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Danish Off Topic: Nogle firmaer kan sagtens undvære oversættere! Tak for link Tak til Anne for linket... Det ser ud til at være
noget spændende, men jeg synes ikke lige, det
virker efter hensigten - måske er det min
skærmopløsning, der er noget i vejen med?. Je
Dinny May 26, 2009
Money matters Do you get paid for internal tags and numbers? Oops! Sorry, Giuliana, I wasn't being aggressive, or
at least I didn't mean to be. (might have been
that exclamation mark, or ...?) I just thought
you hadn't read that I was concerned about t
Dinny May 26, 2009
Money matters Do you get paid for internal tags and numbers? Did you read it, Giuliana? I have never mentioned that I should be paid for
EXTERNAL tags! Of course I never touch them. I
am not even trying to compare the one CAT tool
with the other, I simply wanted to find
Dinny May 26, 2009
Money matters Do you get paid for internal tags and numbers? No! No, Katalin, I haven't seen the whole project
before quoting/starting. As happen with a lot of
projects, I recon, this one is developing week by
week. Not such a rare thing, I guess.
Dinny May 25, 2009
Money matters Do you get paid for internal tags and numbers? Oh, well, yeah.... ... I knew that Word is counting numbers as words
as well. The problem is that you'll hardly ever
find PMs who would use Word for their word
counting. Agencies - and PMs - analyze the file
Dinny May 25, 2009
Money matters Do you get paid for internal tags and numbers? Older version maybe does not contain "statistics"? Hi, I tried this - but without figuring out where
the laugh was! :-) My "F7" is a
spell-checker! ;-) Dinny
Dinny May 25, 2009
Money matters Do you get paid for internal tags and numbers? INTERNAL tags in 90% of your work? Well, Tomas, in that case you don't deal much with
TRANSLATION, do you? Actually, translation seems
to be just 10% of your work. ;-)
Dinny May 25, 2009
Money matters Do you get paid for internal tags and numbers? Adam, I'm only talking about the internal tags Thanks for your reply. All the external tags are
dealt with perfectly with Wordfast... but here we
are talking about a document in Excel which I
translate with Wordfast because I am suppos
Dinny May 24, 2009
Money matters Do you get paid for internal tags and numbers? Hi, I'm having this discussion with an agency I
work with. In a translation of approx. 6800 words,
the equivalent in internal tags correspond to
approx. 400 words. (f.inst.
, , etc.).
Dinny May 24, 2009
Danish Off Topic: Nogle firmaer kan sagtens undvære oversættere! Tak, Mette :-) Jeg endte faktisk med at smide et spørgsmål
ind på Kudoz, og der ser det også ud til, at de
er enige om 'meleret'. Hvis ikke l i g e mit
abonnement på var udløbet
Dinny May 23, 2009
Danish Off Topic: Nogle firmaer kan sagtens undvære oversættere! Hej, Jeg sidder of fifler med en oversættelse
(ja, Pia, på en lørdag! ;-) ), der indeholder en
masse fagudtryk vedrørende tekstiler, og efter at
have checket diverse ordbøger for en<
Dinny May 23, 2009
CAT Tools Technical Help So this is it? If I refuse to use Trados, I cannot translate XML files? Updated walk-through on how to translate XML with Wordfast I am updating my previous walk-through (it is not
possible to edit it anymore), because a few things
have changed and made the process even easier. At
the time when I was trying to figure
Dinny May 4, 2009
Danish Nævnes oversætteren kun, når der er grund til kritik? Har lige læst anmeldelsen af den danske udgave
af Howard's End
ticle701480.ece) på Er det
typisk, at oversætter
Dinny May 1, 2009
Money matters Suggestions for medium sized payments from the US ? Western Union? I have the same problems and am tempted to avoid
working with US agencies... but would rather find
a solution. On a couple of occasions I have
received my money through Western Union, as f
Dinny Apr 14, 2009
Business issues Should I tell my client about a problem with the agency? If the agency doesn't respect the rules, why should you? I particularly agree with what José stated. Fair
play for everybody. If an agency doesn't pay me
for my work, I would first of all tell them that
the copyright to the translation in qu
Dinny Apr 8, 2009
Off topic un abbraccio a tutti i traduttori abruzzesi Da Creta Angosciata dalla terribile notizia, i miei
pensieri sono con tutti gli Abruzzesi. Dinny
Dinny Apr 6, 2009
KudoZ Why comment on KudoZ answers after 5 years? Thank you! Thanks to all of you for your comments. I've got
the picture now, I guess. ;-) Dinny P.S.
