新手想问口译在加拿大的市场? থ্রেড পোস্টার: Saisai Li (X)
| Saisai Li (X) কানাডা Local time: 01:27 ইংরেজি থেকে চাইনিজ/চিনা + ...
我在多伦多地区。最近考虑申请一个口译培训,这个机构连带分配一些社区工作。我感觉好像普通话在这边市场好像不大?我留意到广东话机会更多。因为培训也不少钱,所以现在有些犹豫 : / | | |
usva wrote:
我在多伦多地区。最近考虑申请一个口译培训,这个机构连带分配一些社区工作。我感觉好像普通话在这边市场好像不大?我留意到广东话机会更多。因为培训也不少钱,所以现在有些犹豫 : /
以前做一些加拿大那边的项目。如你所言,美加两地的广东话(Cantonese)被称为国语,一直以来都比普通话(Mandarin) 更有市场一些。这种现象直到大陆经济影响大至今日仍然没有根本改观。你要了解这方面的情况,不妨向Adsion咨询一下,他在那边时间很长,快成土著了,应该比较清楚你的问题。:)
[Edited at 2012-10-24 01:52 GMT] | | | ningyicai Local time: 13:27 চাইনিজ/চিনা থেকে ইংরেজি | Adsion Liu কানাডা Local time: 01:27 ইংরেজি থেকে চাইনিজ/চিনা + ...
2)不做口译:笔译可以全世界范围内接活,口译只能指定时间到达指定地点干活;需求不多并且加拿大的大城市一般都有华人服务中心,其中有语言好的义工提供免费口译服务 | |
Saisai Li (X) কানাডা Local time: 01:27 ইংরেজি থেকে চাইনিজ/চিনা + ... TOPIC STARTER
谢谢大家的指点啊!我也感觉到这一行本身选择范围就很小。而且大多是要法语的 == 没什么技术,现在找不到工作好愁好迷茫 唉。
我倒是看到最近有新闻说,各大医院等开始正式配置口译服务。不知道受雇于政府资助的机构能不能有一定的工作量…… 法庭口译呢?是不是得是特别特别难拿到那个certificate呢? | | | Igor Lee চীন Local time: 13:27 2012 থেকে সদস্য ইংরেজি থেকে চাইনিজ/চিনা + ... 加拿大的法语-汉语口译市场如何呢 | Oct 24, 2012 |
usva wrote:
谢谢大家的指点啊!我也感觉到这一行本身选择范围就很小。而且大多是要法语的 == 没什么技术,现在找不到工作好愁好迷茫 唉。
我倒是看到最近有新闻说,各大医院等开始正式配置口译服务。不知道受雇于政府资助的机构能不能有一定的工作量…… 法庭口译呢?是不是得是特别特别难拿到那个certificate呢?
USVA刚说到大多数要法语的,是不是加拿大法语-汉语互译的口译笔译需求比较大?或者说仅限于魁北克? | | | Saisai Li (X) কানাডা Local time: 01:27 ইংরেজি থেকে চাইনিজ/চিনা + ... TOPIC STARTER
Lee (CAT USER) wrote:
usva wrote:
谢谢大家的指点啊!我也感觉到这一行本身选择范围就很小。而且大多是要法语的 == 没什么技术,现在找不到工作好愁好迷茫 唉。
我倒是看到最近有新闻说,各大医院等开始正式配置口译服务。不知道受雇于政府资助的机构能不能有一定的工作量…… 法庭口译呢?是不是得是特别特别难拿到那个certificate呢?
不是的 , 是法语对英语。这里第二外语需求量最大的还是法语,我都想要不要学法语了,以前只学过短期培训 | | | Adsion Liu কানাডা Local time: 01:27 ইংরেজি থেকে চাইনিজ/চিনা + ...
usva wrote:
Lee (CAT USER) wrote:
usva wrote:
谢谢大家的指点啊!我也感觉到这一行本身选择范围就很小。而且大多是要法语的 == 没什么技术,现在找不到工作好愁好迷茫 唉。
我倒是看到最近有新闻说,各大医院等开始正式配置口译服务。不知道受雇于政府资助的机构能不能有一定的工作量…… 法庭口译呢?是不是得是特别特别难拿到那个certificate呢?
