر Carmelo Velásquez من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

Translating content for an insurance app. It is always cool to learn new terminology, especially in the medical field.


I Do That

نشر Carmelo Velásquez من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

Translating marketing brochures from Italian into Spanish


I Do That

نشر Carmelo Velásquez من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

Translating educational documents. As a son of former teachers, it is always great to learn about new trends in education.


I Do That

نشر Carmelo Velásquez من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

Just finished today's class on retour interpreting (ES-EN), part of the specialized interpreting program offered by AATI and Universidad del Salvador (online). Highly recommendable for interpreters with moderate experience.


I Do That

نشر Carmelo Velásquez من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

Translating IT leaflets. Everyday brings new challenges and new things to learn. As a translator, it's difficult to get bored.


I Do That

نشر Carmelo Velásquez من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

Translating civil documents from English into Spanish, and editing content for a medical insurance app. I never get bored... :)


I Do That

نشر Carmelo Velásquez من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

Translating educational materials. Pedagogy is a fascinating field...


I Do That

نشر Carmelo Velásquez من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

Translating all sorts of marketing and educational materials. Every assignment is a new opportunity for learning. All you need is inspiration, your tools and a lot of coffee... :)


I Do That

نشر Carmelo Velásquez من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

Getting some rest after a week of intense activity. Just finished a translation on SE.


I Do That