Giuliana, how come you address me as "Dinny"? It's
actually my name! :-)
Dinny Mar 30, 2009
Danish Støt op om Danske Erhvervsoversættere Ikke særligt professionelt... Tog lige et kig på hjemmesiden... første
linje: "Danske Erhversoversætteres første
ordinære generalforsamling...". Hvis
foreningens stifter(e) end ikke er i stand til at
Dinny Mar 29, 2009
KudoZ Why comment on KudoZ answers after 5 years? I was puzzled to see a mail today that somebody
had commented on an answer I gave to a KudoZ
question, since I couldn't even recall having made
that answer. But when I checked the questi
Dinny Mar 29, 2009
CAT Tools Technical Help So this is it? If I refuse to use Trados, I cannot translate XML files? How to translate XML with Wordfast 1) Open Word and Wordfast Classic 2) Open
PlusTools+ (tools / templates and add-ins) 3)
Open your XML file from Word 4) Click on
PlusTools+ and tick/select the file 5) Still
Dinny Mar 24, 2009
Wordfast support Unclean in WF classic Wordfast Pro? I think Wordfast Pro might do the job for you. I
haven't tested it much yet, I prefer to work with
WF Classic, but it seems that the files in Pro
comes out exactly like you want them to: i
Dinny Mar 23, 2009
CAT Tools Technical Help So this is it? If I refuse to use Trados, I cannot translate XML files? The problems are created by the Danish letters æ, ø, and å? I rechecked the XML file I had created (and which
wouldn't open) in Notepad++ The Danish letters
æ, ø, and å was shown as "E5", "E6", and "E7".
When trying to open the XML file in a
Dinny Mar 23, 2009
Italian L'importanza della BB - ancora un caso pratico BB tutti i santi giorni! Sono proprio contenta di leggervi! A volte ho
l'impressione che tanti non diano abbastanza
importanza alle richieste giornaliere dalla BB, ma
per me - anche se sono stra-incasinata dal lav
Dinny Mar 19, 2009
CAT Tools Technical Help So this is it? If I refuse to use Trados, I cannot translate XML files? Yes, Daniel I did read your link to the Wordfast knowledge
base... I'm just running out of time to experience
it all in the moment. But I'll get there SOOOOON!
;-) Dinny
Dinny Mar 17, 2009
CAT Tools Technical Help So this is it? If I refuse to use Trados, I cannot translate XML files? Wow, you guys are something! Isn't just incredible how much help and
knowledge you can get here by just asking? I thank
you all! :-) I have loads of stuff to try out
now, it's just that the strange phenomenon of<
Dinny Mar 17, 2009
Italian ancora sul mancato pagamento compenso!! How to get your money in Italy Da qualche parte ho scritto un post intitolato
come sopra. Secondo me, non dovresti perderci più
tempo dietro questo cliente. Anche se naviga in
cattive acque finanziariamente avrà sicur
Dinny Mar 17, 2009
CAT Tools Technical Help So this is it? If I refuse to use Trados, I cannot translate XML files? "funny" stuff was added to the file This might have happened during the translation
in Wordfast or when copying it to Notepad++ A
colleague of mine checked the file for me and told
me about these "extras" which should not
Dinny Mar 14, 2009
CAT Tools Technical Help So this is it? If I refuse to use Trados, I cannot translate XML files? Errata corrige... Notepad was not the solution after all. It sure
LOOKED as if I had produced at translated XML
file, but when trying to open this XML file in a
browser it was not possible. Back to th
Dinny Mar 12, 2009
CAT Tools Technical Help So this is it? If I refuse to use Trados, I cannot translate XML files? The solution is Notepad I received a very kind mail from my ProZ
colleague Lori, who had taken the time to test the
translation of an XML file with Wordfast. And the
final step to turn this translated file in W
Dinny Mar 12, 2009
CAT Tools Technical Help So this is it? If I refuse to use Trados, I cannot translate XML files? Thanks! Thank you all for your valuable input - I will
have plenty of stuff to go through and test for
the next few days and, hopefully, I shall find a
solution. And when/if I find a solution
Dinny Mar 12, 2009
CAT Tools Technical Help So this is it? If I refuse to use Trados, I cannot translate XML files? Thanks, Lori, will check these out as well! Thanks for your patience! Who knows, we might
eventually find the solution! ;-)
Dinny Mar 11, 2009
CAT Tools Technical Help So this is it? If I refuse to use Trados, I cannot translate XML files? Grazie, Giusi Will give Deja Vu a look also. My spirit is
uplifted by all these possibilities of NOT dealing
with Trados! ;-) Will let you know!
Dinny Mar 11, 2009
CAT Tools Technical Help So this is it? If I refuse to use Trados, I cannot translate XML files? Back quickly with bad news... No, Lori, renaming the file does not by miracle
turn it into an XML file. It might have "last
name" .xml, but it is still listed as a "text
document". Pity, it sounded like a fantastic i
Dinny Mar 11, 2009
CAT Tools Technical Help So this is it? If I refuse to use Trados, I cannot translate XML files? Wow, Lori, if it was simple as that! I really like the way you say "you simply rename
it".... could that be the solution of everything?