不是的 , 是法语对英语。这里第二外语需求量最大的还是法语,我都想要不要学法语了,以前只学过短期培训
[Edited at 2012-10-24 13:39 GMT] | |
Saisai Li (X) কানাডা Local time: 01:27 ইংরেজি থেকে চাইনিজ/চিনা + ... TOPIC STARTER
Adsion wrote:
usva wrote:
Lee (CAT USER) wrote:
usva wrote:
谢谢大家的指点啊!我也感觉到这一行本身选择范围就很小。而且大多是要法语的 == 没什么技术,现在找不到工作好愁好迷茫 唉。
我倒是看到最近有新闻说,各大医院等开始正式配置口译服务。不知道受雇于政府资助的机构能不能有一定的工作量…… 法庭口译呢?是不是得是特别特别难拿到那个certificate呢?
不是的 , 是法语对英语。这里第二外语需求量最大的还是法语,我都想要不要学法语了,以前只学过短期培训
我就在魁北克省,法语,除了日常生活和出去办事及偶尔接个电话之外,没觉得法语在哪儿比英语应用范围广来。 [Edited at 2012-10-24 13:39 GMT]
哈哈哈 我就是说说 肯定是不会马上就去做的 | | |
Lee (CAT USER) wrote:
usva wrote:
谢谢大家的指点啊!我也感觉到这一行本身选择范围就很小。而且大多是要法语的 == 没什么技术,现在找不到工作好愁好迷茫 唉。
我倒是看到最近有新闻说,各大医院等开始正式配置口译服务。不知道受雇于政府资助的机构能不能有一定的工作量…… 法庭口译呢?是不是得是特别特别难拿到那个certificate呢?
ProZ.com 于2011年3月提供了一次医学口译方面的培训课程。它对如何在美国各类医院机构从事现场口译作了详细讲解,并提供了获取相关口译资格也及相关注意事项方面的有用资讯。
Healthcare Translation & Interpretation in the USA
主讲人:Claudia Brauer(Claudia is a Sworn-Certified English↔Spanish Translator with 35 years of experience in the USA and Latin America.)
This 90-minute session will explain the profession of medical translators and interpreters in the USA. Healthcare interpreters and translators provide language services to healthcare patients with limited English proficiency, helping them to communicate with doctors, nurses, and other emergency room, medical and hospital staff, and convert into the target language the needed forms, brochures and other patient materials issued by hospitals, doctors’ offices and medical facilities.
This introduction will explain the basic elements to enter the growing field of medical interpreting and translation, understand the roles, responsibilities and boundaries, explore the challenges and ethical dilemmas, study specific techniques needed to ensure accuracy, and the concepts, skills and knowledge needed to pursue certification. It will also review the importance of medical terminology, as well as the legal environment created by HIPAA and Executive Order 13166 “Improving access to services for persons with Limited English Proficiency”.
Freelancers starting in the translation industry.
Experienced freelancers who want to work in the healthcare industry.
This course renders an introduction to the current state of healthcare in the USA and the growing need for translators and interpreters. It describes the requirements to work in the industry. Attendees will be able to decide if medical translation and interpreting is something they would like to pursue and, if so, the next steps to prepare for this growing field.
观看该视频可能会支付一点费用,你若有意了解详情,可与该版MOD Soledad Azcona 联系。
[Edited at 2012-10-25 00:55 GMT] | | | Saisai Li (X) কানাডা Local time: 01:27 ইংরেজি থেকে চাইনিজ/চিনা + ... TOPIC STARTER
James_xia wrote:
Lee (CAT USER) wrote:
usva wrote:
谢谢大家的指点啊!我也感觉到这一行本身选择范围就很小。而且大多是要法语的 == 没什么技术,现在找不到工作好愁好迷茫 唉。
我倒是看到最近有新闻说,各大医院等开始正式配置口译服务。不知道受雇于政府资助的机构能不能有一定的工作量…… 法庭口译呢?是不是得是特别特别难拿到那个certificate呢?
ProZ.com 于2011年3月提供了一次医学口译方面的培训课程。它对如何在美国各类医院机构从事现场口译作了详细讲解,并提供了获取相关口译资格也及相关注意事项方面的有用资讯。
Healthcare Translation & Interpretation in the USA
主讲人:Claudia Brauer(Claudia is a Sworn-Certified English↔Spanish Translator with 35 years of experience in the USA and Latin America.)
This 90-minute session will explain the profession of medical translators and interpreters in the USA. Healthcare interpreters and translators provide language services to healthcare patients with limited English proficiency, helping them to communicate with doctors, nurses, and other emergency room, medical and hospital staff, and convert into the target language the needed forms, brochures and other patient materials issued by hospitals, doctors’ offices and medical facilities.
