Katarina Peters translated Gabor Kiraly’s latest collection of poems, Négykezes (Four-Handed), from Hungarian into English. Gabor Kiraly is a prolific Hungarian writer and poet, living in Budapest. A civil engineer by profession, he followed a diversified life path as an entrepreneur and a philanthropist. In 1993, he founded the Children’s Nutrition Fund (GYEA) of Hungary, while his poems gained increasingly higher recognition in his native country. The success of his collection of 263 poems, Csuf Versek (Ugly Poems) released in 2013, which also featured Katarina's translations of 17 poems, prompted him to release his new collection, Négykezes, in 2016. It is a collection of 56 love poems, with simultaneous translations into English (Four-handed), French (À quatre mains), and Italian (A quattro mani), by three different translators, in the same book.
The author’s Facebook page for this book, in Hungarian:
Négykezes is an unusual four-language book of 124 pages. Departing from the hitherto accepted practices, Gabor Kiraly at first insisted on having each translator’s name be as prominently displayed on the jacket cover for each book sold in a country with its respective language as for the author, as according to him, translators deserve as much credit as the author himself. After producing several updates to the cover, he finally settled for the one displayed here. Release of the book is scheduled for June 9th, 2016.
According to an enthusiastic reviewer, readers of this book may be splendidly entertained by its contents, incessantly striking upon their own emotions, desires and passions - in fact, their own personal memories - in spite of, or precisely because of its intimate, subjective nature.
The book is being promoted in 10 different countries. For orders, autographed copies and for questions please contact Katarina at katloc@sympatico.ca