;-) There is no way to save the translated file as
an XML file... so you just "rename" it
Dinny Mar 11, 2009
CAT Tools Technical Help So this is it? If I refuse to use Trados, I cannot translate XML files? MetaTexis Thanks, Hermann, I will definitely give it a look!
Can it handle my TMs as well? Dinny
Dinny Mar 11, 2009
CAT Tools Technical Help So this is it? If I refuse to use Trados, I cannot translate XML files? Wordfast is my preference Hi Lori, Thanks for taking the time to reply!
:-) I actually prefer to do the translation with
Wordfast Classic and by means of PlusTools+ I can
tag/translate/untag the file... BUT, I ca
Dinny Mar 11, 2009
CAT Tools Technical Help So this is it? If I refuse to use Trados, I cannot translate XML files? Hi there, I am trying to solve a very specific
problem here: I want to be part of a project to
translate XML files. I work with Wordfast
Freelance. I have long ago tried Trados and
Dinny Mar 11, 2009
Italian Traslochi internazionali anyone? Meglio corriere che trasporti/traslochi internazionali Ciao Cecilia! :-) Traslocando dall'Italia a Creta
avevo pensato bene di farmi dare un preventivo da
una ditta di traslochi internazionali - ed una
volta ritirati i colli hanno aumentato i
Dinny Mar 10, 2009
Business issues How things are going in you language pair(s)? IT/DA has disappeared... I used to work mostly in the Italian/Danish
field... but since autumn last year most of my
clients just haven't got anything to offer.
Fortunately, I also do English/Danish and I have
Dinny Feb 21, 2009
Wordfast support HTML in Wordfast 6 Just ignoring it? When I work on pages full of tags, Wordfast just
ignore the tags and only show me what I need to
translate. That goes for most of it. Sometimes
though I get some tags in the middle of a
Dinny Feb 1, 2009
Danish Perioder uden opgaver - hvad bruger I tiden til? Fritid er noget møg, hvis den ikke kan organiseres! I november havde jeg for første gang hele 3 uger
uden nogen "ordentlige" opgaver, bare småpjat. Og
jeg begyndte faktisk at få lidt sved på panden,
for hvad nu hvis...? Jeg kunne jo bru
Dinny Dec 9, 2008 job systems Wrong wrong wrong to preclude providers on the basis of which software they use. About time to raise this subject! Thanks, Anthony, for starting this topic. I am
totally annoyed, too, when a job posting which I
am interested in is stating "you do not fulfill
the necessary requirements to bid on this jo
Dinny Dec 9, 2008
Italian Sono spariti tutti? Silenzio assordante Dalle agenzie italiane poco o niente da fine
luglio. Lo noto in particolare da agenzie con le
quali lavoro da 4-5 anni e che mi hanno sempre
inondata di lavori continuamente. Ad un tratto:
Dinny Nov 27, 2008
Poll Discussion Poll: Would you contribute to a cause like the Justin Chlebus Memorial Scholarship? Sorry! I beg your pardon - I didn't intend to "lecture"
anyone. I did express my very personal feelings
about this scholarship. I also never heard of
Kaibigan International. But I don´t f
Dinny Nov 23, 2008
Poll Discussion Poll: Would you contribute to a cause like the Justin Chlebus Memorial Scholarship? Sorry, I have never heard about it... ... and besides, I don't think this is a question
of getting even.

[Edited at 2008-11-22
21:27 GMT]
Dinny Nov 22, 2008
Poll Discussion Poll: Would you contribute to a cause like the Justin Chlebus Memorial Scholarship? Are we not the priviledged? I really think we are! We are blessed with brains
that can hold this extra language or two or three,
we can put it to work, we earn a decent income
from this. "Scholarships can never be
Dinny Nov 22, 2008
Poll Discussion Poll: Would you contribute to a cause like the Justin Chlebus Memorial Scholarship? Thanks! Real clever to put it as a poll question! I was
wondering how to keep up the awareness of this
scholarship since I, too, noticed that the amount
hasn't been increasing for a long time.
Dinny Nov 22, 2008
Safe computing Good news for a change: Spam falls drastically Funny, for me it's just the opposite I have been very proud of my Yahoo mail for a very
long time, spam was down to something like 1-2 per
WEEK, and occasionally I would see that a genuine
message addressed to me was the ONE
Dinny Nov 13, 2008
Danish Feedback fra brugere af Jeg vil gerne nedlægge en protestant! ;-) Desværre for sent for Jørgens møde, men jeg må
alligevel lige have dette her ud: Jeg har stort
set ikke brugt siden Gyldendals Røde
kom på nettet, men en gang imellem
Dinny Nov 13, 2008
Danish Kunde beder om "tax certificate" - i "hardcopy" Er vist noget "østeuropæisk" Jeg har selv haft samme forespørgsel fra et
bureau i Tjekkiet. Jeg tror, at de har ret
"snirklede" lovforskrifter, så de er nødt til at
bede om underskrevne eller attesterede kopier af<
Dinny Nov 9, 2008

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