This introduction will explain the basic elements to enter the growing field of medical interpreting and translation, understand the roles, responsibilities and boundaries, explore the challenges and ethical dilemmas, study specific techniques needed to ensure accuracy, and the concepts, skills and knowledge needed to pursue certification. It will also review the importance of medical terminology, as well as the legal environment created by HIPAA and Executive Order 13166 “Improving access to services for persons with Limited English Proficiency”.
Freelancers starting in the translation industry.
Experienced freelancers who want to work in the healthcare industry.
This course renders an introduction to the current state of healthcare in the USA and the growing need for translators and interpreters. It describes the requirements to work in the industry. Attendees will be able to decide if medical translation and interpreting is something they would like to pursue and, if so, the next steps to prepare for this growing field.
观看该视频可能会支付一点费用,你若有意了解详情,可与该版MOD Soledad Azcona 联系。
http://www.proz.com/translator-training/course/4306-healthcare_translation_interpretation_in_the_usa[Edited at 2012-10-25 00:55 GMT]
啊 真感谢你的info! 我还很玩不转Proz , 第一次请教大家真的好热情,万分感谢啦。我会多多研究学习的 | | | Rita Pang কানাডা Local time: 01:27 2011 থেকে সদস্য চাইনিজ/চিনা থেকে ইংরেজি + ... এই ফোরামের মডারেটর ...don't bother. | Nov 4, 2012 |
I'm also in Toronto, and have done a couple of consecutive interpretation sessions before. For some reason, rates in Ontario are by far the worse. I've never earned more than $25 an hour. When you think about it, that's very little money for a job of such professional calibre.
There's this organization called MCLS or something like that in Toronto which does a lot of interpreting services for various local organizations and ontario courts. To work through them you have to earn a cer... See more I'm also in Toronto, and have done a couple of consecutive interpretation sessions before. For some reason, rates in Ontario are by far the worse. I've never earned more than $25 an hour. When you think about it, that's very little money for a job of such professional calibre.
There's this organization called MCLS or something like that in Toronto which does a lot of interpreting services for various local organizations and ontario courts. To work through them you have to earn a certificate through them first. The program costs about $1000 if I remember correctly. Then you gotta pass a bunch of tests, and then you'd be assigned a job (or two, hopefully). You get paid about $26 an hour. You can calculate the ROI/time ratio fingamajik on that one there.
In comparison, court interpreters in BC earn about $40 an hour. Still low if you ask me.
As Adison said, in Toronto it's increasingly UNCOMMON to speak only English. Most of my friends speak at least two fluently. A lot of people are happy to offer their services on a voluntary basis...and you just can't compete against free interpreters
usva wrote:
James_xia wrote:
Lee (CAT USER) wrote:
usva wrote:
谢谢大家的指点啊!我也感觉到这一行本身选择范围就很小。而且大多是要法语的 == 没什么技术,现在找不到工作好愁好迷茫 唉。
我倒是看到最近有新闻说,各大医院等开始正式配置口译服务。不知道受雇于政府资助的机构能不能有一定的工作量…… 法庭口译呢?是不是得是特别特别难拿到那个certificate呢?
ProZ.com 于2011年3月提供了一次医学口译方面的培训课程。它对如何在美国各类医院机构从事现场口译作了详细讲解,并提供了获取相关口译资格也及相关注意事项方面的有用资讯。
Healthcare Translation & Interpretation in the USA
主讲人:Claudia Brauer(Claudia is a Sworn-Certified English↔Spanish Translator with 35 years of experience in the USA and Latin America.)
This 90-minute session will explain the profession of medical translators and interpreters in the USA. Healthcare interpreters and translators provide language services to healthcare patients with limited English proficiency, helping them to communicate with doctors, nurses, and other emergency room, medical and hospital staff, and convert into the target language the needed forms, brochures and other patient materials issued by hospitals, doctors’ offices and medical facilities.
This introduction will explain the basic elements to enter the growing field of medical interpreting and translation, understand the roles, responsibilities and boundaries, explore the challenges and ethical dilemmas, study specific techniques needed to ensure accuracy, and the concepts, skills and knowledge needed to pursue certification. It will also review the importance of medical terminology, as well as the legal environment created by HIPAA and Executive Order 13166 “Improving access to services for persons with Limited English Proficiency”.
Freelancers starting in the translation industry.
Experienced freelancers who want to work in the healthcare industry.
This course renders an introduction to the current state of healthcare in the USA and the growing need for translators and interpreters. It describes the requirements to work in the industry. Attendees will be able to decide if medical translation and interpreting is something they would like to pursue and, if so, the next steps to prepare for this growing field.
观看该视频可能会支付一点费用,你若有意了解详情,可与该版MOD Soledad Azcona 联系。
http://www.proz.com/translator-training/course/4306-healthcare_translation_interpretation_in_the_usa[Edited at 2012-10-25 00:55 GMT]
啊 真感谢你的info! 我还很玩不转Proz , 第一次请教大家真的好热情,万分感谢啦。我会多多研究学习的 ▲ Collapse | |
Saisai Li (X) কানাডা Local time: 01:27 ইংরেজি থেকে চাইনিজ/চিনা + ... TOPIC STARTER
对,我说的就是这个mcis。 后来咨询了一下那里的中国老师,真的是没什么活儿。除非是法庭口译倒是很缺人才。所以这个计划先暂时搁浅一下吧。Rita Pang wrote:
I'm also in Toronto, and have done a couple of consecutive interpretation sessions before. For some reason, rates in Ontario are by far the worse. I've never earned more than $25 an hour. When you think about it, that's very little money for a job of such professional calibre.
There's this organization called MCLS or something like that in Toronto which does a lot of interpreting services for various local organizations and ontario courts. To work through them you have to earn a certificate through them first. The program costs about $1000 if I remember correctly. Then you gotta pass a bunch of tests, and then you'd be assigned a job (or two, hopefully). You get paid about $26 an hour. You can calculate the ROI/time ratio fingamajik on that one there.
In comparison, court interpreters in BC earn about $40 an hour. Still low if you ask me.
As Adison said, in Toronto it's increasingly UNCOMMON to speak only English. Most of my friends speak at least two fluently. A lot of people are happy to offer their services on a voluntary basis...and you just can't compete against free interpreters
| | | Rita Pang কানাডা Local time: 01:27 2011 থেকে সদস্য চাইনিজ/চিনা থেকে ইংরেজি + ... এই ফোরামের মডারেটর Apparently there's a huge demand | Nov 5, 2012 |
Usva, you probably remember that case of Chen Wang (China town supermarket owner) who did a "citizen's arrest" back in the day. Apparently one of the reasons it dragged on for so long was because there were only 2-3 certified interpreters of Cantonese-English (or maybe Mandarin, can't remember) IN ALL OF ONTARIO.
i remember when that bit of news came along I was looking into MCIS, and then i decided not to move further with them. They were selling themselves as someone who can train... See more Usva, you probably remember that case of Chen Wang (China town supermarket owner) who did a "citizen's arrest" back in the day. Apparently one of the reasons it dragged on for so long was because there were only 2-3 certified interpreters of Cantonese-English (or maybe Mandarin, can't remember) IN ALL OF ONTARIO.
i remember when that bit of news came along I was looking into MCIS, and then i decided not to move further with them. They were selling themselves as someone who can train you in court interpretation. In the session i went to there were a fair share of Chinese in attendance. I still dont understand how if they claimed that they do "court interpretation certification" that there could only be "2-3 certified interpreters in Ontario".
Now maybe the media was just grossly misinformed. But that was sort of it for me.
As the others said you're much better off with translation - more opportunities that way. I can attest to that one for sure.
usva wrote:
对,我说的就是这个mcis。 后来咨询了一下那里的中国老师,真的是没什么活儿。除非是法庭口译倒是很缺人才。所以这个计划先暂时搁浅一下吧。 Rita Pang wrote:
I'm also in Toronto, and have done a couple of consecutive interpretation sessions before. For some reason, rates in Ontario are by far the worse. I've never earned more than $25 an hour. When you think about it, that's very little money for a job of such professional calibre.
There's this organization called MCLS or something like that in Toronto which does a lot of interpreting services for various local organizations and ontario courts. To work through them you have to earn a certificate through them first. The program costs about $1000 if I remember correctly. Then you gotta pass a bunch of tests, and then you'd be assigned a job (or two, hopefully). You get paid about $26 an hour. You can calculate the ROI/time ratio fingamajik on that one there.
In comparison, court interpreters in BC earn about $40 an hour. Still low if you ask me.
As Adison said, in Toronto it's increasingly UNCOMMON to speak only English. Most of my friends speak at least two fluently. A lot of people are happy to offer their services on a voluntary basis...and you just can't compete against free interpreters
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